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Date Posted: 09:45:57 12/17/01 Mon
Author: Whisper of Wind
Subject: ...::: Welcome to the Untamed World :::...

Your body aches from your journey, your limbs ready to give out underneath your frame. Yet your soul stirs you onward, and unsure why, but drudge on you must. Just as you struggle to the top of a large rise in the land, your eyes widen at the sight before you.

A majestic valley spreads before you, rising with mountians and hills, dipping low with caverns and plains. Rivers and streams fork out from a cascading waterfall, spreading the cool crystaline liquid through out the lands.

You close your eyes, elated that you have found this paradise. A harsh whinny causes you to open them once again, and before you stands a powerful dual-toned beast. He nods to you then spins upon his muscular haunches, thundering down into the lands, willing you to follow him...into the lands of the

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