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Subject: Create New Familiarity with Effective, Efficient Offers | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 14:54:50 04/27/23 Thu Though customer integration won't bring instant riches, it connects consumers' lives to retailers by building incremental success & reciprocal benefits. It optimizes customers' conditions with customized advantages beyond generic 'What's In It For Me?' offers of trading products & money. After observing local successful advertising, check marketers’ social-media & mass-media outreach for examples of integration with people’s lives. Even if you refuse integration, make advantage offers like urgent care prescriptions including: 1) indications: understanding what to solve &/or prevent; 2) contraindications: determining what not to use or stop doing; 3) prognosis: expectations to determine if treatments are effective & complete. Insightful knowledge makes offers advantageous, so customers confidently, comfortably do necessary things to optimize long-term advantages. Comfort Is Added Value Naturally comfortable emotions can seem logical because they feel compatible. What makes your offers fit so naturally in customers' lives, anything less wouldn’t make sense? How can you make results completely advantageous? Advantage offers bring as much satisfying accomplishment as customers can afford. Favorite authors/performers understand fans & magnetically attract people who feel naturally comfortable connections. Even if their criteria are nonverbal, fans' devotion feels so deeply vital, they defend its relevance. Customer integration offers connect to & protect what people want to preserve, add value to or create. When people experience benefits through viewing, hearing &/or reading creators’ samples, nascent connections start bridging gaps. People want to complete & maintain those connections to avoid losing those gains. When you integrate your store into people's lives, there's value people don't want to lose. Offer Knowledge to Create New Familiarity Unfamiliarity seems uncomfortably threatening enough to disintegrate people's achievements. People cling to comfortable, familiar things, so explain how offers connect effectively, efficiently with people's lives. Ill-advised familiar things can feel "objectively" &/or subjectively compelling because people equate familiarity with safe expectations. People might prefer familiar stressors over uncertainties. Progress could bring relief but entails confronting unknowns. Mixed (Yes? Maybe?) emotions disrupt people's commitments to benefit creation & maintenance. Consider how uncertainties affect approach/avoid (accept/reject) dynamics of interpersonal rapport & reputations. Build your reputation & rapport (reasons to purchase) by decreasing uncertainties. People avoid stress of potentially foolish mistakes by rejecting uncertain challenges that threaten internal peace (self-rapport). Case study testimonials & descriptive risk-reversal (refund/exchange) offers can inspire comfort by settling uncertainties. I don’t mean ‘Product $32 with 30-day return policy’. Product returns are energy/time-consuming hassles. Advantage offer descriptions help people with cognitive labor by clarifying purchase decisions. Explain how advantageous products achieve goals, so product returns are only necessary for defects. Offer Example: ‘Before storms hit, (advantage) seems optional. Prevention preserves your (benefit) so you don’t need to deal with problems or hassle with insurance adjusters. (Store) inspires comfort & confidence with these product & service criteria: __. What are your criteria for (result)? Whether you've set (advantage) goals or want guidance, (Store) has information & advice about goal-setting & achievement plus optimal product choices. Discounters profit by taking money from people who tolerate low-quality standards. Do discounters conform to your criteria? (Store) offers necessities for (advantage) goals. Defective products can be returned for refunds or exchanges. Now it’s up to you to accept this offer, so you can confidently experience (advantage). Will you choose a product supplier & service collaborator like (Store)?’ Cognitive labor can become cognitive friction for consumers having insufficient information & insights to optimize labor. Suboptimal methods, tools & materials lead to excessive effort wearing people down like friction. People think decisions are wrong if energy, time &/or products are wasted. Criteria can predetermine potential waste plus preserve resources. It’s easy to think good decisions bring good processes & results. "Good" is a contextual judgment, so help people recognize contextual criteria. People might give up or deviate from plans if unrealistic project criteria indicate failure. Since people tend to rationalize emotional purchases, explain logical justifications for desires & prices. Add logic for comparing competitive offers plus avoiding buyers' remorse. Customer integration includes the logic of 'Let's be sure we create & maintain the right advantages' so customers are assured they won't regret purchases. Potential regrets can establish tipping points away from your offers. Don't expect people to make tipping points favor you; you're responsible for establishing emotional & logical tipping points. Explain pleasures plus pain reductions, so people will know what they'll lose if they don't buy from you. Successfully Prepare For Safety & Danger If prevention/solution attempts &/or opportunity fulfillments are misperceived as successful, failures might not be perceived until second chances aren’t practical. If second chances are possible after preventions & solutions fail, people might await literal or perceptual storms passing &/or product availability. “Storms” could be whatever diminishes results, wastes investments &/or obstructs recovery. As people succeed, confidence preserves personal reserves. Failures undermine reserves, so people lose confidence & are unmotivated to risk anything. Would better products & methods produce resilient enough advantages to encourage people to try again? What would be people's resilience criteria? Which case study testimonials would demonstrate resilience? You can create case study projects for publicity & easy confirmation. Which businesses & consumers would work with you to produce resilient advantages? Steps could be recorded & you could offer insightful knowledge for adapting steps for people’s needs & abilities. Include what-ifs, so people recognize actions to do or avoid & to assure progress. If second attempts can be productive, people might not know whether to: 1) choose products according to current skills or available tutorials; or 2) check product availability to determine which skills to learn. Guide purchases & learning simultaneously based on needs & goals, so customers avoid delays by preparing themselves & conditions while opportunities can be optimized. People might prepare without defining full preparation. It isn’t pessimistic to consider what-ifs. Even if customers buy all supplies & plan optimal steps, what-ifs indicate when to ask for guidance about potential interruptions. Won't Get You There Since June 2022 without human stereotypes, we've extended Marshall Goldsmith’s bear salmon analogy about avoiding success delusion. When starting journeys, salmon might be optimal but only spawn once possibly because of genetics or self-sacrifice in suboptimal conditions. They seem to sense success in finding natal rivers & dash upstream without eating. They’re equipped for spawning but barely equipped for threats or obstacles. Anthropomorphized salmon might think they’re safer in shallow rivers between rocks where sharks & lamprey eels can’t attack from below. Salmon are optimized for swimming & males might fight others in water. Bears & birds grab fish from above. Salmon can’t escape those attacks by diving into river silt or turning in tight spaces. Though seized fish seem to fight, they’re trying to swim away which doesn’t work in air. Fish might successfully escape or fight bigger water-dwelling predators & expect similar future success. While swimming in rivers, salmon are in predators' familiar territory. Predators have evolved into riverbed territory, but salmon hatch, leave & return to spawn then die. Evolution is nature’s way of experimenting, optimizing & keeping what works. Learning about options improves survival but as conditions change, salmon don’t stay to explain life lessons to hatchlings. As discounters come & go, show how you & customers can adapt & thrive together. Jim Collins Offers Good Insights. His Hedgehog Concept is inspired by hedgehogs' effective self-protection against foxes. However, SUVs could hit rolled-up hedgehogs while foxes watch for threats & flee. While crossing highways, hedgehogs should be aware of other threats even during fox attacks. One method can fail against other threats if rolled-up hedgehogs become caked with mud & blinded while successfully resisting foxes. Testing & practice are vital to develop methods for changing opportunities & threats. Imperfect performances seem wasteful but appropriate unsuccessful attempts are better than perfect methods mismatched for conditions. Example: Bears catch salmon swimming over rocks. Could outdated, rolled-up retailers convince consumers there's nothing to fear in pursuing opportunities? Rolled-up retailers survive against big competitors until consumers want different offers. Hedgehogs might roll-up differently in wet weather or for nonlethal nuisances. It could be wise for hedgehogs to keep an eye open, listen & be sensitive to ground vibrations to monitor if foxes attack, leave or crowd around. Would walking away & monitoring for threats & opportunities be better than trying to run? Which weather conditions are threats or increase vulnerability to other threats? Which weather conditions reduce predators’ abilities? There are issues to consider in adapting Hedgehog Concept 3 circles based on conditions to achieve goals & prevent problems. What indicates conditions can’t be sufficiently suppressed or assets can’t be adequately adapted? How easily could vulnerabilities be decreased? Which criteria would reveal if efforts should be expended or suspended as vulnerabilities increase or fade? What would indicate too much &/or outdated reliance on established abilities? What indicates other options are necessary? Retailers might inadvertently discover their Hedgehog Concept 3 circles are effective. Without knowing reasons, it's hard to know how to increase effectiveness & efficiency. Insightful evaluation is better than luck. Resilience requires adapting resources & testing methods while conditions change. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2023 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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