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Date Posted: 11:12:43 09/09/01 Sun
Author: Owner
Subject: New Lands, New Stallions, A Royal Herd.......what more could you want? Explore the Realm of Oasis...

Behold a land, a land far away from all that is dear and familiar. A land of lush grass and clear, unspoiled water. A land where horses run free, free as the day God put them on this earth. Where stallions keep herds and where foals run free. Where horses live without fear of human threat. Where horses dare to dream of a life without worry, without problems other then the ones they make with each other. Atop a hill, a white steed is seen. He is none other then Eternal Flame, the ruler of this realm, who has watched these lands for a long time and will for many years still.....until he has chosen a Queen and born an heir to take over the kingdom. The white steed rears, a dominant cry emitted on the wind. When he lands, he turns and races off across the cliff, his call still echoing through the lands, seeming to say.......

...Dare to dream and follow your destiny...
...That is, if you're brave enough...

Enter The Realm Of Oasis

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