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Date Posted: 11:49:51 10/19/01 Fri
Author: Lifestopper
Subject: Re: チソカ}エチォン...........IMPIETY
In reply to: Blue 's message, "Re: チソカ}エチォン...........IMPIETY" on 23:10:53 10/18/01 Thu

>>ァレエN・エチォンコュァ蠎ミ :
>>IMPIETY - new album
>ァレ釛ァAウ」ュキ|ヒンァヨヲウキsコミナ・。M ヲ]ャー IMPIETY
>Quoted from IMPIETY Hellsite:
>IMPIETY has lost our one and only lead guitar
>executioner Xxxul and unable to record the 3rd album
>this October.
>Xxxul quit barely 2 weeks before our flight without
>proper and logical justification has put the band in a
>really difficult position.
>All our flight bookings and studio bookings had to be
>cancelled as such.
>IMPIETY is now desperately in need for a full-time
>lead guitarist...and top priority given to any serious
>and capable demon around the South East Asian region
>(Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore,etc).
>All songs for the album are ready! We wish to head
>into the recording studio soonest a replacement is
>found! Relocation not necessary but must be willing to
>fly to Singapore for rehearsals. We can and will
>arrange your flight and accomodation. You must have
>all your gear ready.
>Just get in touch if you think you're serious,
>diehard, dedicated enough to establish a career with
>this barbaric hellish War Assault!
>Drop us an Email if you think you're the one:
>End quote-
>、jョaヲpェGサ{ャーヲロ、vーッZ。M 、」ウX、ケEヲロッ。T。T。T

ャオMソー_。ASADISTIC INTENTーヲThe Second Coming Of DarknessゥO~!?ヒンナヘェkケLョIキsヲ~ウ」・シ・イヲウ。Aウフ、jiォY、BツIョョァウ」ノN。AレサュモォYハ\ヲaweb-siteュモ live video、ァォ癸AエNァ・[キQナ・ハ\ヲaーヲキsコミ~!

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