Date Posted:18:50:09 06/29/04 Tue Author: Tonbo Wolffang Subject: Re: A lone Wolf drinks from the pond In reply to:
's message, "Re: A lone Wolf drinks from the pond" on 18:41:51 06/29/04 Tue
*Tonbo hadn't been paying to much attention to Sun action when she jumped on him and dunked his head into the water. As she gets off of his he quickly pulls his head out smiling as he does so.*
"Finally, so you do have some fight in you after all."
*He grins as she shakes her head and makes he comment. Of course being Tonbo sarcasm began to shout from his mouth.*
"I don't know... but that last attack would have never taken me down if I knew you were coming."
*His fur and eyes glow slightly as he waits hoping she makes her next move to show she really is going to give him what he wants.*
"Though, I didn't see it coming. I like that kind of back handed tactics Sun."