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Subject: Louis steps into the mare barn, and walks over to Calamity Jane's stall...

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Date Posted: 19:18:27 06/08/01 Fri
Author Host/IP: dial-51.r4.ncreed.infoave.net/

She is due the 14th, and Louis feeds her a carrot as she looks her over. "How are we today, Calam?" She smiles, and turns. Soon, she returns with the grooming tray, and grooms the QH mare, then turns her out into the small paddock outside for exercise, as Louis cleans the stall. The windo to the stall is open, and Louis glances out every so often, checking on the mare. Soon finished, Louis whistles, and the mare trots over. "Come on girl. Feed time." She latches the window shut, pours the feed into the container, and fills the water bucket, before walking out, shutting the door, and repeating the procedure with her other mare Magik Trick. She walks out of the barn, and hops into her truck, then pauses for a moment, and gets back out. She walks over to the stallion barn, and grroms each of them, turning them out into the paddocks. She laughs as one after the other kicks up their heels, bucking playfully, then turns back to the job at hand. She feeds and waters each. Finally, she walks over to the foal barn, and checks on Dun N Gold, her QH filly. The filly whinnies and trots over to Louis, who is standing on the inside of the stall by the door. The filly leans against Louis, waiting to be petted. "Little missy, you are already spoilt." She laughs, and scratches the filly behind her ears, then feeds her, and takes her for a walk, training her on the halter.

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