Date Posted:08:28:05 06/21/04 Mon Author: Raven Subject: Nevermore. In reply to:
's message, "*Walking Alone with a Thinking Mind*" on 15:41:49 06/19/04 Sat
Far away from where SunStar lay, near the start of Icefire River, a howl is left out, speading through out this area and the borders of more. The owner of the howl is a young wolf with black fur, though a red-purple mark like that of a two lines coming into a point - ">" - with a dot at the end of the first line - '> - and strange purple eyes.
Raven was tired of the pack and had chose to go find something more to do. After that talk with Goldearth, he felt like just hurting something. Above him, a raven flew, crying out not a then as it followed the black wolf. It had starting up after Raven had howled at his arrival into the area. He snapped at it a few times, but ever told it to be quit. That was one of the reasons it still cried. However, as they moved on, the raven grew quiet and seemed to ger fustrated. "I could care less what you think, Shadow, so just go away for now," the young wolf growled. the raven looked at the wolf from a branch and then flew off.
As Raven walked on, he sudden picked up the sent of a wolf he knew not. He growled slightly as he slowly moved to the direction the sent came from. After a while, he notices comething peachiesh. He walks closer, soon relizes it's the wolf he was tracking. He almost laughs alound, but keeps it to himself. "One should never left up in this place," he suddenly commits.