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Date Posted: 14:44:50 05/03/04 Mon
Author: IUGTE
Subject: Seni Pencak Silat Workshop

Dear Colleagues and Friends of Martial Arts!

Greetings from the club “Wu Jing” and the International University Global Theatre Experience (IUGTE)!
On July 5–11, 2004 our university is lucky to receive the master of Seni Pencak Silat from Malaysia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haji Zainal Abdul Latiff. I woauld like to invite you to join the meeting and take part in the workshop on Seni Pencak Silat under his guidance.

The workshop will take place in the network of the International Festival
THEATRE METHODS 04 in Malpils, Latvia.

WHAT IS SENI PENCAK SILAT? Seni Pencak Silat (SPS) is the art of self defence of the Malays who inhabit Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Southern Philippines and Thailand. Seni can mean ‘art’ or ‘knowledge’, Pencak carries the meaning of ‘systematic trained body movements’, and Silat connotes ‘the application of the systematically-trained body movements in a fighting situation’. In short, Seni Pencak Silat means the Art or Knowledge of Systematically-Trained Movements in Self-Defence.
Training in the Seni Pencak Silat mode helps to develop:
1. Awareness – of one self, other selves, space and tempo.
2. Concentration and Focus.
3. Body mind coordination.
4. Precision and Intensity.
5. Body Posture, Body Control, and Body Balance.
6. Grounded and Aligned Bodies.
7. Self Confidence and Agility.
During the workshop, participants will be introduced the basic SPS movements.
Tentatively there will be five sections:
Section 1 - Basic Warm-Up movements.
Section 2 - Basic Hand movements called the Flower.
Section 3 - First, Second and Third ‘JURUS’ (movement patterns).
Section 4 - ‘Silat Tari’ or the Warrior Dance.
Section 5 - Creative Project. Dr.Zainal would like to show how the SPS is in a short scene from a Malay script “Death of A Warrior”, a famous Malay legend. This section will demonstrate the vocal pattern, texture and energy, suitable to the kind of movements they have gone through. ‘Pantuns’ will also be introduced; this may also be exposed to RANDAI, the Martial Arts Theatre of the Minangkabau Malays.

It is necessary to send the detailed CV via e-mail info@iugte.com
The registration fee for the festival is 450 EUR for one person. If the fee is transferred later than June 1, 2004, the registration fee will be 550 EUR. The bank details will be sent upon request.

YOUR STAY. We shall provide you with accommodation and three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) during the workshop. The day of arrival is July 5, 2004; the day of departure is July 11, 2004.

Please find the detailed information about Seni Pencak Silat workshop at: http://www.iugte.com/projects/Dr.Zainal.php

Please feel free contact me for questions.


Inga Ryazanova
Chief Executive

International University
Global Theatre Experience (IUGTE)

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