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Date Posted: 19:25:49 06/05/01 Tue
Author: Shaloin
Subject: Shals Demonside

*Standing in the library he reads through the book before him containing the history of the Dragonwing/Aruius Family..Aruius...his mothers name...his dead brothers name....the brother he killed..his eyes close..blinking back something..is it tears? no he is incapable of tears.he is incapable of love..for all he is like his father..a demon at heart with the body of a dragon...a thought runs through his mind of who drove him to this..who caused this much pain...MAJIK..his hands clench into fists,fingers hardening into steelhard talons...his eyes pearl white..his thoughts..~this one will die!~ he closes the book stepping out of the library,the door swinging closed behind him*

¤later in the catacombs below the manor Shaloin is in his sanctuary¤

*Standing in a fighters stance he proceeds to move through each fighting kata movement getting the procedure down right perfect...moving on he weilds Ven the demonsword with such precision as he cuts a fly in two as it buzzes by..this brings nothing to his face,this face void of expression,his eyes sparking with an inner power building up to blow up at anymoment some call it Hells touch that has ahold of him..he calls it determination..He will rid the world of this lich named Majik..even if it kills him..Kneeling he closes his eyes,his mind bespeaking his father..the cruel demonlord of the many pits of hell..in the present times people would call him the devil..in this timeline he is just a powerful demon..his father agging him on..giving him thoughts of Majik bedding Crystal..this rage building up to a greatness the black flames of hell erupt about his figure,his head bowed,chest heaving as he snarls..standing his hands having becomed taloned again he smashes one into a rock draining it of its elemental essence of earth he throws it to the cieling,leaping up and chasing it,roundhousing midair and kicking it into the far wall,shattering it..he lands in an easy crouch,the rage inside of him awakening WyldFyre..the demon inside this half demon coaxes shaloin bringing even more energy up from the earth to slash out at things ..disintegrating them..even now he isnt even at half strength..great lords help the poor soul that meets him when he is at full strength*

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