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Date Posted: 10:10:25 07/20/01 Fri
Author: Rich and Amy
Subject: Exciting news!

Hey everyone!

Caelin had a good doctor's appointment today. They took her stitches out and everything looks really good. In about 10 days we will start to cath and things will start moving along.....

Today is only half over, but it was full of surprises! The Children's House often receives fundraising help from the Orioles, and they will be filming a commercial for an upcoming event, and they asked us if we wanted to go and meet the team! Cool! As if that weren't enough, Rich asked Dr. Gearhart if he had any pull in getting tickets because since Ripkin announced his retirement, it is hard to get them.....he offered to bring us to a game when the Red Sox are in town, and join him in his box! We just have to buy the beer....we knew we loved this man for a reason! Of course all of this has Caelin's spirits soaring (and Rich's too, of course!).

We go back to the doctor's next Thursday.......

Talk to you all soon!
Amy, Rich, Caelin and Patrick

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