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Excitment dwindled as mare-of-darkness realized how it must have been hard for a stallion to loose the 'other' leader- and the rest of the 'clan'. Slight snort emitted from twin nares at this thought. What did she know of caring? She had never cared for anything..and never would! But this feeling of acceptence this virile was giving her altered the feelings she once held- the hatred..the 'devilish' antics.. Cervix raised dial to settle a stable gaze 'pon steed. She wondered if he saw past her 'hate' engraved soul..She wondered if she actually calm down and settle in this herd..she wondered if she could trust the stallion who had willingky allowed her into his harmen... ((Ooc: Okay- sorry for this really lame post-lol! Sorta tired and all!hehe)) |