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Date Posted: 19:23:21 07/09/10 Fri
Author: Scooter Two
Subject: Re: Financial Issues re Hy-Tek Hurricane

Anyone Who Knows (mikey) who the hell as an adult goes by Mikey, Knows he's a jerk. For someone who has been a one person crime spree in his own neighborhood(assaults,tresspassing,crimanal mischief,burning down his own house(O.K. my opinion , but shared by all his neighbors,O.K. His crazy girlfriend Aline Kookass did it , he still was involved) Geez , if anyone knows of a crime he's committed outside of Florida please share. He has cop friends here , pricks just like him , so nothing sticks , even with pictures. His burned down house was blamed on over two dozen people(county comm., Vol. fire Dept. Personal , their nephews , strangers driving down the road.

Anyone with info on this Ass please share, we're tired of his bullshit


>The guy that wrote about holding the notes is Michael
>Harms, who BOUGHT the notes in an attempt to take my
>property away after my home and business were
>destroyed in an arson fire suspected by my neighbors,
>one of which is Michael Harms and his brother, Bryan
>Harms and his male companion. Michael Harms lost his
>court case in his attempt to steal my property. It
>also shows how nasty a human being can be when another
>has had a devastating event in their life. I had to
>counter sue Mr.Harms to get my property titles, which
>I did after Mr. Harms did his best. In my opinion, his
>current home here is being used for criminal activity
>now, and he still owns it. Great neighbors. As far as
>Ken Moen, several years ago Mr. Moen wa offered the
>Hurricane rights, tooling, etc., minus anything I owed
>him, in an attempt to be fair. He never responded, he
>just used my tooling to work with Eccker and sell
>ripoff parts, called To The Limit. Hurricane has
>always still operated and supported the design. If Mr
>Moen and Mr Eccker were honest men, they would buy the
>tooling rights and such back, and continue with an
>honest effort, and be able to hold their head high.
>All these people are criminals in my mind. It's
>interesting that Michael Harms has the balls to boldly
>write something about his activities involving me,
>when he's considered by FDLE as "a person of interest"
>in my arson case. Mike

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