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Date Posted: 05:31:31 10/13/01 Sat
Author: Andrea

As always, im complaning, lol. This time im really mad, its just not going to be my year. (Hope you dont get offended, cuz im just im a realllllllyyyyyyy bad mood today, and so ive got to talk about it to someone :), I know that my life isnt the worst, and probably never will be as bad as the family's that lost friends, family members, or themselves, so please consider that im NOT in a good mood at all!). Well it all started out that I went to school, and as my teacher must say, im late. Then he goes on about everything, stories, which I usually dont mind, because then class time is shorter, but oh NO not talking with my teacher. Then I went to engligh and my prompt I had to finish writing was saved on the computer, since I chose to type mine. Anyways my friend, Brandy got on one, and I got n the other, all I had to do was do a spell check, and print it. So I got under open, and it wasnt there, it didnt even have the document names up, (mind that these are the crappy apple computers =[), so anyways I looked at Brandy's choosen computer and asked, "can I see that a minute." and since she was almost done, she let me, so I looked at hers, and she enough, my prompt was on there. Now engligh would be better, IF our real teacher came back. My least favorite substitute had to fill in for the real teacher cuz she was havin a baby. So I told her that I could not get my prompt up on this computer and all, so she was just fussing about it, and then she asked me, well did you goto File-Save As, or File- Save. Well I have (and always have) used Windows computers, in which im typing on now, crappy thing, so anyways shes like "I always tell you not to save it under Save as, youll just have to start it again.", so I was like, ill just get on another computer *cough* FREAK :). So anyways I got on there, got on Apple Works, and it said, Not enough memory to run Apple Works, so I was like "uhhhhh", all I needed to do was Spell Check and Print, how hard can that be, well hard enough to get me a MAJOR headache. So I told her bout it, and she had another big fuss and all, but finally it took me 5 minutes if that to type it. All on top of this, one of my best friends, that is going out w/ someone, well this kid in my class found out and told like everyone in the class, and I have a bad temper, so I yeld at him. And in Music, we got to play Music/Football Bingo, how fun, but anyways the kid named John was like NOT shutting up. So when one person would talk, he would be like "why wont everyone shut up!!??" so when he said this-"The person that wins should just sit down and be quite!", so I said real loud, (i didnt mean to, I was just really mad before half the day was over), so I said "Well then I hope you win!!" And then our teacher said we could move desks, but we never did, and hes been saying that for a week. So at recess he said that his class would goto the math teachers room, so I went there, and then he just like made me feel really stupid by saying to goto his room cuz he never said for me to go here. I was like "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" lol. So anyways we had math (good), and science (ohhh lovely science!, really its true) This is where Im in a group with Dylan, and.......Josh. He is really nice, and I really like him, thats why I also like science!!! lol! Im kinda in a better mood now, I guess. I always feel better when talking to you people, no matter how much (or how little), you read or like this. But I know it bores you to death, but it really makes me feel better. Anyways after school I was getting on sims and I downloaded this big house, but I culdnt buldoze it and all, it made me mad, and my computer is messed up, but at that time I didnt know that was the probablem, so I uninstalled sims because I tried everything the had under the help file on the official site. So now my house's are all gone, at least my downloads still saved, I cant wait to see how thrilled my sister will be when she gets on sims and sees her house gone. And to make it worse, it wasnt Sims that was messing up, it was my computer, grrr!! I did that all, lost all my houses, for nothing, nothing at all. Great. Well after talking to ya guys, it made me feel alot better, so remember next time you see me ranting on of how my life is really bad and all, remember how good it makes me feel in the end!! :).

Sorry if it seems kinda long for a sim message, but oh well :).


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[> Hi, Andrea. Reading your post makes me soooooo glad that I`m not at school anymore, but remember that they do say they`re the best years of your life :0) -- ., 19:13:37 10/16/01 Tue

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[> [> Thanx :) -- Andrea, 21:53:43 10/17/01 Wed

Thanx, school makes me really mad, well last year, and all the other years, I had a really good time, but this year, uhh, I dont really like any of the teachers and all, and Its just really bad, but at least I know im not the only one :)

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