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Date Posted: 07:05:16 07/14/01 Sat
Author: Rich and Amy
Subject: Saturday Update

Hi everyone,

You are not going to believe this, but Caelin gets out of the hospital today. Wow! Kids heal amazingly fast! We will be at The Children's House for about another six weeks. We will visit Dr. Gearhart at his clinic often, our first appointment being Monday. We got a wheelchair for her so we can at least go to the Inner Harbor or something to keep us sane! Caelin looks great, and feels great too!

Patrick arrived yesterday with Aunt Judy, Beth and Nanny. We were so happy to see some familiar faces! Uncle Rollo and Aunt Susan are coming Sunday too. Caelin feels like a superstar! She loves getting the packages in the mail from people and Dad sweats about where we are going to put all this stuff on the way home! It is great to see Patrick. Aunt Judy and the gang took really good care of him. I do have some questions though..........last night when we went to bed he kept saying, "Mom, I think I need some junk now, I need some!"......hmmmm.......slightly spoiled but still my boy!

Things are going great. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and thoughts. We will update you soon!

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