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Subject: Re: Parker to Ethan (private)

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Date Posted: 19:43:08 11/12/01 Mon
In reply to: Parker 's message, "Re: Parker to Ethan (private)" on 13:34:07 11/10/01 Sat

Well, as much as I hate to admit it, in real life,superhero bases aren't really as practical or affordable to the common millionaire as they are in the comic books. That said, I'm sure we can find an old warehouse or brownstone that might serve your purposes well enough. You could soundproof rooms as needed. That's fairly inexpensive. And there are several good home defense systems on the market right now. But I don't think any of them include wall mounted lasers to rip into trespassers. Again, that's more the realm of fiction. But check with this guy Jerry to see what kind of defense hardware he can set you up with. You'll find him in Harlem at 164 and Amsterdam. Park on the NW corner in front of the fire-hydrant and no one will mess with your ride. Then go in and speak to his bodyguard, Crank. Crank's a big 400 lb. gorilla who I'd advise you to NOT get into a fight with. Just let him feel like he scares you and leave it at that. Tell 'em Rita Cheng sent you. Jerry's a big-time arms dealer who seems to be able to get his hands on anything if you give him enough time and money. I'm not sure, but I suspect he might even be able to use someone of your talents for certain debt collections and other various and sundry tasks. If he tries to send you after me though, tell him that watch was worth twice what I owed him.
I'll start inquiring with various real estate brokers about Long Island City properties they're needing to unload cheap.
Stay safe.

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