- +mare smiles, dipping head in greeting. Hello, Illusion. It is a pleasure to meet you.+ (NT) -- Dawn, 17:26:56 05/20/03 Tue
- ::stallion thinks for a moment and then continues. I'm glad you visited. It's about time you've visited some of your other relatives, apart from me. Mysterious Fire has a few offspring, I'm not sure if you guys met them. Freedom and Liberty the twins and their new daughter Justice. I'm sure Justice would love meeting others. She's never been outside of Rainbow Valley.:: (NT) -- Illusion, 17:04:17 05/21/03 Wed
- (intrigued) -- Blue Gold, 17:07:28 05/21/03 Wed
- :::follows::: -- Justice, 17:30:21 05/21/03 Wed
- |speaks| -- Emotion, 17:34:28 05/21/03 Wed
- :::uncle?::: -- Justice, 17:46:54 05/21/03 Wed
- |explanation| -- Emotion, 17:50:01 05/21/03 Wed
- :::grins::: -- Justice, 18:03:43 05/21/03 Wed
- |smiles| -- Emotion, 18:08:13 05/21/03 Wed
- +hello+ -- Dawn, 10:59:43 05/22/03 Thu
- :::new friends::: -- Justice, 11:02:30 05/22/03 Thu
- =greeting= -- Liberty, 11:04:36 05/22/03 Thu
- |well| -- Emotion, 18:36:23 05/22/03 Thu
- +fine+ -- Liberty, 08:04:10 05/23/03 Fri
- |speaks| -- Emotion, 21:34:51 05/23/03 Fri
- +that's okay+ -- Dawn, 10:19:23 05/24/03 Sat
- +approach+ -- MF, 10:25:58 05/24/03 Sat
- =pleasure= -- Liberty, 10:27:43 05/24/03 Sat
- ::speaks:: -- Illusion, 19:33:42 05/24/03 Sat
- +nods+ -- MF, 10:17:28 05/25/03 Sun
- +really?+ -- Dawn, 17:31:10 05/26/03 Mon
- |grins| -- Emotion, 17:52:25 05/28/03 Wed
- +smiles+ -- Dawn, 18:14:30 05/28/03 Wed
- |speaks| -- Emotion, 17:50:10 05/29/03 Thu
- +nothing+ -- Dawn, 17:56:22 05/29/03 Thu
- |well| -- Emotion, 17:36:44 05/30/03 Fri