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Subject: Specialist Retailers Observe Conditions & Help Customers Shape Experiences. | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 17:29:56 10/29/24 Tue Coaching increases valuable abilities by improving/adding techniques. Advantage offers can dramatically or incrementally advance people's effectiveness & efficiency. Advancements outweigh problems by tipping scales in customers' favor. Analogize balance scales by thinking how problems weigh customers down. As you add value to one side, leverage lifts weight from customers. Explain leverage & combine beneficial elements, so advantageous combinations lift weighty problems & stabilize lives. To push/lift loads, people need power & stability. While simultaneously battling issues, people push while being pushed from multiple directions, which disrupts balance & increases vulnerability. If levers break or slip, problems become worse. Leverage analogizes condition-altering resources for facilitating advantages. Help customers appropriately follow-through, so finalized efforts stabilize benefits. If any combined benefits fail, advantages deteriorate. While shedding loads, people might celebrate perceived relief & stability then switch to other issues. Success Delusion can disillusion people causing them to mistrust their judgment &/or businesses. Discuss expectations plus which partial indicators could be misinterpreted as completed success. Offer Example: 'Some stores publish product-price lists to imply cheap products sufficiently solve (problem). At (Store), let's explore insightful facts you need about (problem), products & techniques. Diagnostic checklists indicate troubles & guide your remedies. Use (Store) checklists to review current & needed resources. Your order will be processed for products & planning while (Store) business teammates guide you in confidently finalizing other projects. Avoid stress. Increase productivity. Enjoy favorite activities.' Avoid or Escape Whether problems invade like parasites or overpowering predators, people need insightful information about advantages & disadvantages. Since surrounding conditions seemingly close-in like predatory packs, customers need escape methods/routes. Which advantages do you offer for safety & victory? Compatible modules & interdependencies interlock to create/maintain value. Exciting innovation offers spur purchases until people realize their skills, products & problems are incompatible. Despite fitting people's knowledge, skills & other criteria, modular & interdependent products can badly interact or inadequately integrate. Unclear purposes & fulfillment plans can bring unwanted results, whether circumstances & resources are incompatible or interact well. Experiential incompatibilities arise from moral, result/expectation, need/desire or other inconsistencies. Plan projects with refined purposes & appropriate resources to help customers avoid failures from incompatibilities & faulty preparations. Since June 2022, we've avoided human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon while extending Marshall Goldsmith’s analogy to avoid success delusion & spawn insights. If natural population maintenance doesn't work without exceeding resources & abilities, salmon can adopt & adapt external best practices. Coaches noticed male birds & insects attract females with colors & sounds. Salmon spawn once, so males didn't know which external best practices could work better. When coaches helped males add sounds & colors, bears noticed & ate more salmon. Surviving males didn't attract females that look for nesting spots without noticing males. External practices didn't help males release milt. Though bears caught more males, a misguided minority fulfilled duties after barely avoiding predators. Fewer males fought each other & more females nested eggs. For public relations & reputation repairs, coaches adjusted criteria & claimed success because some clients succeeded. Birds & insects attract mates because they need direct contact. Female salmon choose places, not mates. Males just show-up & release milt. Dating app developers tried influencing salmons' preferences without learning species requirements. It's like discounters claiming success because customers finished projects, though many customers are disappointed with long-term results. Retailers can observe conditions & compare niche members' practices to case studies. Retailers should find causes & effects to help customers repair damage & fill gaps. Discounters fulfill minimal customer satisfaction criteria & hope nobody notices problems reemerging. Offer Example: '(Store) offers guidance for long-term protection & productivity. Discounters let you hold a few dollars, but since trouble remains, you'll need more money to repair damage & create what you need for future protection. At (Store), let's explore expectations, then identify necessary products & practices for progress & preservation.' Increase Your Niche Understanding. As more problems arise before others are solved, people feel they're losing control. As consumers use cheap products to gain, then lose temporary control, discounters profit when people buy additional inadequate products as replacements. This prolongs dissatisfaction despite intermittent, insufficient relief. When problems feel like ever-pursuing predators, escape is temporary. As fatigue increases, people perceive ill-defined problems as bigger threats. Low-quality might enable temporary evasion. High-quality escape isn't excessive. "Too much" is better than "too little". Full problem/opportunity & product explanations should build enthusiasm. Zig Ziglar advocated salespersons' enthusiasm because enthusiasm can be decreased without disaffecting prospects. Ziglar's analogy: During a man's shortcut across a pasture, a bull chased him. After feeling "bull breath", the man over-jumped for a tree branch, but caught it on his way down. If prospects dislike enthusiasm or long explanations, catch them on the way down with high-priority subheads & summaries. Integrate Your Business with People's Productive Tendencies & Guide Maximization Practices so People Preserve Progress. As I analogize predators, it may seem I'm exaggerating problems. Let's consider how stress magnifies people's perceptions of problems. Multiple familiar problems are troublesome. People are often distracted while learning to contend with unfamiliar, identified problems. (Example: Clogged pipes are obvious. Combined chemicals & microbes become indistinguishable sludge.) When unidentified problems strike, subconscious minds search in simultaneous directions for memories & external condition comparisons. This following run-on sentence demonstrates how preoccupied people are. While conscious minds juggle identified issues, subconscious minds insert potential definitions of unsolved, growing problems with likely remedies that somewhat worked for possibly similar troubles. Unidentified problems are like shadows possibly indicating/exaggerating threat shapes & sizes. When people feel outnumbered or vulnerable, problems seem like threats/predators. Limited resources are wasted on misjudged abilities & unidentified problems if an uninformed consumer can afford one attempt. Conditions Affect What's Efficacious Against Predators & Prey. (This analogy is partially scientific. I'll connect it to marketing. I don’t understand all human sensitivities, so I analogize to avoid stereotypes. I'm not dehumanizing people, please don't be offended.) Reptile & amphibian predators attack moving prey. If insects & small animals don't move, these predators don't attack. I've heard frogs would starve if they were put in containers among freshly killed flies. If you'd put a frog in a container & drop in flies as you'd kill them, that frog could starve unless falling is perceived as movement. Like humans waiting for justification, frogs only flick sticky tongues for attractive food. They don't have hands for removing inedible crud, which would be removed internally. Though you've stuck-out your tongue & bought inventory, niche members don't want to be stuck with useless stuff & have different standards for sticking tongues out. What about offers would cause people to change standards, behaviors & schedules? Are consumers hungry enough? Are they motivated to fight/escape from hungry predators? Human attention is drawn like prey & predators are naturally programmed to detect movements. If criteria aren't fulfilled, people & animals don't perceive any need to change behavior. Some predators don't move until prey is close to catch. Mice detect predators, then freeze, flee, or fight. You may've heard cornered mice fight because they can't escape. Dying or winning is how they end danger. By freezing, mice might avoid detection & survive long enough to pass genes to future generations. It's debatable whether threat responses are natural or nurtured. Threat perceptions influence whether people freeze/wait or reject offers. Advantage offers explain threats & how kits remedy &/or prevent damage/injuries. Perceptions don't guarantee optimal decisions, so consumers need interpretative guidance. Despite accurate problem diagnoses, you might overestimate severities based on customers' perceptions. Determine if customers should Zig or zag. If customers jump higher than necessary, they can catch problems on the way down. If enemies are comparatively small or seemingly vulnerable, mice can react naturally or respond based on learning experiences & observations. Would fighting end the problem? Would running be a temporary escape until predators attack again? Would delays/escape allow time for learning & planning or postpone inevitable trouble? If potentially bigger, stronger predators are perceived, there's limited time to mentally process responses. Natural reactions seem more expeditious, but possibly less effective. Mental processing delays moves, but could optimize responses. Processed responses could counterbalance/counteract severe predators/threats which are hard to predict & control. People react in personally habituated/natural ways depending on how preparations compare to perceived threats. People habituate/default to what feels productive & familiar. If you want consumers to accept unfamiliar offers, promote kits while people have time to process insightful knowledge which makes kits & benefits comfortably familiar. If problems are uncomfortably familiar, clarify details consumers may've forgotten or misinterpreted. Provide what people need for responding emotionally but logically. If people think it's too late to think logically, they'll probably react & take the easy way out (buy from discounters). People may act habitually, if freezing/staying-put seems logical. People won't stay to preserve or increase progress & benefits, if flight/abandonment seems logical. Inspire functional hope by explaining logical, emotionally satisfying advantages to attract consumers & preempt potentially inadequate choices. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. Your business's profit potential depends on how much value your market niche perceives in what you offer. They won't perceive any value unless they have a reason to think about it. It's why you need effective marketing. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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