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Date Posted: 23:36:35 09/25/01 Tue
Author: Andrea
Subject: a question

Ive always wanted Sims. I have SimPark *not that fun*. I went over to my friends house this weekend and we played sims. Im 12 *b-day is July 11*, I Sims seemed real cool! Well I just got a second ear pierced and im going on Staurday to get them taken out, so my mom said I could get Sims at the mall then. Well I was looking on the sims website (www.thesims.com) and I was looking at some of the families, well they had a photo album on one I was looking at and I looked on it. Well the first pick had them all in a hot tub. Well I had played Sims at my friends, they went in the hot tub and they were in a swim suit kinda thing, well the person showed another pic, and there were 4 of them in a circle, and they were all butt naked. I mean butt naked, everything there. I mean i wouldnt really mind *I wouldnt perefer but...* but my mother, she wouldnt want my sister to play it, she would return it because my sister is 6 years old, and she has to play every game I get, so she would just say she wanted to get on all the time, and so ya know? Is there really anything like that? I mean a saw on one site it said something about Livin' Large not being appropriate, that may be what she had, the worst thing my friend said that happend was two men kissing without her clicking anything ;) lol. PLEASE answer.

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[> re: a question -- Johnna, 22:28:39 09/26/01 Wed

Andrea, when U first get the game, it doesn't show them , if they are going to the bathroom, or taking a shower, it covers it. You would have to change it to see all of that stuff. I hope I helped! There is also a cheat to getting more money(I just thought I'd tell U). To get a thousand more dollars, press ctrl, shift, and c at the same time, a grey box at the top will appear. Type rosebud If you want to get more than a thousand dollars, do the same thing, except type rosebud !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!; you can do the !; as many times as U want, the more !; , the more money! I hope I helped!

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[> [> Thanx -- Andrea, 22:32:48 09/26/01 Wed

Thanx! Thats what I thought, but I wasnt sure. Also thanx 4 the money cheat, my friend showed me that 2 ;), but thanx ne ways. Bye :)

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