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Date Posted: 18:37:30 05/14/12 Mon
Author: Jenny
Subject: Christy Pondering
I was watching Christy on DVD and was wondering about the David/Christy/Neil triangle. Why (in the show) if Neil had such feelings for Chisty, didn't he just go to El Pano or some place and get a divorce from Margaret? In the last episode, when Margaret and Neil are at his house down by the river, it sounds like she tells him she's dying,(it's hard to understand because she's crying) which would make sense, since in the movies, I don't think there's mention of Margaret and he obviously comes back and proposes to Christy in the final movie. But I've wondered if the writers kept him married for the sake of the show or what their line of thinking was.
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Re: Christy Pondering -- Debbie S., 20:57:28 05/14/12 Mon
The writers apparently brought Margaret back from the dead(as she always was in the book) to make Neil unobtainable for Christy and to add to the angst of the situation. You think it will be David she chooses, but no she likes Neil, but no, he is married, so will she go back to David even if she really is in love with Neil? Will she do the safe thing and marry the preacher? I think the writers were planning on using the love triangle for a while longer to prolong anticipation. If Neil were a widower, like in the book, there would be only one obstacle in their way, his lack of Christian faith. In the book, that was remedied in the end so there was no longer any obstacle.
As for going to El Pano for a divorce that may not have solved everything. In those days divorce was not as widely accepted as it is now, especially for someone in Christy's position at a mission, to marry a divorced man would not have been wise. For her, it may have been difficult or most likely impossible to have stayed in her teaching position. She could have had Neil, but would have had to give up the children.
In the movies it is mentioned that Margaret died of tuberculosis, so Neil was a widower in the movies and the writers had Margaret die of the disease she had in the series. I believe in the book Margaret and their infant son had both died of typhoid fever before Christy's arrival.
In the TV series is does appear that Margaret states she is dying. Rather that was one more ruse on her part to get what she wanted or to use Neil's compassion against him we will never know. I also think she told Miss Alice she was in trouble and needed money. Most likely Margaret was in trouble and came back to Cutter Gap as a last resort and needed a place to hide out or stay. Since her mother had turned her down earlier, she went to Neil. I wondered if the writers would have had the trouble follow her as well as eventually use her illness and dying to bring about more angst and character development, especially for Neil and Miss Alice.
Debbie S.
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re: Christy Pondering -- BC, 09:51:45 05/15/12 Tue
- interesting observations and questions!
- and, i enjoyed reading through the response as well! :)
- BC
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Re: Christy Pondering --
Neeney, 11:17:04 05/16/12 Wed
Great answers, Debbie. I can see how it would be confusing for people who haven't read the books, and don't know the history.
 Neeney |
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Re: Christy Pondering -- Jenny, 18:42:22 05/16/12 Wed
I was just thinking out loud. And Catherine Marshall has said that the books weaves real life with fiction; so we can't take everything the books says as the "real" truth. Very good points, Debbie. I am currently reading the book for the first time, but am only about a 1/4th of the way through. I do know, that after doing research on the story of Christy/Leonora, the show took some liberties, which, as I said, it sounds like Catherine Marshall did, too. Still, the liberties taken make the book and the show, more interesting.
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Re: Christy Pondering --
Neeney, 08:04:35 05/17/12 Thu
The book does weave real life with fiction. And the tv show is mostly all fiction, as it's based on it. I think if they'd just had Neal go and get a quickie divorce it wouldn't have made for good drama and it just wasn't really done back then anyway. I guess they were trying to be accurate on something. Who knows?
 Neeney |
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Re: Christy Pondering -- Jenny, 19:21:34 05/21/12 Mon
Did anyone ever notice how Dr. MacNeill tells Christy, in the pilot, about how he came to be a doctor (carrying the other doctor's hunting gear etc) and then in the final movie, to cover his tracks of what he was really thinking when he was looking into the fire, he tells Christy the story again, as though she had never heard it? And she responds as though she has never heard it before. Maybe she was delusional from having a high fever. :) but there is no excuse for him to re-tell the story!
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Re: Christy Pondering -- BC, 20:54:28 05/21/12 Mon
- or, maybe it's 'cause the "Doc" was talkin' to an entirely different version of "Christy"?! :)
- BC
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Re: Christy Pondering -- Jenny, 14:55:46 05/22/12 Tue
That same thought occurred to me! :)
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Re: Christy Pondering --
Neeney, 12:25:49 05/24/12 Thu
Could be by then the writers had forgotten he'd already told her. Or maybe thought for people who'd seen the movies but not the tv series, that it would be ok to tell it again.
 Neeney |
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