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Date Posted: 10:51:04 02/18/07 Sun
Author: Lilly (So Empty)
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Subject: Someone Like me......

Hello, I came across this site at work because I don't have a support group or a current therapy regimen. I am 27 years old, and I am currently being screened for Bipolar disorder. I tried commiting suicide when I was 11, again at 15, again in my early 20's. I've been depressed all my life, but sometimes I can be happy. Right now I have some really good days, but right now I can barely talk...let alone work and fuction properly. I haven't spoken to my family in a month, and my boyfriend does not understand my illness. Neither do I. I constantly want to disappear and leave...there's nothing for me to give this world except sadness and emptiness. I am usually spunky...the life of the party, but no one understands me when I am myself...the real me that is constantly hurting and angry. I hate myself, my life, my decisions, my everything. I'm alive but not living. My chest constantly hurts, my head aches, and my glands are sore from crying. Sometimes I can't even find the strength to groom myself or take a shower. Are there any of you who feel this way as well? My battle with this illness has lasted my whole life. I just started taking anti-depressants four months ago. I never got treated for depression before. I have stopped taking Prozac and have started taking Effexor. I still feel like shit on either of them...I'm almost ready to give up.

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