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Date Posted: 08:54:42 05/30/03 Fri
Author: alice
Subject: new at kungfu

hi i've been looking at your website (and others - i had been searching for the main differences btw karate and types of kungfu) and have made my decision that wingchun kungfu is most probably for me. i have never done any martial arts before (except a bit of mucking around in primary school) and am pretty excited. but what i know is fairly preliminary.
heres some wingchun clubs i've slightly investigated and was wondering if you could tell which one sounds alright. > www.shaolinjeeshinwingchun.com.au and http://www.cheungswingchun.com/WWCKFAindex.html
if you could make some suggestions (like things i should find out or need to do before enrolling) and some criticisms about the club perhaps, that would be really appreciated.
-i realise that the second one uses a token colour belt system, but i think belts adds structure for city dwellers lost and distracted by their everyday. by the way - you probably already know - but the second one was developed by the person who taught bruce lee how to fight..

thanks for your help. your dedication and originality seen in your site reflects in your writing. do you think your drive came from martial arts or that were you born inspired? (ultimately i already know it must have come from both but i am interested to know how much you've gained from combat disciplines..)

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