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Date Posted: 08:25:39 08/25/01 Sat
Author: Seven of Nine
Subject: Re: legal defination to assault
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "Re: legal defination to assault" on 21:46:56 08/20/01 Mon

if the case gets to court - that's the problem. it can be difficult trying to articulate the events to the jury. Like you said survival is the key and I don't think you can recount every detail blow by blow.

More like, there was something coming at you fast, you reacted, connected something and it stopped. Even during sparring in class, you just move, guard this, hit that etc... and it's not on after the event, you may be able to re-count some of the things you had done.

Re-enacting it is a big problem - at least for me. It's like saying i wen to the shops today, please retrace the foot steps. I can say i went from point A to point B abut any thing in between could be quite hazy.

Given that the case is usually judged by a jury the interproitation could be distorted. Even if there are witnesses, their perspective as ac third person is by defintion different.

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  • Re: legal defination to assault -- James Pedro (myaword@yahoo.com), 06:37:11 05/21/10 Fri
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