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Date Posted: 18/06/01 12:11:59 GMT+10
Author: Goktimus Prime
Subject: Proposal to occupy Deep Space Secret's Discussion Board

For those who may not know, Secret Deep Space (Dai Uchuu Chika Himitsu) is a Japanese Transformer site run by Katsuhiko Wada, a.k.a. "Master Nenriki."

To put it bluntly, Nenriki is a racist prick.

It's blatantly obvious that he just does NOT like gaijins, and his recent underhanded comment against Asian-Australians has got me seriously seething with anger right now.

Morons like him psychologically live back in the Tokugawa Shogunate... before the arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry which forced Japan to open themselves to the rest of the world. Even after all that time, the "shimagunikoncho" ('island mentality') idealism of racial supremacy still persists in some people in Japan -- most notoriously were the Mayor of Tokyo (who blamed Tokyo's Chinese and Korean immigrants for crime in Tokyo) and former Prime Minister Mori (who stated, in the National Diet, that the Japanese were descendant from the Gods -- don't ask me how a race descendant from Gods could've LOST the war -- I'm just a "stupid gaijin" after all).

Anyway, his latest comments has really pissed me off, because as some of you probably know -- I'm a f**king Asian Australian. And although his comment (made on the Transformers-Net board, which is probably the most well known Japanese TF fan site) was specifically aimed at me, racism is something which plagues all humanity and should concern us all.

Consequently, I suggest a BOYCOTT of Nenriki's web site, "Secret Deep Space" (http://home3.highway.ne.jp/nenriki).

If you or anyone else you know has a link to this site, please kindly REMOVE it.

Another proposal I have is to "conquer" his discussion board. I don't mean going along and posting strings of flames or insults at him -- that would just be petty and I don't want anyone here to reduce themselves to his level.

The guy is obviously xenophobic. So let's give him a dose of what he hates -- GAIJIN!

In other words, I'm saying, let's USE his board as another online HANGOUT for us all!!

Don't post anything rude or abusive -- just head on to his board and start discussing Transformers like you normally would. I'm certain that a Gaijin invasion would seriously frustrate a guy like this. And best of all -- we're not really doing anything wrong!

"But wait, how is this boycotting him?"

I want to boycott his site to lower the amount of hits he gets. However, his discussion board -- like practically ALL discussion boards -- is hosted on a different URL. This URL:


So head on over and talk about Beast Machines, Robots In Disguise, G1 or any other Transformer stuff that takes your fancy.

This is probably the best way we can fight against his xenophobia in a non-hostile way -- simple BOARD OCCUPATION.

Now, he has the power to delete messages, as the board admin -- and he's been known to delete any messages posted by gaijin -- but if we're posting say ten messages on his board a day... he's gonna take notice!

Sorry if I'm sounding petty, but I am pretty pissed off right now. And this is the most civil course of counter-action I can think of taking against this bastard right now.

I thank you for your support.

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