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Date Posted: 14:53:13 01/23/02 Wed
Author: Bronco II
Subject: *nickers happily also ignoring Pepsi's kick at him*
In reply to:
's message, "*walks over*" on 14:27:37 01/22/02 Tue
*he nuzzles Morning Glory and glances at Rage with a slight smile. She was the Alpha, but acted as the rest. Kind and caring were all his mares with the exception of one. Glares at Pepsi out of the corner of his eye. If he had to warn her one more time that was it.*
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Isnpiring Gaze -- ^*&¤Morning Glory¤&*^, 13:02:16 01/24/02 Thu
Shakes mane out and throws back visage in slight laughter then femme nickers as if to say to steed There is always a rotten apple in every good bunch. telling him that it was not Pepsi's fault that was the way she was, yet attitude adjustment was needed. Soft gaze is emmited towards Pepsi, then dial set femme goes back to grazing, nares watch over land.
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.: Tease :. -- Pepsi, 13:38:47 01/24/02 Thu
She shakes out her mane and rests her gaze upon the stallion with an almost cocky expression, teasing him. Or what, m'lord? You shall kick me out? She snorts loudly and paws at the ground, unearthing some flora and cropping at it.
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*snorts and takes a quick,swift, step to Pepsi -- Bronco II, 15:00:40 01/24/02 Thu
*he nips the air and nickers slightly to her. That was exactly what he would do. But if she would just lose the Attitude he would be more than generous to forget the whole thing happened*
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Holds Ground -- Morning Glory, 17:41:51 01/24/02 Thu
Ignoring the fight about her she mereley crops the grass, ears pricked forward and weight pushed back to haunches so that weight is not on forelegs, soon this postion is removed and femme raises visage, a bit of grass clinging to lower lip, muzzle extends torwards Bronco II, nicker is emmitted, calming steed. Nares serch bout then visage is lowerd back to grazing.
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.: Direct :. -- Pepsi, 11:19:16 01/25/02 Fri
How can I loose something that is part of me? Easy gaze held on stallion before being directed to Morning Glory. Fight is not aboutyou, newcomer. She ambles away across the frozen ground, black tail swishing about hocks with her movement.
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Rears -- Morning Glory, 13:12:46 01/26/02 Sat
Already sick of Pepsi's attitude. So I am just a mere New Comer am I? Let me show you what I really am Femme snorts, daggers slash air, dial set visage raised entirley, daggers paw ground mercyless. I am giving you a fare warning, back off
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