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Cyber Internet Cafe Software / Internet Cyber Cafe Software / WiFi HotSpot Cafe : MyCafeCup - take control of your internet cybercafe. Explore to get the new cybercafe management strategies, flexible marketing plans, billing and more easily than ever. MyCafeCup has many unique features optimized for PC rental business. Download MyCafeCup now, then you will get much more of your free time.
MyCafeCup is a software solutions for the operation of an Internet Cyber Cafe or PC rental system. Designed primarily for Cyber Internet Cafe business and also can be used to control the PCs on your intranet. System functions and user interface has been designed to be easy to use with little or no experience in the computer industry. The software allows you to set up various marketing plans for each user to chose from.
MyCafeCup is Client / Server application which allows you to easily manage and monitor all client machines status remotely from the Server in on-line and in real time. Administrators can just monitor or manage the things at clients easier from the server, such as shutdown, reboot, force the user to log-out, see the running applications, etc ....
MyCafeCup has a high security to prevent the un-authorized users access to your client computers, so just grant access to your customer individually. By creating username/password accounts with the ability to charge the user in various terms.
We invite you to have a look at all that MyCafeCup has to offer. Download a copy of the evaluation edition and check out all the features.
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