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Subject: Checkmating the Man in White

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Date Posted: 01:16:11 02/24/02 Sun

(Discussed in as private. Ha. Right. As if. Our best bet is either over the phone or in an elysium, since at least *he's* unlikely to overhear that way)

Okay, I think it's pretty clear what we need to do. I can't say I've got a lot of confidence in our success, but we can't just wait around to see what this fucker does next and hope we'll catch him eventually. We need to find Jacob, if he's still alive, and more importantly, we need not to be burned to ash. So we need to catch the Tzimisce soon, and we need him alive. If he's still following us by that stupid transmitter, then we just have to make sure that the next time he shows up, he doesn't get away. So, I propose we plan to meet in a few days at a pre-arranged location (say, the Bowery? Common turf and there's not a lot of bystanders late at night) and make sure that there are a lot of our people lying in wait to spring the trap if he shows up. With lots of guns. I can get some humans, and you guys can probably get at least a couple Gangrel. Alice is almost definitely in, and maybe Ibrahim will be willing. I'll make the call to him. Our only hope is that his overconfidence and need for vengeance will lead him right into the trap. So, are we agreed?

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Re: Checkmating the Man in WhiteTyler02:14:00 02/24/02 Sun

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