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Date Posted: 17:16:32 07/18/01 Wed
Author: Rich and Amy
Subject: Thursday update

Hi everyone,

We are keeping busy here in Baltimore. Uncle Rollo and Aunt Susan took us out to dinner so we finally got to try those famous crab cakes! It was wonderful to look at different scenery. The next night, cousin Karen had us over for a cookout. Her place is really nice and we had a great time. She is soooo good with the kids! ( Needless to say, when she babysat, Patrick spilled the beans that they were jumping on the bed!)

Caelin had a doctor's appt. on Monday and he said everything looks great. She gets her stiches out tomorrow at an appointment. We had a little scare tonight. She was leaking out of her belly, her belly was distended and she was in quite a bit of pain. When I finally got a hold of someone, they suggested flushing her out twice to discharge any mucus. It worked! I was really worried, but it all turned out alright. She was soon out of pain, and her belly went down........then I had a glass of merlot!!! I am not good in crisis mode!

Well, other than the doctor's tomorrow, there isn't much going on. Caelin loves the cards and letters (and emails). Uncle Kevin is coming Saturday morning to visit. I hear Becky is in town, we'll have to track her down.

Take care everyone!

Amy (Rich, Caelin, and Patrick)

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