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Date Posted: 19:04:40 11/30/01 Fri
Author: Frosted Lilac
Author Host/IP: ppp152.granbury.com /
Subject: Canters in

The mare of Reflection's, she was NOT up for claim, canters in and whinnies to mares and possibly stallions. She had a problem. Her foal was weak..barely able to walk, and needed an adoptive dam.

The weak foal, yet loyal to his mother, feebly stumbles in behind her, weakly calling for help. He had been born weak, but if having proper nourishment would grow to be mighty and well known as his unknown sire was. He collapses and finds to strength to call out. Summoning all his strength, he meakly mews out to his dam pleading for help. The dappled bay mare flicks hr ears back and listens, though she would not accept him back. She turns away from him, abandoning the colt. She and the Lead of her herd would not accept stragglers, no matter their strength in the future. He meakly calls out to her, but the mare, ignoring her inner pain, gallops off back to the herd leaving the colt alone, abandoned. She hoped a mare would adopt him, but it wasn't her problem. she could go back and produce strong, healthy foals with her mate...she phoped though that one day her colt would live up to his potential and be great in dominence as his sire, but she did not really care, at least on the outside.

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