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Re: Yeah! JAC is Back! :) -- JAC (Rain: A little too late), 14:31:50 08/05/12 Sun
Two small rains Saturday/Sunday. See Blessings or your latest news regarding fires in Oklahoma. Rain helped clean the air ,which is good for respiratory and elderly individuals. The fires here are unusual due to the oil,chemical and gas carcenogins in the ash and smoke fallout. Most have drugstore masks to filter air or gasmasks when in high concentration areas. Everyone has been told to stay indoors so...they go to their community churches. It baffles me why nut cases set fires on purpose and destroy so many lives and incomes. Many victims had little to begin with:i.e 'just getting by. Parents were at work. Children were at home not realizing how fast the winds would sweep the fires, what they should collect from homes and which direction to evacuate. God allows things to happen but we rarely understand why. The Book of Revelations maybe? Blessings. JAC
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