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Date Posted: 16/09/01 17:40:36 GMT+10
Author: Goktimus Prime
Subject: Kimi no kokoro ha semai yo ne.
In reply to: 破壊大帝 's message, "なぁ" on 16/09/01 7:17:12 GMT+10


How charming of you to generalise (re: presume) everybody's opinion of me.

In any case, why should we let personal emotional feelings interfere with our Transfandom?

By and large, the only messages I've posted on Blacky Chro's board has been mainly informative, mostly in regard to the site updates I've been doing as well as any other interesting pieces of Transformer news I may come across which I thought I might like to share with the Japanese Transfan community.

Look, I honestly don't care what you guys think of me. I was just trying to share some information.
I'm not trying to win your favour or friendship, all I was doing was passing on information.

Why do you guys always have to think with your emotions instead of your brains??

The only emotional comment I made on the board was against AD's blatant pornography plug. Moral arguments about pornography aside, Transformers is a TOY LINE. Therefore, there will naturally be many MINORS (under the age of 18) who view these boards.

If people want to discuss adult themes, they should do it on an adult forum where there is some kind of adult check.

Other than that, I haven't said anything emotional at all.

So please, could we just stow our emotions aside for a moment and act as "professional" Transfans?

You don't have to like me. But I don't see why you have to chastise me just because I'm trying to bring some things to your attention.

In any case, Blacky Chro is the moderator of that board. He has my ICQ number where we've talked several times in the past. If he wants me to stay away from the board, then he can easily message me on ICQ.

You are not the moderator of that board, so I don't see where you come off trying to police someone else's board.

You shouldn't be so presumptious.

Thank you.

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