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Subject: Re: long time no see

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Date Posted: 01:37:33 05/27/01 Sun
In reply to: bamb 's message, "long time no see" on 11:47:41 05/22/01 Tue

dear bamb,

thanks for leaving such a long message at my lonely message board. yes i remember last year around time we started our icq communication online and i even chat to u at my office when my boss was beside talking to me! we were so excited to talk to each other directly by icq and at that time, we have no idea of how we look. u know, i used to imagine u a feminine and somehow "elegant" woman, hahaha, of course the reality is just the opposite!!! but anyway, we soon become "family members", not just good friends, after u returned to hk. we deveolped a super fast and in-depth friendship, so fast that we both found it astonishing. this is not our way but maybe, we did have some past connections beyond this life so that makes us "warm up" so quickly.

lately, i was very exhausted by my job and i found myself become so insensitive of others feelings and i threw temper at my closest friend (my mom is lucky she's away from hk). and i was unable to care and even think of my friends. my body is exhausted and my mind is lost. but dont worry, the craziest time is over and i have made up my mind to quit this job at the end of june and start my holiday in july. after yesterday's rest, i'm much better now. i tidied up my home today and i'm about to refresh my mind and hopefully i want to spend more time on friends this week. during 2 months, i was so occupied by my own problems and i dont have time to care and to hear abt my friends, and also, i find myself not "updating" my information for nearly 1 month, i know there're friends around me who really care abt me and want to know what's going on. sorry, when i am too tired and stressed, i cannot behave like a normal person. and i just throw temper at ppl who care most abt me. i think i can have more free time in the coming week, so let's find some time to drink or to have dinner.

and for ur appearance, yes... i do think u need some kind of improvement or "refinement" to make urself more "marketble", afterall, for normal interactions, we first "see" and then "feel", rite? if u need any help from me, i'm glad to go shopping with u haha!

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