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Date Posted: 08:16:46 12/05/01 Wed
Author: Neptune
Don't be so mean!
In reply to:
Loopy Lou
's message, "Oh my gawd!!!!!!!!1" on 13:11:18 12/04/01 Tue
Hey, that's stupid! American people are no diferent than the British. loads of people came from England to live in America, read history books will ya'. I'm British, and I don't think there anything wrong with Americans, they brought us F.R.I.E.N.D.S! They don't always moan, you're moaning at the moment, and Mellie is right, you're making British people look bad, or if you're not British, wherever you come look bad. What you said is really Raceist, they're all people, like us. We're all the same really.
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Harsh aren't we ...... -- Petzkid, 15:57:04 12/05/01 Wed
Your so mean going on about Amarican's !!!!!!!!!!!!!
How would like it if they started picking on u. I may be English but your so ******** mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Shut it! -- Loopy Lou, 20:34:06 12/06/01 Thu
Shut it ok you don't know what me and my friends gracey, hothannah and kate have been through with these americans so your in no position to judge me bitches.
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Sorry then! -- Neptune, 22:21:31 12/07/01 Fri
O.K, so maybe I was wrong yelling at you like that. That's just being silly. But I still don't think you should be rude about Ameicans. Some people in the world are mean, but that doesn't meen to say all of their country is! I'm saying sorry, and I hope you will too. We not in any postion to jude you, true, but you shouldn't judge the whole of america either! I'm trying to make peace here, so if you slag me of, or are rude then you ARE stupid. i'm onley trying to help. If others are horrid to you, that's not my problem, or yours, it's theirs. Now all the other 'Bitches' as you said, don't you say I'm siding with 'Loopy Lou' It isn't about sides, I'm trying to do the best for both points of veiw
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Thanx and sorry -- Loopy Lou, 19:20:10 12/09/01 Sun
Thanx a lot for that apology and I'm really really sorry too. You seem like a nice person and I'm sorry if I offended you. Oh and by the way you'd make a great hippie. PEACE TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
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That's O.K -- Neptune, 18:40:15 12/11/01 Tue
You're welcome! You seem nice to, well, I didn't think so befor, but now I do! :) You didn't offend me atall by the way! But I do get offended easaly, so you were lucky on that one!! But I think we were a bit quick to judge you, as maybe you were about Americans? Anywy, you should hear some of the things I come out with when I'm angry!lol I hope we can be friends now. What you sadi about peace, I agree with that!! I hate fighting, any type.
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Hi Neptune -- Loopy Lou, 20:39:53 12/11/01 Tue
Hi Neptune,
My email address is Cyberpheebs_3@hotmail.com. What's yours? Well speak to ya soon.
From Loopy Lou.
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Hi! -- Neptune, 21:17:07 12/11/01 Tue
Heya Loopy Lou
My E-Mail is geh.benjamin@btinternet.co
It might not work, sometimes it doesn't, you just hve to wait a while.
From Neptune
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Alright then -- Loopy Lou, 18:35:43 12/12/01 Wed
From loopy lou.
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