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Date Posted: Thu, Oct 23 2003, 13:45:05
Author: Lori L. Bielinski
Subject: Re: Supreme Court Ordered HMOs to Open
In reply to: Mark L. La Rue, D.C. 's message, "Supreme Court Ordered HMOs to Open" on Tue, Oct 21 2003, 15:57:58

>I am concerned about the doors closed to the
>opportunity to see any patient who decides they would
>prefer to see me (or any other DC they choose) rather
>than being forced to choose from a small "panel" of
>privileged doctors in their region. I think that the
>public is the best judge of what doctor in their
>community is best for them. This is the best quality
>control available. The so called Quality Assurance of
>HMOs like CHP is meaningless and non-sensical. I know
>of two on our local panel who not only do not follow
>CHPs rules (they never do on site inspections after
>inclusion) but also have no idea of which one is an
>for example an alcoholic or drug abuser. It is clear
>to me that a management group's real aim is to make
>money by making the services sought by the public
>through their paid for health insurance plans -
>difficult to locate and utilize.
>Article excerpt from an article from the Dynamic
>Chiropractic archives:
>"Currently, 20 states have AWP laws on their books.
>Kentucky has two statuets that prohibit health
>insurers from "discriminating against any healthcare
>provider... willing to meet the terms and conditions
>for participation established by the insurer." The
>laws also require any health benefit plan that agrees
>to abide by the plan's terms "to serve as a
>participating primary chiropractic provider."
>I urge all my caring colleagues and the WSCA to pursue
>our State government in making the AWP law applicable
>in Washington. The result would be that all duly
>licensed DCs would have a fair chance at making a
>living, and the public a better choice of doctors and

Dr. La Rue,

As the WSCA lobbyist it would be my task to run legislation of this kind on behalf of the chiropractors in Washington State. I can surely propose this activity to the WSCA Board of Directors for their consideration, and will submit this item for the November 13 Board meeting.

Politically, it would be essential for all of the provider categories, includuing the medical doctors, physical therapists, and others to participate in such a piece of legislation. Even with that support I am not convinced that it would pass with a Republican majority in the Senate, who isn't even in favor of the "every category" law.

Thank you for your concern, and interest. I hope that this means you will take the opportunity to meet with your legislators before January, and that I will see you in Olympia during the legislative session. Your legislative day is Thursday, 2/5/04, and we will let you know by letter what time our appointments will begin.

Thank you again for your interest.
Lori L. Bielinski

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