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Date Posted: 15:27:54 11/11/01 Sun
Author: Moniet El Nefous ~Wish of the Soul~ /// Taher Al Badr ~Seeker of the Moon~
Author Host/IP: snjts7-34-139.jersey.net /
Subject: ((Since the joining board is down...))

*mare enters, a new youth beside her, eyes deep black and foreboding search out across the land, lithe body, muscles well toned like that of a fighter and dancer, moves over the terrian with ease, all is silent except for the ocassional breeze rushing through the trees. A tiny colt, strong despite his young age follows his dam, slender legs giving him little trouble, his sire, long since dead, had been a strong stallion, wise and noble, had died of old age, a death rarely afforded by the wilds except for those who were strong, this colt of charred bay was to be the sire's legacy, femme watches the others fiercely, for if any shall try and injure her foal she will retaliate with the force of maelstrom*

Dubbed: Moniet El Nefous ~Wish of the Soul~
Hue: Black-Bay
Gender: the fairer
Growth: 15 hands
Blood: Pure Crabbet Arabian

Dubbed: Taher Al Badr ~Seeker of the Moon~
Hue: Bay
Gender: the gruffer
Growth: as yet to be determined
Blood: Pure Crabbet Arabian

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