|x| Mahogany filla enters, sculpted visage lifted, piercing whinny issued to steeds. Dial is tossed, ebon tresses sent askew, silken tendrils spilling across pelt. Plume is flagged as bella halts, dished crania held high as delicately flared nares quiver, the scent of equids reaching her. Was there one who would call she o' musical grace their own? |x|
+Dubbage+ Kadenza
+Hue+ Blood Bay
+Lineage+ Egyptian Arabian
+Lengeth+ 15.2 hands
+Summers+ One (long yearling)
+Sire+ Thorwa
+Dam+ Kaydanz
(EBD, Siran, El Diablo, Calypso-please do not claim! I already have mares in your herds.)