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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 24 2004, 10:49:38
Author: Dr. john
Subject: Re: Scope of Practice
In reply to: Bryson Langel, DC 's message, "Re: Scope of Practice" on Fri, Mar 19 2004, 12:49:47

You would like to practice PT? Cold laser? If science is repeating what DD spoke of 100+ years ago, why would a subluxation-based chiropractor need to use therapies? Shoulder problems? Sounds like you may have an unstable Category 2 patient. Here's a novel concept: try correcting the CAUSE of the patient's problem rather than using a physical THERAPY to relieve their symptoms.

Where has chiropractic gone?

Where has it gone? It's right where it always is, that's the problem. I don't beleive subluxations are always the cause as you do and the liturature supports that. I also don't cook book all shoulder problem into some catagory. To even suggest such a thing without even seeing the patient and doing an exam is absurd.

Why is it when DCs do more then adjust they are told they lost chiropractic? Because some folks are dogmatic and think they, for some reason, know the truth.

If you just want to adjust and perform passive care fine. I want to adjust as well as perform a holistic approach to the care of my patients. I have had patients with shoulder problems where the DC was adjusting the "cause" for months with little relief. I was able to do more in one to three visits decreasing pain and increasing function then what 30 adjustments did prior. I don't know about you, but getting people better without them spending thier life wages seems to attract people. These folks who were more then skeptical and wary that DCs were out for the money are true chiropractic advocates now.
I love chiropractic and I hate it when others take a zealot stance denigrating others for how they practice.

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