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Date Posted: 15:57:11 01/18/02 Fri
Author: Damaa Ibliis
Author Host/IP: spider-mtc-ta052.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Petite femme's pink tinted orbs widen...
In reply to: Palidos Suenos 's message, "-}Steed lay claim pon lil' she-devil{-" on 19:02:34 01/17/02 Thu

She raises her small yet regal head from where it rested on her mother's red-gold shoulder. Her true white coat glistens like set jewels. She eyes the steed knowing inately that his show is for her... She leans more insistently upon her mother, but in the same breathless moments she is drawn... Gradually she takes a hesitant step away from Caie all the while tossing her petite head. Her restless motion causes her snowy mane to cascade about her in wild disarray. Her tossing motion soon turns into a tight arched neck so that her delicate pink muzzle rests on her chest. She prances with mincing steps that bring her albeit slowly away from her mother as though she deliberated the entire way. Reaching a distance of not quite on foot from her mother, she stops and goes back to tossing her petite head and half rearing in place. When the silver steed approaches, her forefeet begin to prance nervously; but she does not retreat to her mother's side... When the steed places a nudge upon her, the snow femme leaps forward and turns about with astonishing speed... Her feet are planted and she whinnies with nervous fretting to her mother, but she does not run...

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