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Subject: Re: Our work with Nicodemus...

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Date Posted: 13:36:22 03/27/02 Wed
In reply to: hannah 's message, "Re: Our work with Nicodemus..." on 12:45:56 03/27/02 Wed

You don't have to read there minds per se....can't you get like a good vibe or a bad vibe from someone? Also, since they are both kind of on the outs how offended do you think they can get about having their minds read? What, is the renegade archon hiding the former Prince going to bring you before Oliver? Or better yet, attack us so anyone who has a bone to pick with them will have a political reason to throw Van Bruer at them? Hannah, I don't want you to do anything dangerous or dumb. Mostly, I wanted to make sur everyone knows that we are not 100% sure that Faida has Stephan. She may or may not be Jezebel....I've never met Faida or Celeste but you guys have, so all I have to go on is what I've heard. Faida is EITHER Jezebel OR Jezebel's opposition....we need to figure out which for sure. If anyone can think of a way to guess which before we actually have to speak to them it would be great. I don't see that happening, so we may need to puzzle that out when we actually get to speak to Faida (assuming that happens). SO nobody spill the beans until we know.....*sigh*. I don't want to owe Angel any favors but we really need to know which Archon supported Pieter. Whichever one that was is the one who has Stephan. Cripes! Why are elders so damn mysterious?!?!?

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