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Subject: |~| Posiden Enters |~|

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Date Posted: 17:50:55 05/08/02 Wed

The sound of the drums echo though the dence folage. The sound becomes louder clear as he approches. He in all his radient glory comes barreling into view. The drums ,not drums the sound of the ferice beating of his gailent hooves. He tossed his well defined head and acrched his neck.Tresses of ebony fall wildly into his milk choclate brown orbs. He stops, eyeing you powerful muscles ripple beneath his sleak ebony pelt. He snorted and reared anouceing his prenance to all his onix hooves diceing though the air and seemingly the clouds He landed his hooves hiting in uneasin he awaits a greeting|

Dubbing (name): Posiden
Winters Seen (age):4
Hue (color): Black
Pigments (markings):none
Kin (breed): Fersian
Origin (gender): Stallion
Aptitude (height): 16.2 (guess, I'm not sure the height of fersains)
Temperment(attiude) He is strong minded, and strong bodyed. He will be submissive to thoes who out rank him. and Is by trait protective of foals. He is storng and doesn't think twice about a fight. He doesn't like being looked down apon by thoese of the same rank. He wants respect and does what is takes to earn it. He has never turned down a fight and is loyal to his alpha, his family and his herd .

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.The small grey mare trots up to him, "Hello." (NT)Reflections20:42:27 05/08/02 Wed

[FYI, it's "Friesian", and they run about 15-17 hh. -grin- I (heart) them muchly.] "Welcome," says a modest, yet regal, white stud. "Our Alpha is unavailable at the moment, but you are more than welcome to stay." (NT)Alabaster07:27:21 05/16/02 Thu

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