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Date Posted: 16:24:08 03/28/03 Fri
Author: Perceptor II
Subject: Must...respond...
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "U.S.U.N." on 09:43:13 03/28/03 Fri

This smells a lot like the US government attempting to establish a form of international imperialism. Perhaps we should start addressing the US President as "Palpatine" now?

No. "His Excellency" will suffice. I hear that Powell like people to call him "Mace Windu", though.

Ideals of economic, social and humanitarian progress are fine,

Actually, I've never really been big on those, but if that's what it takes for us to achieve our true goals, then so be it.

First of all, I find the use of the term "lesser nations" to be offensive. It implies that greatness is directly related to a country's wealth. The USUN charter seems to be based on the philosophy of establishing world peace by defaulting the opinions of the United States as being paramount, infallable and unquestionable -- at least by "lesser nations."

So... it seems that under the USUN regime, only countries with great wealth will be able to have any form of an opinion, and poorer nations will be stripped of their right to challenge the will of the United States. Where's the freedom and democracy in this?

You misunderstand. The "lessernations" are not lesser because they're poorer, but because they're not American. Unfortunately, up until now other countries have not had the opportunity to become American, but that certainly changes with the formation of the U.S.U.N.

As I understand it, in secret meetings at Camp David, Tony Blair and John Howard have pledged their support for the U.S.U.N. Australia would probably remain united, which ticks off some Texans who haven't gotten over Alaska being admitted into the Union, while England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Sherwood Forest would probably be admitted separately.

Of course, there would be many new benefits to becoming part of the United States: cable television, paved roads, electricity, hot and cold running water, etc.

Some of you may think that I'm just being reflexively anti-US on this, but I'm not.

So you admit that you are at times reflexively anti-US?

Now, Americans can argue, "well if you don't like it, bite us. We're America. We're rich. We're powerful. Our authority is absolute."

I wouldn't. I'm not fond of the term "bite us".

But now the US is turning about and in an effort to defeat dictators that it doesn't like, is in effect, becoming one big world dictator. In order to defend American sovereignty, they are willing to throw away the democratic rights of other nations and to restrict their freedom and liberty.

But you see, we are defending the democratic rights of the people of those nations. We intend to bring them American-style democracy, whether they like it or not.

One statement from Dick Cheney that really pissed me off personally was this, "Really, I have no idea what we were doing sacrificing all that power and autonomy in exchange for a couple of lousy troops from New Zealand."...As far as I'm aware, the US has received NO military support from New Zealand...I get a feeling that that comment was aimed at Aussie soldiers

Well, you know, Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Kyrgyzstan: how's an American supposed to keep those countries straight?

That reminds me, I have to speak out at the way Australia has treated the Chechan rebels. I realize that they are a serious risk to your citizens, but your government seems to have gone overboard lately, especially with the "gas in the theater" incident.

Dick Cheney, you bloody ingrate.

Yeah, Cheney's never been my favorite. I look forward to when Tony Blair becomes an American, so that he can be Vice-President instead.

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