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Date Posted: 02:58:02 04/05/02 Fri
Author: Goktimus Prime
Subject: Re: Conclusion
In reply to: Nakedswordsman 's message, "Re: Conclusion" on 05:56:36 04/04/02 Thu

>very simple
>Jackie Chan - studied Beijing Opera (or Chinese Circus
>to the uneducated Goks of the world - lol)
>Beijing Opera - not a martial art
>Jackie Chan admits to not being a martial artist nor
>having been a student of martial arts1 - therefore not

I totally agree with that. In fact, I've never seriously gone around calling Jackie Chan a martial artist, just as he has never called himself a martial artist.

His autobiography (forget the name of the book et al atm) clearly states that he did grow up in the Beijing Opera/Chinese Circus and that it was much later in life that he studied a bit of martial arts so that he could blend it with his acrobatic skills for the screen, but he never studied the martial arts for purposes of combat.

On a small but vital note, it should be pointed out that the word "wushu" technically refers to all martial arts, combat oriented or not.

The more sport/entertainment orientated form of wushu is actually what is commonly referred to as "Xiandai Wushu", as opposed to traditional forms of wushu, or what has become to be known as "Kung Fu" (Gongfu). Semantically speaking, it can be argued that the word "Gongfu" (loosely translated as 'to excel') can really refer to any sort of pastime or hobby, whereas the word "wushu" (wu meaning 'war' and shu meaning 'technique' or 'skill') translates as meaning "martial art" -- Kung Fu, Karate, Xiandai Wushu, Spanish Rapier Brawling, Jujutsu etc etc etc. It is a fairly broad term.

Okay, I'm done now. :p :p

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