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Date Posted: 11:52:39 10/14/02 Mon
Author: Mike Amos
Subject: Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "Re: I'm gonna be an idiot and disagree with you guys. :p" on 21:49:14 08/21/01 Tue

>>So your saying, all the styles he performes in his
>>for example, tiger, crane, praying mantis, snake,
>>monkey and the mythical dragon, plus my favourite the
>>Drunkenmaster<-- all these are kung fu wing chun
>Are you saying that Tiger, Crane, Praying Mantis,
>Snake, Monkey, Dragon and Drunken Fist are all WING
>CHUN styles???
>Where are you getting your information from?
>>he performes them, better than i think u guys would be
>>able to. Why i say, cause his a better martial artist,
>>and ya can't say none of these are styles, cause they
>So there's NO real reason behind your argument, you're
>just saying, "Jackie Chan's a better martial artist
>than all of you because he is and none of you can deny
>Uuuhh, where's the logic in this argument?
>Also, you may notice that the Kung Fu he uses in
>movies do not look like the way they do in reality.
>>Even people other than him use these styles, because
>>of the fighting techniques such ascircular actions,
>>sweeps, finger clawing, elbow strikes, the list goes
>Yes, but they don't use it the same WAY that he does.
>In fact, there's not THAT much Kung Fu in Jackie
>Chan's fighting actions at all. It is still mostly
>acrobatics with a bit of Kung Fu chucked in for
>>btw, i don't see olympians/athletes kicking, aerial
>>kicking, blocking etc, in there sports, except maybe
>>taekwondo matches etc.
>*points at soccer*
>Kicking (including aerial)
>Blocking (esp. if you're the goalie)
>Umm, there's no real REASON behind any of your
>arguments. You seem to be arguing with your emotions,
>rather than with logic.
>Try arguing with reason/logic, as emotional arguments
>seldomly prevail. *smile*
>Actually, just yesterday a high school English teacher
>who's also the coordinator of his school's debating
>team, was telling me that one common weakness he sees
>among bad debaters is the fact that they base their
>arguments upon emotions rather than reason/logic.
>Also, it's also useful to mention the SOURCE(s) of
>your information whenever possible. For example, in
>some of my other posts here, I have quoted authors
>such as Hsu, Parker and Derwent. Especially if you're
>making a rather outrageous claim like saying that
>Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Praying Mantis, Crane etc., are
>all types of Wing Chun Kung Fu!! *cough*
>Please keep this in mind next time you want to
>construct a counter-argument and you will find that
>your posts will become a lot more credible. :) :)
>well does he have any new styles?
What's his next movie ?

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