Harmanna Van Dalen (helpful)
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Date Posted: 06:45:17 05/20/12 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "Any advice?" on 23:37:38 05/10/12 Thu
Dear Maddie
I am sorry to hear you are having such difficulties. I teach A level students (Sociology - lots of bit words-), many of whom are dyslexic. You must realise that many teachers are not trained in dyslexia and find it very time consuming to incorporate special teaching strategies into their time tables. Also many students do not work hard enough to overcome their difficulties these days.
I have just finished one of my assignments for my dyslexia teacher training and I found the bit about reading aloud very helpful and am going to try it out with my students. I think reading stuff out loud clarifies the mind and slows you down so instead of scanning the written work, you actually read it. This would be useful for your English work.I managed to get a laptop sorted for one of my students in her recent exam and she said she wrote about 3 times as much as she had done in the past. What you would need to do is use it regularly in class so the SENCO can then ask for you to use it in exams.I don't know exactly what your difficulties but have you thought of some software to help you? A talking pen to read long words may be useful.You are only just starting out in life and you may need to become a bit savvy about your disability. My 17 year old son cannot write at all and I paid for him to have touch typing lessons. He was not motivated to do so but he may be in the future. The touchtyping that I found useful for dyslexics is englishtype. It costs about £30.00 and you can teach yourself. You may find that if your SENCO would allow you to use a laptop, you would need good keyboard skills.Below is the number of dyslexia association. BDA National Helpline-Tel: 0845 251 9002. They may have an information pack for you.
Dear Maddie, do not give up, I took a long time to do my A levels and go to University and become a teacher.Learning is difficult at the best of times, but with additional difficulties it is even harder, but the alternative is not appealing either. Let me know how you get on and tell me what your plans after 16 are. There are many better educational opportunities than there used to be. my son is doing a BTEC but I hope that he will get there in the end.
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