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Date Posted: 17:30:06 12/04/01 Tue
Author: Myth & Unnamed
Author Host/IP: bc-abb-a53-02-55.look.ca /
Subject: -Entrada-

Clouded one shivered in the cool winds, a soft frost forming upon her hide, a watchful eye rested upon the bay filly. She tossed her head pawing uneasily at the snow, orbs scanning the horizen, her newborn would not thrive long without protection, for preditors were plentiful. she strutted protectivly 'round her foal, silver hue glinting in the pale sunlight, which remained eternally present.

Mahogany filly slunk from behind her dam, lean limbs quivering from the chilled atmosphere, flakes of snow resting upon her muzzle, she through her head into the skies and sqealed softly as her pistons folded beneath her, the freshly laiden snow moiting her newborn fuzz. Her bottle brush tail flickered at her sides as she watched carfully, the sire she never new remained unpresent. She returned to her dmas side to nurse.

Name:(Currently unamed)
Age:1 hour old
Sire:The Patriot

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