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Important News on Aging -- Dr. Don Johnson, 05:43:12 03/14/03 Fri (NoHost/
News line: Jan/2003, The Following information was taken from a clinical trial conducted by the American Anti-Aging Society, Knoxville, Tn. Click Here for Entire Study.
My name is Dr. Don Johnson, President of the American Anti-Aging Society, and I'm writing to share with you an important medical breakthrough in the treatment of aging. Pure GH-Releaser is the first 100 percent natural neutraceutical capsule clinically proven to reverse the aging process. Many physical, mental and blood chemistry tests (Like IGF-1 & HGH levels over 3 & 6 Month Periods) were performed to determine a reversal in the human aging process. The average IGF-1 level increase reported in our clinical trial was 402.4 percent!, far exceeding any other HGH product currently on the market today.
People who have taken Pure GH-Releaser Notice incredible positive results in the FIRST week!
These results include:
New hair growth and color restored
Increased energy levels
Improved sleep and emotional stability
Improved memory and mental alertness
Increased sexual potency / frequency
Controlled cholesterol
Loss in body fat
Increased muscle strength and size
Reduced cellulite
Wrinkle disappearance
Moreover, people have reported a significant increase in their energy levels, similar to what they felt in their 20's.
Pure GH-Releaser is not a Stimulator, Replacer, Steroid or Hormone. It is a 100 Percent Natural Growth Hormone Secretagogue, with a new active Homeopathic HGH Enhancer in an easy to swallow capsule form. It can be absorbed effectively by the body to reactivate your Dormant Pituitary Gland and give an Extra Boost of HGH into the blood stream to be picked by the liver for conversion into IGF -1. Which begins to reverse your Aging Process at a much faster rate.
I'd like to invite you to find out more about this exciting product at
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Don Johnson
American Anti-Aging Society
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Sorry guys, but i'm gonna quit. You can go to any stallion -- Hurricane, 03:30:24 03/27/02 Wed (
maybe I'll come back, maybe not. It was great having you all in my herd.
Bye Bye
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* makes suggestion...* -- Darq Fantasy, 14:40:13 03/21/02 Thu (
*Maybe we could move?*
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*ponder* -- Hurricane, 03:40:00 03/22/02 Fri (
*yes. Good idea.*
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* steel hued feme looks around for new stallion, Hurricane...* -- Darq Fantasy, 14:24:46 03/15/02 Fri (
* dappled she trots aggressivly about, whinnying for a reply...*
OOC: I'll find a pic for her soon ^_^
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+steed trots up to mare of steel+ -- Hurricane, 05:59:30 03/16/02 Sat (
+he whickers a welcome and gently nuzzles femme+
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Re: *nuzzles back* -- Darq Fantasy, 15:33:28 03/16/02 Sat (
* steel femme nuzzles steed back and begins to look at the other mares, singling out those weaker than she, for she would be friends with only the strong bandmates...harsh, but it makes sense. Wals around and begins to graze 'pon terra O beauty, ebony tresses hanging low, mahogany orbs gleaming in the sunlight...*
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*graze beside* -- Hurricane, 16:10:24 03/17/02 Sun (
*steed of silver hue grazes beside femme, looking up every two minute, making sure no enemies harm the mare*
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+roll call+ -- Hurricane, 04:17:58 03/13/02 Wed (
please reply as soon as possible. If you don't reply by nxt. Mon. then I will assume that you quit.
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+bored+ -- Hurricane, 11:27:52 03/02/02 Sat (
+steed trots around boredly. He looks for his harem, perhaps they wanted to play tag?+
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*Approach* -- Caie & Damaa, 17:19:09 03/02/02 Sat (
:Mother and Daughter come forth: Damaa and I would appreciate a game milord... Since her steed is absent at the moment, Damaa hopes she can find safe haven with us for a while... :The young albino nods but looks about to see if Palidos is near:
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Re: +nod+ -- Hurricane, 04:07:59 03/03/02 Sun (
>that shall be okay. But when he comes back, The game will end. I wish not to make an enemy of him. font>
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*Spins Around* -- Chantaje, 06:23:55 03/02/02 Sat (
Starting to become angry, the small mare whirls around, determined to find another territory. She was obviously either not welcome here or was not noticed. Well, whichever was the case, she was not going to stick around for it. She gallops off, leaving the Safari, and the Hidden Desert, behind forever.
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Leaving =( -- Golden Legacy's player, 21:52:30 02/25/02 Mon (
Alpha mare is leaving (GL is quitting, the position for Alpha is open!)
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+Rears, triumphent+ -- Golden Legacy, 14:32:56 02/22/02 Fri (
+Creamie filly rears and neighs, she had done it! She was now Alpha! She had challenged for it and won! She quickly gallops out to meet Hurricane in the breeding plains+
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*Greeting* -- Caie, 10:08:11 02/24/02 Sun (
Red-gold Beta greets her as new Alpha then watches the filly go with Hurricane...
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Looks for Hurricane -- Looking Glass, 11:49:38 02/22/02 Fri (
Sorry for her inactiveness, the flashy filly trots through the herd, and stops to urinate in heat.
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+he was here+ -- Hurricane, 05:22:53 02/23/02 Sat (
>+Masc greets filly happily, she was another gem in is herd already. She would do great things, and he will watch her always ready to help+
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*Approach* -- Damaa, 09:46:16 02/22/02 Fri (
True white femme approaches her red-gold dam... ~How art thou, Mother~ the elder mare reads in the younger femme's face. 'I am well, Damaa...' She watches her steed herding the newer mares to the breeding lands and sighs... 'It appears I shall be sitting this season out...' Young albino nuzzles her mother gently and looks about curiously... Her mother marks the absence of the young mare's steed... 'It looks as though we shall be able to keep each other company...' Young femme nods since she has not even heard from the other femme in her steed's harem in some time...
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+Prances around, in heat+ -- Golden Legacy, 23:33:37 02/21/02 Thu (
+Cream filly prances around, calling shrilly to the mascu' dubbed Huricane. She squeals and rears flirtingly. Calling for him once again+
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+welcome+ -- Hurricane, 04:21:23 02/22/02 Fri (
+steel hued stallion welcomes mare, then letting out a piercing stallion whinny herds her to the breeeding board+
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*mare trots in and looks around for Hurricane -- Indian Magic, 18:09:50 02/21/02 Thu (
spying him she trots to him and touchs noses geting his scent she sqeauls and wuffles lightly to say 'Hello'
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+welcome+ -- Hurricane, 04:17:26 02/22/02 Fri (
+steel hue steed welcomes mare with an enthusiatic greeting, she could be Delta if she cared for it+
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+roll call+ -- Hurricane, 07:21:06 02/14/02 Thu (
+masc enters terra, searching for his harem. Shrill whicker is emmited, calling for them+
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^Alpha^ -- Ewig, 10:30:21 02/15/02 Fri (
Snowy she moves with grace t'wards mascu' who hath called she, Alpha was here.
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-steel hue he- -- Hurricane, 13:37:48 02/18/02 Mon (
greets the loyal alpha with hapiness. She was always with him, he was thankful for her appearance in life-
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*Return* -- Caie, 17:00:28 02/19/02 Tue (
Red-gold beta femme nickers seeking her steeds attention... 'I am here also m'lord...'
(I apologize for my prolonged absence but I was away unexpectedly and was busy at work during the last week...)
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Re: *affectionate* -- Hurricane, 05:10:55 02/20/02 Wed (
>*whickers*And where would he be without his trusty, kind beta? He was glad that they were both here, but where were the others?
(ooc-That's fine. I understand.)
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*sigh* -- Caie, 15:16:00 02/20/02 Wed (
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Re: *sigh* -- Hurricane, 14:11:45 02/21/02 Thu (
he would rather have two loyal companions than 4 unloyal ones, besides, others were on theur way
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*Sighs once more* -- Caie, 17:04:07 02/21/02 Thu (
She sighs as she watches the Alpha's departure... 'Well, milord... I remain...' She wishes to maintain her Beta position as Alpha only seems to bring heartache like her sisters...
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Re: *happy* -- Hurricane, 04:13:57 02/22/02 Fri (
>he nuzzles her, for she would remain if shhhe wished and is great for the herd
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^Final Good-Byes^ -- Baringa & Ewig Weibliche, 16:26:28 02/21/02 Thu (
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+Neighs+ -- Golden Legacy, 21:40:47 02/20/02 Wed (
+Filly arrives with thy stud, galloping freely along side him, the pair both stop and the filly looks around. Vixen then nuzzles her steed and gallops off to meet the others+
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*Trots in cautiously* -- Chataje, 08:40:56 02/18/02 Mon (
Small, grey Egyptian mare quivers with fear as she approaches the herd. She is new here, and doesn't know where to go. She was sent to the Safari, but is unsure of where to go from here. Head low to the ground, she comes near to the stallion, asking for no trouble, just seeking acceptance...
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Confusion -- Chantaje, 13:40:39 02/20/02 Wed (
Small mare stands gazing around in confusion. She was sent here by Palidos Suenos, but does not know what that means. (I've never played an RPG, I've never been able to make them work.) She will stand alone until this is explained to her.
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*Approach* -- Damaa Ibliis, 15:09:21 02/20/02 Wed (
Alpha femora trots up to new femme and nods in friendship... Welcome, her face reads. Her albino coat sparkles in the sunlight as she gazes at her new herdmate curiously...
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*Return* -- Damaa, 17:25:16 02/19/02 Tue (
True white femme returns and nickers to her steed... Her apology was the same as her mother's for obvious reasons...
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:Return: -- Salama, 17:12:24 02/19/02 Tue (
Dark femme looks in confusion at steed dubbed Riviere... (Have I misunderstood the challenge results? I was sure I saw results in Baringa's favor... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I was supposed to be here... I also apologize for my absence. I had a very busy week...)
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-Demands o' the Light- -- Baringa, 19:09:56 02/10/02 Sun (
Pelt o' light shows through the on coming darkness, liquid pools gaze 'pon the angered harem. Ivories flash as mascu' dubbed for light demands femmes to stop bickering. Rising from terra mascu' emittes trumpet from vocals, calling a halt to everything. Though 'twas not his place to arrange ranks he would not allow this to continue. Each may challenge but he did not want this constant fighting to continue amoungst themselves. Wishing all to remain civil mascu' issues whicker to all, then lambrium rises, trying to detrimine in any of brujas have began to cycle into her season.
(Please tell me the ranks as of now! thanx)
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-Clear- -- Tempus Vernum, 20:56:35 02/11/02 Mon (
Crimson hued she snorts at he, showing nothing but coldness tward him.Ebon plush mask thrusts fore', lobes lacing to poll.Firey walls o' hatred surround her heart, can you break them down?Or can you make them stronger?Forever deathly would she be, some steeds had ignored her for this...and for that she was ever so much more reluctant.However one mascu' captured her, intrigued her...he had taken some of the hardness away.Show her love.She will pay it back.Show her dominance.She'll pay that back as well.
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::Incline:: -- Salama, 16:01:57 02/12/02 Tue (
Dark femme canters over at steed's call with neck arched and head inclined... EDL was Alpha, and she would back down to Beta as she did not hear whether or not the position had yet been spoken for... She rubs muzzle against him drained mentally as well as physically and sighs. Then with her head raised up once more she stands before him prepared to do as he bid...
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approaches -- Dreamer, 17:19:13 02/12/02 Tue (
filly walks toward steed. she snorts and ignores the other mare. she herself cared nothing of positions, she was not dominant but she only held respect for EDL so far, all the other mares seemed foolish. nickers, and reaches out her muzzle to baringa
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-Nods- -- Baringa, 12:32:43 02/15/02 Fri (
Creamie mascu' nods, understanding who was Alpha. Looking at the firey temptress. He would never be able to possess the soul o' she and possilbly never her frame. But she would always have a place in his harem and soul.
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boredom -- Dreamer, 19:29:42 02/15/02 Fri (
young mare glances round terrian. she snorts and stomps an onyx hoof bored. she eyes the other mares, still unsure of them she keeps her distance. lifts her head and stares off into the distance, she missed her mother and longed to see her, but most of all she wanted to see No return again. sighs clearly knowing this was impossible she grazes tentively fully aware she was among total strangers
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^Comfort^ -- Baringa, 09:59:04 02/16/02 Sat (
Cream he extends plush to lonely femme, perchance he could comfort her. Soft whuff is emitted into vixens light strands 'pon boa.
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thankfull -- Dreamer, 18:21:06 02/17/02 Sun (
she nudges baringa happily, wonders where all the mares that caused the comotion where. shrugs, not really caring. she rests her muzzle lightly upon his back
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+Snort+ -- Riviere, 15:21:21 02/14/02 Thu (
+Low snort is emitted as onyx ped scrapes 'gainst terra firma. She dubbed Salama had been won in challenge, yet she had not joined him. Baringa had not yet challenged for her return either. A second nudge is given to she, urging her t'wards terra o' travel.+
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-Unsure- -- Baringa, 21:20:41 02/14/02 Thu (
Dial is tossed at entrance o' other steed, unsure as to way femme hath returned to his harem for indeed his challenge hath been unsuccessful at first and was waiting to rechallnge. She had returned on her own, perhaps this frustrated mascu' be better off on asking bella herself.
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-)Pale one(- -- Palidos Suenos, 21:05:24 02/11/02 Mon (
Steed o' beige coloring gently whickers t' femme dubbeth Damaa, comes pon' her presence and nudging her.Steps back, unsure of what she would do...Lobes flick, cupping sounds o' her.Peds scrape terra, wary of the scent in the air...though it was fading.
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*Nickers softly* -- Damaa, 16:11:25 02/12/02 Tue (
Alpha femora watches steed with ruby red orbs... Albino coat twitches slightly near steed's touch... With some anticipation, femme nudges steed in return. She had claimed position in question as her opponent was nowhere to be found at the moment. Her eyes look 'pon mascu curiously as though asking why she had been left alone for so long...
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-Nickers- -- Palidos Suenos, 21:17:41 02/12/02 Tue (
Wearily, letting out a whuff of slight happiness to her getting used to he.Nudges her softly.He too was unsure of where he opponent was.Maybe she had quit.Dial perks up, listners flicking.He had been absent at the cost of way to many horses...
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*Perks* -- Damaa, 16:45:43 02/13/02 Wed (
She tosses her diamond tresses... She would remain as her mother and Aunts always had... Her ears prick and swivel in contained excitement then with joy invading her gaze she whistles softly... Her mother's herd was coming here too...
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*Joy* -- Caie, 16:49:15 02/13/02 Wed (
Red-gold femora whinnies happily as she catches sight of her young daughter. Cantering towards the young albino mare she nickers softly. Caressing her softly with her muzzle, femme asks how she had been with her deep chocolate eyes...
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*Sigh* -- Damaa, 16:57:35 02/13/02 Wed (
She sighs deeply... With the return of her steed, Damaa's problems were limited to her Aunt. Knowing her mother can understand she thinks softly... ~If only Aunt Salama is ok then my life is perfect. You must know mother... She is your sister after all. Now if only her opponents and herd hold no grudge and she herself does not hold a grudge, I can at last be at peace...~
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-Sigh- -- Palidos Suenos, 21:55:41 02/13/02 Wed (
Steed looks at her, afaid to come forth and try to comfort the little mare he so cared about.Softly whuffs showing that he had a little concern for her aunt also, even though it was no affair of his.
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Trots in -- Looking Glass, 15:03:16 02/11/02 Mon (
The mare of Hurricane's, now in heat, trots into their new territory.
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::Entrançe -- Caie Aaoe, 16:15:28 02/12/02 Tue (
Hurricane's Beta femora canters in behind the newest member of the harem and nickers in greeting. She looks around with excitment and whistles then prickes her ears in anticipation...
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^Move^ -- Ewig Weibliche, 21:27:42 02/13/02 Wed (
Snowy she enters behind beta, dial raised in excitment. Soft whicker is emitted to both femme's, new and old. Then another whicker is emitted to their mascu' o' lead.
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Return of she-devil -- Salama, 18:33:31 02/04/02 Mon (
Dark beauty gallops back in at full speed and runs straight to her stallion. She rubs against him and nickers happily at her return. Then her dark eyes gleam fire as she turns gaze upon fiery usurper with no respect to her beloved stallion... "I will regain my rightful position, demon, I will never rest until it is unquestionably mine! Not one is worthy of a position of authority when they cannot respect those with authority over them!!!!!!!!" She rears and screams in anger... She had hoped to never meet a personality such as this again for all they did was break apart herds, which was exactly what happened in her brother's first herd here... Idiots such as this supposed demon had broken her brother's heart and he had left because of it. Now she narrows her eyes on this new evil who did not belong in a realistic game and concentrates all her fury over her brother's hurt on this opponent...
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eyes mare -- Dreamer, 20:11:11 02/04/02 Mon (
the new filly eyes the mare curiously. this herd didn't seem to be breaking apart, and everyone seemed quite kind. she looks around to the other mares, wondering who was causing this 'trouble'? she snorts and nuzzles baringa. soft whicker is emitted. she did not quite understand what was going on, but she didn't mind, all seemed well...
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*Cools* -- Salama, 15:07:58 02/05/02 Tue (
Her gaze softens as she turns toward the new filly... She nickers a friendly greeting seeing the filly has misunderstood... (I meant not that this herd was breaking apart -yet-. My brother once invited a mare into his herd that called herself a hellion and a devil. She had no respect for his authority and she was not happy unless she was alpha. She won a challenge with the current alpha who deserved her place of authority since she ruled fairly. After that the two battled for a month! Eventually the evil mare left the game but not before the entire herd was taking sides with the two mares. I don't want to see that again which is why I am very strongly against good/evil game characters in realistic games. It doesn't work that way in the wild so that's why it doesn't work here. That is also why I have challenged for my position back...)
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+Laughter+ -- El Diablo's Lengua, 14:17:36 02/06/02 Wed (
+ Pale mare prances up to the other, her optics glancing furisly. And when did such 'realistic' horses talk and sing out "My Lord?" Her laughter falls out majestically and her lobes rech her regal crown. Her ivories bare into a snarl and her fore pistons leave the earth an eerie scream following the mare to shake the high heavens. No, it was the other who needed to learn respect. She was pure dominante, born to lead, not evil. That was a side nick-name that had been gouged upon her! Her respect were for those who earned it, not those who demanded it. If this mare dubbed Salaama had choosen to figure that out before hatefull remarks were tossed in and out, then she would have relized this. As for challenging, she would not stop until the death! She snorts coldly, bitterly inticing the female to attack. Hatred filled embers lay rest 'pon her. An evil femme, indeed. Thjose who choose to be nice, got the favor returned, those who became rude, well, let's just say, that it 'doesn't turn out pretty'. She held very low esteem for the male race, and that was one reason why the retort was held against Barangia (sp?). Tresses are tossed warningly before she dances back into the shadows, the alpha postion clucthed within her reach and out of the others. +
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Snorts in contempt... -- Salama, 16:30:22 02/06/02 Wed (
(OOC: Oh, you wanna get technical with me? Horses don't laugh or snarl either smartie pants! Milord, My Lord, Lord Whatever-the-stallion's-name-is are terms of respect to the lead stallion. See unlike you other mares who think your better than everyone else need to remember that... Hello! Stallions can whoop a mare's tush any day no matter how bad they think they are! The lead stallion deserves and demands respect! I no very well that horses don't talk Hello, I am a semi-college educated person! I have also played in games where the rules do not permit talking, but this is not one of them. As for niceness! ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH you dominante kick butt types really annoy me with that attitude! From the instant you came here you were disrespectful to Baringa and nasty to me because I was the current Alpha so don't give me trash talk about returning niceness. I am only giving you what I got first. Don't even get me started on born to lead. You know how many of you born-to-lead twerps I've seen quit in the games I've played in over the years because they lost 1 -count em- 1 challenge? Oh I could just hurl!!!!!!!! You don't want to stop challenging until death? Fine I'll wait for you to quit the game. I did it before and I guess I'll have to do it again. I also know how to close my font :P)
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yo...listen up miss perfect -- sum1, 17:13:20 02/06/02 Wed (
First off I'm her friend and u have no god dammed (spelled it wrong on purpose if u didnt notice that u bit**) so, leave her alone, its not like u can RPG, and secondly, if anyone's goin' down gurl its u, got it? Dont mess with her, I dont care who the he11 git u all touchy but that's not my problem. So what miss-I'm-so-perfect-because-I-know- horses-dont-laugh? U gonnaget perfect well, u know, I hate those kind of peeps too, got it? And OMG! U can close ur font tags, lets see what else the perfectionist can do...can she zip a bag? Yes...Can she rp? No... *sneer* listen, I dont care whos alpha, I honestly dont think my friend does either...(lol) but back off buddy...I sware...I'll whoop ur @$$ good gurl, o and sure, report me to the owner, its not like I play this game. Oh and my friend's attitude bugs the crap outta u, well ur god damm attitude is just crazy, its not like u can name every singal bone in a horses body, let alone know when they colick, if they have a pulled tendon, I bet u dont even know how to ride! And if you do, can u jump backwards, bareback, over a 3-foot, I can, because see, I dont care if I'm perfect, if I was to go to a show like that I'd be disqualified which I was, see that wasnt perfect, so I'd suggest u take some damm risks in ur life, because if u dont, ur gonna have a hell of alot of enemies...starting with me.
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watches -- Dreamer, 18:11:24 02/06/02 Wed (
the filly watches the alpha mare walk away, and follows. for she did not want the alpha position and thought that this mare deserved it. turns to salama(or whatever your name is) and snorts, unsure of what to think of this 'touchy' and 'easily annoyed' mare. she didn't think she would like her. trots after her only friend, and nickers asking the mare to wait
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Re: yo...listen up miss perfect -- Darkness, 16:38:30 02/07/02 Thu (
Ok, that was pointless. It's a game... you/your friend don't like it, or some of the players, then leave. Oh yeah it's just that easy. Note to you, would you be able to talk like that to her face? Well I wouldn't let you, lets see how well you stand up to me. I won't talk trash, I hate fighting, but NO-ONE gets that stupid to my best friend over an online game EASILY avoided. I was told not to get into this, but I can't stand by and let any of my friends get talked to like that. It was childish, and ridiculous. My e-mails Posted.
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Can you write a sentence without a cuss word? -- Salama's Player (Ok if I was TO'ed before now I am personally offended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), 16:52:01 02/07/02 Thu (
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*Comfort* -- Damaa Ibliis, 17:22:40 02/07/02 Thu (
Young albino mare gallops over to femme of darkness from her own steed's herd... She truly loved her Aunt Salama and hated to see her depressed. 'Pon reaching dark femora, true white femme nudges the elder's shoulder in comfort. Not wanting her Aunt to feel abandoned she nickers softly... Salama can nearly hear the young mare's thoughts. ~Aunt Salama, I am here for you. Here me out for you have wronged your opponent with your smart-alec response, but I think you know this already. Remember the way of Christ our Lord, my dear Aunt. Christ would have us fight for right without using the tactics of darkness (No offense to my Aunt's noble friend who has come forward to champion her). Words spoken firmly but kindly must be our weapons. Indifference to the world's methods must be our shield. Remember Aunt Salama, we are warriors not of this world. God's Justice, God's Truth, & and our Lord's shed blood are the only things worth fighting for. Hold fast to your battle for justice but watch how you fight as you go...~ The young mare looks sadly toward her Aunt's opponent. She wishes strongly that the mare had not made this a battle for justice. How hard would it have been to have challenged her Aunt then posted the results declaring her winner? Knowing her Aunt, Salama would have stepped down and attempted to befriend the mare without ever thinking of re-challenging. Alpha's are constantly fighting to keep thier position, and her aunt was truly named for the name meant -May Peace Be Upon You-. This fight was not of her Aunt's making, but she knew she would finish it...
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*Nods* -- Salama, 17:37:40 02/07/02 Thu (
Nickers to young niece... 'I will remember, Damaa. I am struggling as you can see, but I am trying to remember grace. I thank you for your support dear heart but go now back to your own herd. I know not what to expect, but I could not control my anger if they insult you as they have me. I thank you for the reminder, and I do not feel abandoned any more... Go now little one...' Seeing her niece safely back with her herd, she turns back to her own once more... She worries for a minute about the absence of her niece's stallion then shrugs... If worse came to worse, her niece could return to her mother...
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Nudge -- El Diablo's Lengua, 08:50:47 02/10/02 Sun (
(ooc: yikes: I had frgot to close my font! Ya happy now?I am totally diff. from my friend, yet I still am her friend. This is what friends are for standing up for each other (though not in the way that ours( or just mine) did) now to the game!)
Femme nudges her friend and nickers to her agreeing to the race. Lobes prick forth asking for the start and finmish postion
(I have tried my hardest, but I still need to cool off, forgive me for being a bit unactive but who wouldn't want to listen to all this crap? (no offense))
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-WOAH!!!- -- Tempus Vernum's Player, 19:09:06 02/07/02 Thu (
You all need to chill out ok, EDL you need not to cuss, this game is for children as well as adults and I don't care who you are or who you play.If you don't quit this I will have to report you to Amanda.This is completely un-called for and unreasonable.Salamaa I understand you point completely, but I have to say you need not make this a personal issue, calm down and everything will be fine.Gosh I wish people wouldn't constantly mess up games, it causes people to quit and banning to happen.Amanda would not be very pleased right now if she were here.And your friend or whoever posted in your name EDL has no right to interefere in something he/she has no part of.Both of you need to quit and stop this nonsense before something horrible happen and everyone gets banned.Now, currently I believe El Diablo's Lengua is the Alpha.Let's leave it at that untill somebody takes the thrown away from her....
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YUP!! -- Dreamers playa, 19:59:44 02/07/02 Thu (
finally someone normal!! hee-hee anyways your right, i mean come on its just a game, who cares if some mares are more dominant, it makes the game more interesting. uless you guys take it personally, like salama did, i don't mean to interfere or anything, but you guys are really acting stupid. no offense, just chill and play the game, no big long speeches. if it goes on like this, i'm leaving, it's so pointless
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Ummm -- Salama, 10:47:32 02/08/02 Fri (
(Personally I respect both your opinions, which is why I feel I must respond... I am begging now (cause seriously I was furious last night though rather proud of myself that I defended myself without ripping her to shreds as I was tempted). I didn't take anything personally until I got called a female dog and someone made reference to my rear being a donkey and so on... Like I said I would have happily backed off and been her friend if she could've shown a little respect to me as a person instead of telling me I was going down, my day had come, she was gonna kick my butt and so on ok? Like Damaa said. If she had just challenged me the normal way and told me if the results were in her favor (nicely I might add), I would've had absolutely no problem and would've put up with attitude cause we would probably have been friends. I apologize if my messages are too long Dreamer, but I want to make myself understood as I have a history of not doing so well with that. If she stops threatening to kick my rear/kill me and downplaying me and shows a bit more respect to Baringa as a stallion, I will back off... I think I also deserve an apology... Am I understood this time?)
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listen here -- EDL, 08:42:26 02/10/02 Sun (
First off, I apologize for my friend. We do not have the same ip's and we are not the same peeps. I was angered at Salaama's post, yet this is a game! I don't care who is alpha for crying out loud! This is how my character acts. I could have brought in a dumdum(no offense) that didn't know how to spell or crap. I don't care! Salaama offended me, or my character and I showed that in my posts, I didn't go beserk! Thank you to everybody, now can we just play?
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~entrance~ -- Iced Dreamer, 22:35:23 02/01/02 Fri (
ark femme enters the lands she once grew up in, her old herd long gone. eyes sweep over terrain, taking in all familar surroundings. approaches the one dubbed baringa. she had come against her better judgement, there was something she trusted about him. looks about for other harem members, whicker of friendship emitted
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^Kindness^ -- Baringa, 10:52:56 02/02/02 Sat (
^Smile plays 'pon labriums o' he, limbs o' cream carry he t'wards wary bella. Soft plush is extended to she as sweet whicker is emitted from vocals.^
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Prideful -- El Diablo's Lengua, 11:08:45 02/02/02 Sat (
The one who claimed alpha postion danced infront of the steed her tresses whiping at his face. Dial is extended to the young mare, slight motherly affects kicking in, though knowing well that the mare was mostly grown up. She nudges the fatale playfuly and nips at the stedd's crest.
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*nudge* -- Dreamer, 11:28:05 02/02/02 Sat (
filly nudges the steed happily. and dark eyes settle on mare. nicker of friendship is emitted and she nudges the mare bag, eyes sparkle with excitment. watches the mare wondering if she would like to race?
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^Happiness^ -- Baringa, 14:27:55 02/02/02 Sat (
Happiness plays 'pon heart o' he, vixen's o' his harem finally were working things out. Auditives prick t'wards motherly she, perhaps would she want to bear a foal o' he?
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Agreement -- El Diablo's Lengua, 17:10:22 02/02/02 Sat (
Indeed, a foal was her wish and desire. Her optics look to the young femme, apologizing, for she was tired. A nicker emits. Perhaps another day?
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downcast -- Dreamer, 21:17:39 02/02/02 Sat (
young mare snorts. though she understood, her own mother used to get tired too. nibbles on the lush grass, and eyes the other horses
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Cheer -- El Diablo's Lengua, 06:48:24 02/03/02 Sun (
The mare blows softly and begins to groom the younger mare. Her ivories that are used normaly to rip and tear flesh of her enimies, gently pull at bits of dirt that clung to the mare's coat. She nuzzles the mare comforting her, her attitude had been very nasty during the day and that had worn her out by miles. Soon however she would be ready to race.
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*nudge* -- Dreamer, 11:20:03 02/03/02 Sun (
mare closes her eyes, and enjoys the grooming. she opens them and looks over at the mare, she could never see this mare being 'nasty', she was so nice. decides to return the favor. and begins grooming the other mare also
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^Do You have a Death Wish?^ -- Tempus Vernum, 14:25:31 02/02/02 Sat (
Regards Golden one with a snap, pearls bared as if not tolerating approach.Then turns to mare, accepting friendship.She had been alpha to her last harem and hoped to aquire that here.But she would treat all with respect untill that was hers.Lobes back slightly and she eyes steed, well...maybe not everyone.Watches mare dubbed El Diablo's Lengua.Lobes lace completely, she knew this was one that she probably would Not get along with....
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-Firey- -- Tempus Vernum, 20:55:52 01/27/02 Sun (
-Ingression of a hellion, do any dare approach her?-
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^Watch^ -- Baringa, 16:32:55 01/29/02 Tue (
^Liquid pools watch this demon o' fire, his distants kept slightly before approaching hellion.^
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::Observes:: -- Salama, 18:45:59 01/29/02 Tue (
Dark femora observes femme of fire... She nickers in greeting as this mare will be in her steed's herd. She hopes the spirited femme will accept her friendship for she has met many with claims to devilishness and knows their frosty attitudes... She watches carefully to see how this fiery mare will react to her stallion...
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Greetings of my own -- El Diablo's Lengua, 17:05:47 02/01/02 Fri (
The mare snorts harshly and prances up to the other mare, her pearls bared. Her lobes race to her crown and she slashes the air with a pistons. Bow your pride, for I am the devil!. Her orbs swing 'round to the alpha, a plain cry sent forth. Ready or not here I come. Her dial is snaked back and forth, her rage uncontrolable. Once dominance was achieved full victory would be ers, for the Alpha postion would be fought for, unless one backed down.
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^Snap^ -- Baringa, 21:51:06 02/01/02 Fri (
^Ivories flash at the unruly one, liquid pools glare harshly at vixen. Though she may be thee devil that gives her no right to treat the Alpha with disrespect, she may try to get alpha for 'twas none of his bussiness but untill she had the position she must be civil. Snowy tressess snap 'gainst haunches o' cream.^
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Laughter -- El Diablo's Lengua, 09:11:28 02/02/02 Sat (
The alpha was claimed be another, so she claimed the alpha postion with a challenging cry. Her ivorie lash out towards the new comer, yet she bites gently and nodges the other mare's shoulder. Her moods changed as fast as ligtning flashed.
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^Perchance^ -- Baringa, 10:58:29 02/02/02 Sat (
Looking to she who speaks the devil, then back to Tempus Vernum. Not knowing who shall take this position. Cream tresse snap 'gainst pelt, he was the alpha and they would obey him but he would not interfear with this claiming o' positions.
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+Retrieval+ -- Riviere, 19:26:07 02/01/02 Fri (
+Youthful steed o' fiery hue enters foreign terra, visage lifted as trumpeting bugle is emitted. Copper he approaches femmora dubbed Salama, for he had won her in challenge. Gentle nudge is given to she, directing her t'wards terra o' travel.+
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+ Beware + -- El Diablo's Lengua, 17:42:42 01/29/02 Tue (
The tarnished ivory femme steps forth from the dappling shadows, her misted breath smoke in the wind. The demon's glowing embers rest on the 'light' stud. He had touched her hide with his claim, yet her soul was not yet his. Niether her body, mind and confidence. Her daring structure facing the moon, who was the fatale leader. Will she fight, or will she turn tail and run?
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>>>Belongs in Barangia(sp, sry) herd -- Sarah, 05:32:27 01/31/02 Thu (
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^Devil o' the Light^ -- Baringa, 16:14:36 01/31/02 Thu (
Pelt o' silver 'n cream shimmers in the glowing moonlight, limbs carry mascu' t'wards vixen o' death. Auditives pricked 'pon silvery crowage, sweet song is emitted for vocals o' steed. Ivory tresses cut through darkness as he moves forth. He thee son o' the wind.
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Judgement Day -- El Diablo's Lengua, 17:00:11 02/01/02 Fri (
Lapets grace her crown and she snarls bitterly. Pearls are bestowed upon his crest, slashing at the white devil that dare approach her. Transparent nostrils flare red and she squeals harshly. Pistons cling to the earth and she lifts her bodice high, flinging out her forearms she lands her attack towards his neck. Beware, I am the Devil's Language
Salaama: Your Fate is to come, fall to your knees and begg for mercy
Firey Newcommer: I am evil, leave me be, nothing can save you if you dare to get me mad.
Jack: Touch my hide, or one that I love and all hell shall be brought down to your haven!
Grabbing the stud's mane she pulls him over to her, and rips at his hide. Her 'grooming' partners would learn soon enough. Her lips peel back into a blood curling scream daring all to aproach. She was and is one not to mess with. Don't be a fool!
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-Fiesty- -- Palidos Suenos, 20:40:58 01/27/02 Sun (
Sepia mascu' makes way pon terra o' claim, nickering softly to one dubbed Damaa.Lobes prick and he gently comes upon her...offering simple nudge in greeting and a comfort for her life with him would be pleasurable...that he promised.
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::Joy:: -- Damaa, 15:26:10 01/28/02 Mon (
Albino femme tosses her diamond mane. She was growing more comfortable in the steed's presence. 'Are the ranks of thy herd decided already milord?' she asks timidly... While she was not yet used to her new stallion, she could be very authoritative amongst other mares, but she needed to know where she stood...
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_Unsure_ -- Palidos Suenos, 21:25:03 01/28/02 Mon (
I Only know that I have u and Devil's Comet, positions are not determined.
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::Nods:: -- Damaa, 18:37:41 01/29/02 Tue (
She tosses her mane then addresses steed once more... 'Might I then claim Alpha position, milord?'
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*Paw* -- Devils Comet, 20:41:11 01/29/02 Tue (
*femmes strikes a hoof forth, dragging it across the ground, tossing her head, ebony mane rippling along her neck, she fixes both with a gaze, arching her neck and snorting, she wished to vie for the position of Alpha as well*
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::Spirit:: -- Damaa, 18:49:40 01/31/02 Thu (
Forehoof is stamped impatiently on the smooth terra beneath it... She would not rest until she reigned supreme... Otherwise compliant and passive, she turned into her namesake once challenged... She eyes Comet warily. Had words of challenge not been uttered, friendship would have been offered. 'I give thee fair warning,' her whinnies and neighs whisper... 'Quit is not in my vocabulary...'
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-Claiming- -- Baringa, 17:51:33 01/22/02 Tue (
-Cream he emitts call to all in harem. They had reached their terra.-
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*Enter* -- Desert Comet, 19:17:47 01/22/02 Tue (
*platinum femme enters the terra beside the stallion, though she passes him at a lofty trot, orbs turned to look at all the different sights of this place, plume is snapped across haunches as grey vixen lowers her head to graze for a moment*
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-Wondering- -- Baringa, 23:07:53 01/25/02 Fri (
-He hued cream hath question to bestow 'pon silver beauty, would the rank o' beat suit she? For one dubbed Salama held Alpha since she had asked mascu' first.-
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*Accepted* -- Desert Comet, 20:44:26 01/29/02 Tue (
*Platinum femme tosses her head, snorting, looking 'way from steed, indeed beta would be fine for now, she swishes her tail, moving away to go and graze again, seeminly unconcerned*
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Entrançe -- Salama, 09:50:16 01/23/02 Wed (
The dark mare enters behind her steed then nuzzles his shoulder... 'Have the ranks been decided, milord?' She asks quietly... She is new to this stallion's herd and must now figure out where she stands...
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-Ranks- -- Baringa, 23:04:46 01/25/02 Fri (
Since this she hued dark hath asked she will bestow the rank o' alpha.
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~Acceptance~ -- Salama, 15:07:19 01/28/02 Mon (
Dark femme inclines her head to her steed in acceptance of the rank he has bestowed upon her. With an air of authority she stamps her forehoof so the others are aware of her position. Turning again to Baringa she rubs her head gently on his shoulder and stands beside him before lowering her head to graze on some grass...
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Entrançe -- Damaa Ibliis, 10:00:04 01/23/02 Wed (
The young mare trots in and looks about... Smiling she greets her Aunt Salama. Life might not be so bad after all... she thought quietly. She could visit with her Aunt if things got too lonely... Turning she sees that the rest of her steed's herd has not yet arrived and turns to grazing as she waits... She keeps a good distance from Baringa's herd though she occasionally calls to her AUnt to keep from being lonely...
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-Claiming- -- Baringa, 17:49:57 01/22/02 Tue (
-Cream he emitts call to all in harem. They had reached their terra.-
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^Watches^ -- A la Belle e'toile & Dame D'etoile, 22:51:51 01/10/02 Thu (
^Duo o' Stars watches from afar, where they to leave? He dubbed for a song o' beauty had mentioned a move but would that be followed through? Iced she watches as other equids move 'bout, lowers visage to crop blades o' green.^
*Filla hath grown, pistons rising frame o' she from terra and nearing height o' dam. Whispy tresses had straightened and lengthened, now protection 'gainst flies. Frame had grown fuller, she was almost ready to leave protection o' dam and sire.*
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-Truth- -- Siran, 17:53:01 01/12/02 Sat (
()Nickers softly and nudges silvery duo, they were indeed moving to a paradise in the mountains...()
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_When?_ -- A la Belle e'toile & Dame D'etoile, 21:22:46 01/12/02 Sat (
_Silvery she nudges sepian filla beside, knowing that progeny shall not continue on to this new terra but depart to lands o' claim. When shall they make this move?_
*Lengthy she watches dam and sire, soft whicker is emitted to ebon he.*
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shock -- DTD, 21:03:32 01/13/02 Sun (
mares head snaps up quickly the foals were leaving soon? *sighs* Dreamer was her first foal and would be missed
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enters -- DTD, 17:40:51 01/03/02 Thu (NoHost/
femme trots around bored she nudges Dreamer towards her friends and looks around for Dance away and almost gone
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*Greet* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 18:43:16 01/03/02 Thu (
*She o' dark hue steps forth, probiscus extended to DTD, whicker o' friendship emitted. Auds prick as gaze rests upon she, stepping t'wards femme. Dial is raised suddenly, whinny issued to femmora dubbed A la Belle e'Toile in greeting, as well as affectionate whuffles to steed*
*Charred youth emits a short squeal as he sights Dreamer, twin auds pricking as he dances t'wards her. Short whistle of excitement is issued as gaze o' colt falls upon filla dubbed Dame D'etoile. Playful nickers are emitted to the two, visage tossed as he snorts*
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*Greeting* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 20:56:46 01/03/02 Thu (
*femme of platinum walks towards her friends, her gait light and bouncing, tail swishing to and fro merrily, her visage a picture of contentment, beside her a small, but growing filly tagging along her dam's side, a throaty whicker given to both standing here, and inviting one to those who were in their harem but had not yet made their way over*
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smiles -- Dreamer and DTD, 00:44:06 01/04/02 Fri (
mare nickers to friends, also calling siran over. she watches her filly happily, Dreamer was quite big now
Iced Dreamer canter towards the colt happily she nudges him, he was bigger than her, but not by much. she then notices Dance by night and trots over
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*Whicker* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 13:42:20 01/05/02 Sat (
*A low whicker is emitted in greeting to the two mares, probiscus lowered slightly. Gaze falls 'pon ebon steed and short whistle is emitted, beckoning to him.*
*Youth o' char issues a friendly nicker to both fillies, dancing to the side. True, he was larger than both by only a small amount, but he was also the youngest. He rears, flaying his forelegs and emitting a shrill whinny in imitation of his sire*
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*Looks* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 17:35:46 01/05/02 Sat (
*mare's mocha eyes seem to smile as she looks over with the other mares at steed, a whicker from her beckoning him over as well, allowing him to join them, she swishes her tail against haunches to rid herself of flies*
*the filly nickers to both of the other youths, indeed they were all growing large, soon to leave the harem perhaps, the colt bigger than all of them despite his age, she snorts in apparent laughter at the colt's immitation*
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*Watch* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 20:24:54 01/05/02 Sat (
*Sculpted dial o' ebon she is lowered, ivories ripping at the tender emerald blades, watchful gaze resting 'pon progeny at play, audatives swiveling 'top poll*
*Probiscus o' charred youth reaches t'wards the two fillies, 'claiming' them with a gentle nip. Snort is issued as whinny o' dominance is emitted. Youth tosses his dial, proud of his 'accoplishments'*
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nicker -- DTD and Dreamer, 23:11:15 01/05/02 Sat (
gazes as the foals play, nickers happily to herself. she too was beginning to realize Dreamer would have to go soon. sighs. lowers her head sadly, her first filly would have to leave.
Dreamer snorts at the nip, and races around him. she was not one to be 'claimed' she nips him 'claiming' him. unlike most girls she wanted to be in charge. looks at the colt noticing he is taller she puffs out her chest and stands tall. ears flick foreward looking to Dance by night she becons her to join her as 'supream leader' prances around the colt once.
mare watches and shakes her head at the fiesty foal, reminding her of when she was young
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*Confusion* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 14:08:30 01/06/02 Sun (
*Moves t'wards DTD, comforting whuffles emitted. There was still time before the filly would leave her, it would be treasured. Visage is lifted as gentle snort is issued to no one in particular, gaze remains 'pon progeny*
*Ebon colt snorts and shakes his dial in confusion. He had not been aware that he could be claimed-indeed, it was strange. He lifts himself in a half-rear, in an attempt to dominate the filly, both physically and socially. He 'reclaims' her with a gentle nudge, though respect is shown in dancing orbs*
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*Comfort* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 16:05:47 01/06/02 Sun (
*the pale mare reaches over to lip at DTD's mane, indeed her filly would leave, it was a fact of life, but she had her friends here, and they would have one another when their foals would leave, she snorts and shakes her head, whuffing at the young ones*
*the young bay catches the other filly's drift, niping the colt back, prancing 'round him, joining Dreamer in her game, tossing her head lightly, then snort in laughter at the colt's confusing, bouncing straight up on all four legs, bottle brush flying*
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*Charge* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 16:10:04 01/06/02 Sun (
*the midnight colored mare swishes her tail, grazing out of the comfort of the shadows, slowly making her way towards the congregation of mares, ears flicker forward, would she be accepted? She was still unsure and quite a bit shy...*
*the young colt sees the other foals and charges over with a squeal, unusually large for an arabian, larger than all three of the others, he rears before the other colt, trying to herd the fillies away, as if taking them for his own, an ambitious youth*
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dominance -- DTD and lil Dreamer, 17:30:31 01/07/02 Mon (
mare whickers thanful for her friends. notices the new mare and walks foreward. nicker of friendship is emitted.
Dreamer rears up excited. ears flick foreward as she notices the other colt trots over and nips him also 'claiming' him. prances around the two colts and whinnys loudly. trots over to Dance away and stands beside her watching her 'herd'. ears flick foreward wondering how the colts like being 'claimed'
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-He watches- -- Siran, 19:04:20 01/08/02 Tue (
-Steed watches calmly and whuffs, orbs intently fixed pon Dreamer.Interested in her play he came up within the little huddle o' femmians, not understanding such behavior.Dial is tossed yet her watches more.Nickering Tidings to femmes dubbed Dance Away, Dances in Twilight, Almost Gone and DTD.-
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glee -- DTD and Dreamer, 19:41:16 01/08/02 Tue (
DTD nickers in response to steed. watches her filly amused by her antics.
Dreamer walks over to her father. nose reaches out towards him. nickers, and nods towards the others. proudly showing him her and Dance by nights 'harem' ears flicker foreward as she begins to grow tired of her game, prances over to no return and the other colt. eyes them as she waits..
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*Interest Lacking* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 15:27:08 01/09/02 Wed (
*Sculpted visage is lifted as crescent audatives pick up the sound o' ebon steed. Dark-hued femmora answers with a gentle whuffle, striding t'wards the steed, though remaining several paces away, gaze resting upon the progeny and their sire, watching silently*
*Charred colt snorts, cranium shaking in distaste. Probiscus extends in a brief attempt to claim the fillies again, bottlebrush flapping. He would just be persistant. However, as he sees the interest in the game dropping, he also stops, onyx ped scraping the ground in boredom*
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*Interest Lacking* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 15:28:21 01/09/02 Wed (
*Sculpted visage is lifted as crescent audatives pick up the sound o' ebon steed. Dark-hued femmora answers with a gentle whuffle, striding t'wards the steed, though remaining several paces away, gaze resting upon the progeny and their sire, watching silently*
*Charred colt snorts, cranium shaking in distaste. Probiscus extends in a brief attempt to claim the fillies again, bottlebrush flapping. He would just be persistant. However, as he sees the interest in the game dropping, he also stops, onyx ped scraping the ground in boredom*
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snort -- DTD and Dreamer, 18:45:08 01/09/02 Wed (
DTD smiles herself also bored she bobs her head
Dreamer notices the colt attempting to 'claim' her. ears pinn, but flick foreward as she realizes if she agrees the game is over. casually stands beside him, head low surrendoring.
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*Graze* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 18:31:03 01/10/02 Thu (
*Femmora o' dark hue lowers her dial, ivories ripping at jade carpeting o' terra, drapery whispering 'gainst hocks gently*
*Coal youth snorts softly, stepping t'wards Dreamer, nudging her gently. Bottlebrush o' he flaps 'gainst 'quarters as he shakes his head, slightly bored*
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-Calm- -- Siran, 18:46:49 01/10/02 Thu (
Steed o' ebon gently whuffs in the direction of His lead, she would lead the harem through rough trails.He knew she could do it well.They were moving to Blue Mountain Paradise...Each member in the harem was called in a triumphant, melodic display o' chords...All in favor please post below...
Alpha: Dance Away
Beta:Dare to Dream
Gamma:Almost Gone
Delta: Dances in Twilight
Sigma: A la Belle E'toile (unactive)
Omega: Cossette (Hasn't shown herself yet)
Dance By Night (Siran x DA)
Iced Dreamer (Siran x DTD)
No Return (Siran x AG)
Essence of Darkness (Siran x DIT)
Dame D'etoile (Siran x ALBE)
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nod -- DTD and Dreamer, 19:43:39 01/10/02 Thu (
DTD whickers her approval, walks towards steed ready to leave.
Dreamer nudges no return bored also, walks towards her daddy, they were moving soon. looks back to see if he was coming...
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*Agreement* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 16:35:14 01/11/02 Fri (
*Dark femmora nickers softly, bobbing her head slightly in agreement with Siran and DTD*
*Snorts, dial tossed as he leaps forwards to catch up with Dreamer, whickering softly to her. Visage is shaken briefly, whinny o' excitement issued, glad for the change of scenery to be had soon*
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graze -- DTD and Dreamer, 16:48:56 01/12/02 Sat (
DTD nickers in response to almost gone. awaiting the other mares' reply she drops her head and nibbles on the green grass
Dreamer prances excited, she had never been anywhere else. looks around wondering where the others were
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/~\The return/~\ -- Siran, 15:43:21 12/29/01 Sat (
*Steed plumets fore' pon terra, dial raised in greeting to his femmes.Nicker escapes directed to A La Belle E'toile, he was glad she had returned.Nuzzle is issued to all of his progency, though stallion is unsure whether or not to approach his newest...*
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|~|Greets|~| -- A la Belle e'Toile & Dame D'etoile, 21:42:07 12/29/01 Sat (
|~|Ice hued she moves forth to meet charred one, auditives cupping sounds he o' ebon makes as he enters terra. Allowing he to lay plush 'pon pelt o' mahogany youth which stands beside ashen bruja. Whicker is emitted in reply to jet mascu'. Plush o' softness then is layed 'pon back o' progeny, running it 'long length. Youth had grown in absence o' both duo and mascu'.|~|
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-+His Song Is Like A Sirin+- -- $iran, 15:24:24 12/31/01 Mon (
-Steed grunts placidly,soft melodic waves of the african plains reaching lobes which had heard many certain songs.His own was timeless and beautiful, sweet but tempting.Olfacs flare, plush extending to meet with that o' femmes own.Probiscus then depthens to meet with that of his fillas, whuffing softly to her in delight.Raises dial once more to trumpet joyously to other harem members, they would be leaving soon.-
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|~|Stars|~| -- A la Belle e'Toile & Dame D'etoile, 21:00:39 12/31/01 Mon (
|~|She dubbed for the stars 'bove trio lays plush to that o' he, a nuzzle is issued to him. Ice hued she snorts then lows visage to crop green blades below.|~|
\~/Filla emitts whicker, her own song to heard by all in the african plains. Visage is tilted, a question moves into pools. Where would the travel to?\~/
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*Halt* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 11:02:38 01/01/02 Tue (
*Dark-hued femmora slows to a halt, scupted visage held high, audatives swiveling. Call o' brute is heard, shrill whistle issued in reply. Limbs o' steel carry she t'wards steed, ebon tresses swept 'bout her*
*Game is halted as youth o' char sights dam cantering away. Slight squeal o' alarm is emitted from he as long stride carries colt to sire and dam, bottlebrush flapping 'gainst 'quarters*
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_Unsure_ -- Siran, 18:59:43 01/01/02 Tue (
Lobes prick in greeting tward Almost Gone and No Return, expression lightening.Your question remains unanswered Dame D'etoile...
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*Joyous* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 20:48:08 01/01/02 Tue (
*platinum she gives a joyous nicker for return of her stallion, tail flagged like a banner she makes for him at a gallop, sliding to a stop before him, reaching out softly to nuzzle his neck, her bay filly follows behind, giving a low nicker to her sire as well*
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-Glad- -- Siran, 20:48:18 01/02/02 Wed (
Ebon equidae nickers joyously and nuzzles platinum femmian in return, happy to see his little dancer of the night...
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.:Watches:. -- A la Belle e'Toile & Dame D'etoile, 21:18:32 01/02/02 Wed (
.:Ice hued she watches as other members o' Siran's harem. Emitts whicker to equids, hoping to make a friend. Nudge is given to sepia filla beside.:.
...Filla looks t'wards dam 'pon nudge, taking tentative steps forth, extending plush. A whicker is emitted to progency o' equids...
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*Whinny* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 18:48:47 12/18/01 Tue (
*Mare of platinum prances forth to meet her stud, shaking her mane, tossing her head like a young filly, feeling very well this day, she reaches forth to nuzzle him, letting her whiskered muzzel rest on his back, whuffing softly, enjoying his presence, a keen dark eye seeks her friend, perhaps she would like a race or a game as well? Her growing filly stands beside, chasing small creatures through the grass*
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/*\His song is like A Sirin/*\ -- $iran, 20:30:32 12/18/01 Tue (
^Ebon mascu' approaches femmora and progeny, whickering softly to her.He raises his dial and trumpets in a harmonized voice.Sniffs her quickly, familiar smell tantalizing him in tranquility.Leaves her and comes tword filla dubbed Dance By Night, his olfacs flare and he whuffs in salutations.Upper labium twitches softly and he trails it o'er her loins,consuming memory o' her.Dial quickly snaps up and he dances around Dare to Dream, snorting softly as orbs catch sight of his first filly Iced Dreamer.Trudges after her and gently nips her tiny rump, squealing quietly as he takes off, landing beside Dances In Twilight and Essence of Darkness.Ivories also trail o'er pelt of his firstborn, neighing shrilly to start the chase.Passes Almost Gone and No Return, whirling and ceasing momentarily to invite his newest to join them.He then flips tresses, silver within them flashing...and gives another playful squeal darting off once more to 'tease' the foals and better intice the chase rate...
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nudge -- DTD, 21:38:13 12/18/01 Tue (
nudges Dremer, the little filly wanders around following her father happily.
DTD trots over to her friend Dance away and nickers, still watching Iced Dremer. watchfull eyes glance to the mare almost gone, and she relaxes when she notices that the mean mare was nowhere near Dremer. turns back to her friend
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*Accepts* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 13:55:36 12/19/01 Wed (
*Nudges progeny, encouraging him to follow his sire. Sighing, she lowers dial, plume lying motionless 'gainst hindquarters*
*Coal youth squeals and eagarly sets off at a gallop, pursuing sire in playful chase*
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approach -- DTD, 22:44:36 12/19/01 Wed (
ears flicking back and forth she approaches the mare almost gone, and stares at her, waiting for something to happen
(ooc- okay first of all, i tried to befriend you if you didn't notice, and yeah it is just a game, but my character, Dare to Dream, is nice but unforgiving. i understand that you are having family problems and all that and i know its part of the game but so was my characters reaction. she's not rude, she just makes sure that Iced Dreamer is nowhere near your character because she's protective. what's wrong with that? she'll forgive you eventually,
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*Friendly* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 19:51:06 12/20/01 Thu (
*Lifts dial, auds pricking, gentle oculars watching the mare, nostrils dialated, exhaling gently, waiting also*
((OOC: Yes, I did notice. I'm sorry if I ignored you or seemed to, really. I do understand that your character is protective of her foal, so is mine. I was mostly directing that towards your statement above of referring to Almost Gone as a mean mare. I just wanted to clear it up and try to start over, or something of the sort))
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unsure -- DTD, 22:37:31 12/20/01 Thu (
mare waits unsure if she should forgive almost gone. Iced Dreamer has her own ideas
Dreamer seeing the colt jumps foreward excited! she races over wanting to play nudges the colt and runs off waiting for him to chase her.
DTD surprised raises her head, see's the foals playing and relaxes
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~Silent~ -- $iran, 13:57:30 12/21/01 Fri (
>Ebon mascu' watches femmes intently, ready to once again escape from the task of peacemaker and back to reality and his usual form of loving and protective steed and father...Gently snorts, a glow of slight joy as he watches No Return and Iced Dreamer.Hopes rising to the skys that their dams could settle their conflicts.Then urge to make form meet with his hopes take over and he leaps, dial tosses high and continues to do so in playful manner.Nickers in invitation then proceeds to trumpet in mischevious and free elegance, harmony in his song, his song unlike any other beautiful sirin done...<
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*Watch* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 17:31:53 12/21/01 Fri (
*snowy femme stands next to her friend Dare to Dream, keen orbs too looking 'pon the mare Dare to Dream, she held nothing against the mare for she had no reason too, and indeed she as well wished for both femmes to settle any lingering conflict*
*young bay filly tosses her head, wishing to play with the other two, she bugles out a high pitched whinny, rearing lightly, tossing forelegs into the air, taking off in pursuit of the others*
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*Reassuring* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 10:38:58 12/22/01 Sat (
*Dark-hued bruja emits low whicker, reassuring the mare, lowering dial and taking a step forwards in expression of her own trust for the other femme, glancing at the foals, oculars dancing in amusement at their antics*
*Coal youth emits a squeal of excitement as he sights the filly, breaking into a swift gallop, chasing after Dreamer*
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nod -- DTD, 11:38:34 12/22/01 Sat (
nickers to Dance away, glad to see her friend. she then notices almost gone approaching, faces her and after a few minutes of pondering ears flick foreward. if this mare trusted her certainly she could trust almost gone. watches to Dreamer and softly whickers to Dance away's filly to join in their game. see's steed watching and wondering what he was up to she calls him over
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*Joy* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 12:26:45 12/22/01 Sat (
*Emits brief nicker to DTD, joy and relief evident in relaxation of posture. Sculpted dial turns, sighting Dance Away, whicker emitted in greeting. Gaze follows path of progeny momentarily, then moves to that of steed. Steps towards mascu', whuffling softly*
*Slides to a halt, sighting Dance By Night. Emits nicker to filly, auds pricked. Suddenly he takes off after Dreamer, beckoning the other foal to follow*
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*Play* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 18:27:52 12/22/01 Sat (
*femme bows her platinum dial towards both, a whicker of greeting emmitted to each she, muzzle extended to exchange whuffs with the others as well, femme looks from one to the other, pleased they had settled their differences, and she stands between them at repose, one hoof tilted back, watching the foals at play*
*bay gallops off after the two, long legs making great strides as she catches up to the colt No Return, reaching out to nip him lightly, taking off after the filly infront of her, bottlebrush flying high*
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>Gentle< -- Siran, 20:04:13 12/22/01 Sat (
-Ebon darkness whuffs gently in return, now joyfully pursuing the foals.Gently nips each as he passes by them.Auds are pricked forward and he circles to come to a cease by the femmes.Dial tosses skyward once more and he extends plush to rub each before perching on a hillcrest nearby.-
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*Content* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 08:28:18 12/23/01 Sun (
*Dark-hued dial o' bruja is lowered, whuffling softly to the other femmoras, plume swishing gently 'gainst hocks as soft nicker is emitted to steed as he passes. Cranium is turned as gaze falls 'pon progeny at play, oculi dancing in amusement at their antics*
*Sharp squeal is emitted as ivories of bay filly make contact with hide o' he, breaking into a gallop in pursuit of the two before him, slight gains made 'pon them with each stride*
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*From the Darkness* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 08:59:24 12/23/01 Sun (
*from the shadows comes a streaking colt, color of shadows, tinted in bay, galloping after the foals, already large for his age, destined to grow even bigger, he cuts off the two fillies and stands before the other colt, rearing in mock challenge, pretending he is fighting the other for the two 'mares', eyes gleam with playfulness as he returns to the ground*
*the shadowed dam watches the play of the foals from her own place, where shadow meets light, only her head and neck can be seen clearly, the rest of her body fading in and out of darkness*
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*Return of Challenge* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 10:29:06 12/23/01 Sun (
*Dial o' bruja is turned, gaze falling 'pon she o' shadows, lobes pricking*
*Ebon colt, although large and strong is still younger than the rest and more reckless, also rears, emitting a shrill whistle, pinning auds. Though orbs hold playful mischeviousness, he advances upon the other, boa snaking out, incisors placing gentle nip 'pon shoulder of other colt*
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*Mock Battle* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 15:39:25 12/23/01 Sun (
*Ebony vixen looks towards the other, small fox-like ears flicking forward, looking a bit surprised she'd been seen, a moment of indecision, not sure whether to fade into the shadows or come forth into the light*
*young mascu' gives a mighty squeal, as if the nip had been a bite causing great pain, and he backs off for a moment, before coming on again, rearing up half way to strike, tapping the other's chest and shoulder with forehooves with surprising gentleness, eyes ablaze, having great fun*
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prances -- Dreamer and DTD, 20:44:16 12/23/01 Sun (
filly excited at the entrance of a new colt squels! she prances and runs over to dances at night(sorry if names wrong i meant dance away's filly) and bumps her, she gallops off towards her father happily. reaching him, she darts under his neck and looks down from the hill. silently watching her mom and all the other mares. feeling quite bored she playfully bumps her daddy and canters back towards the other foals.
DTD nickers to Dance away, she too was bored, excitment appears in her eyes, she nudges her and stomps her feet, wanting to race
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*Play* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 14:22:07 12/24/01 Mon (
*Dark bruja emits low whicker to she o' shadows, dial bobbing lightly, tresses sent askew.*
*Charred youth squeals, striking back playfully, probiscus snaking out to nip gently at colt once more then dashing off, inviting a game of tag, bottlebrush flapping as he goes*
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*Tag* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 08:46:49 12/25/01 Tue (
*femme of darkness, borne of shadow looks towards the other, stopping where she stands, muzzle quivering, and then, ever so softly, returns the greeting whicker, moving forth a few steps from the shadow, perhaps to make a friend, for after she'd been seperated from the previous band she had not had any*
*young bay tosses his head, nipping at the other as well, leaping forward on strong and sturdy legs, his bottlebrush flowing behind, already beginning to lengthen with age, having forgotten about his 'band of mares', really his young sisters, he charges off after the other, ready to tag him*
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*Understanding* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 14:23:46 12/25/01 Tue (
*Gentle whinny is emitted to she o' shadows, dial bobbing slightly, lobes pricked. She too had once been a loner and understood how the mare felt. Inviting nickers are emitted from dark-hued bruja, urging femme to join them*
*loud squeal is emitted from charred youth, having sighted the older colt, strides lengthening desperately*
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shakes her head -- DTD, 16:48:33 12/25/01 Tue (
looks to the new mare, wondering who she was, nickers a welcome and watchfull eyes return to her filly.
Dreamer canters over to the colts, they by far seemed to be having more fun, legthening her stride she races past them, turns quickly and hurries back. skids to a stop and rears up playfully she nudges the colts and prances away, her ears flick back and forth excited
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*Race?* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 12:17:43 12/26/01 Wed (
*platinum femme nudges her friend, indeed it was bored standing here and the foals were seeming to have much more fun, she rears lightly, forelegs tucked neatly as she rises, then with a nudge she gallops off, a whinny inviting Dare to Dream, Almost Gone, Dances in Twilight, and A la Belle e'toile to join her*
*bay youth prances and plays with the other filly, Iced Dreamer, before she notices the colts as well, streaking off she gallops to race with them all, her small chistled dial tossed high, a loud whinny for such a little filly emmitted, asking Dame D'toile to join them as well*
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eyes flash -- DTD and lil Dreamer!, 12:47:31 12/26/01 Wed (
ears flick foreward she gallops full speed catching up to Dance away her hooves beat hard into the ground. she loved to run. see's her friend out of the corner of her eye and whinnys to her to stop. instantly DTD stops and turns waiting for Dance away she bugels, calling the other mares, standing around was no fun at all. rears up excited and waits.
Dreamer see's Dance by night and races around as well, looks for the others. see's her mom gallop by and watches confused.
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*Join* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 14:56:41 12/26/01 Wed (
*Femmora emits playful nicker as she joins into chase, plume bannered as lithe limbs carry bella o'er terra. Halts momentarily, whicker emitted to she o' shadows, encouraging her to join them. Visage tossed, femme leaps into gallop, the wind whipping ebon tresses 'round her*
*Charred colt squeals, noting the presence of the fillies, bottlebrush flipped, invitation extended for the two to join their games. Snort escaping twin nares, youth continues to race, lobes concentrated behind him, listening for hoofbeats growing nearer from that o' colt*
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*Gallop* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 19:30:50 12/26/01 Wed (
*shadowed femme snort uneasily, then at the warm invitations from the other three mares steps clear of the shadows, her form small and light, like a dancer, she tosses her long mane of jet lightly before leaping into a graceful canter, limbs moving easily as she gains on the other mares, a sparkle of happiness seen in her dark orbs*
*the colt throws his ears back, strides lengthening after the younger colt, drawing nearer ever so slightly with each stride, tail flagged out behind, neck outstretched for speed, risking a quick glance to see the fillies coming from behind he presses on, galloping*
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confused -- DTD and Dreamer, 16:17:51 12/27/01 Thu (
femme welcoms the new mare and turns quickly she gallops forward happily.
Dreamer watches the colts run by her now as well, still she stands confused, she wonders why everyone was running around. ears prick foreward looking for danger. she then see's an odd looking insect and amuses herself by following it. *snorts* whinny is emitted as she realizes she is all alone. looks for her dad or her friends
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*Run* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 08:04:04 12/28/01 Fri (
*Platinum mare pounds on, following Dare to Dream, snowy mane and tail lifted as the wind runs over her, she gives a shrill whinny, pleased to be running, to be wild, and so she continues on, head lifted and ears pricked forward*
*the young bay passes by her friend, then abruptly turns to see who it was, tripping and send head over heels she tumbles, long slender legs tossed up in the air as she falls in a heap, shaking her little head as if to clear it, youth gets to her feet, bounding over to see what Iced Dreamer has found, muzzle it put down into the grass to go investigate the insect, snorting as well, then looks up to the other filly*
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*Gallop* -- Almost Gone & No Return , 12:02:45 12/28/01 Fri (
*Dark-hued femmora races on after the others, shrill whistle of joy emitted, ebon tresses swept 'bout her, plume flagged, visage thrown high. Nicker is emitted to steed, urging him to join*
*Ebon youth suddenly slows to pivot, charging off in a different direction, hoping to throw off his pursuer*
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*Entrada* -- Exploit, 14:27:46 12/24/01 Mon (
*Ebon steed makes entrance, chipped peds pounding triple-beat into terra, plume snapping visciously at hindquarters. He halts, visage thrown high, shrill whistle emitted. Dialated nares release snort, as dial o' he is shaken, lobes pricked. He meant no harm to those residing here, but fiery orbs held question. How many herds resided here? If he was welcome, he wished to move with harem...*
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(\^o^/)Grace o' Duo(\^o^/) -- A la Belle e'toile & Dame D'toile, 17:12:33 12/23/01 Sun (
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Explanation -- Player of Almost Gone, 13:49:34 12/19/01 Wed (
Okay, I'm sorry if this comes across as rude, but Almost Gone is not a mean mare. Sure, she is a little agressive at times and she was agitated one particular day, but that was basically a reflection of my mood, considering I had just about had the worst day of my life. Also, she was created to have a slightly aggressive nature, but not in a harmful way. Mares in general are moody, especially when they are in heat or are pregnant, which she was. Also, Siran was gone, so I thought I would make things a little interesting since they seem to be boring when the stallion is gone, and most mares would have been a little unsure of themselves when the stallion is away. I attempted several times to apologize within character to everyone who was upset by this and I tried to make up for it to no avail. I'm very sorry if you are offended in any way by this, it's just my feelings. I didn't harm any other characters and I didn't do anything malicious towards them. All that ever happened was that my character was agitated and bared her teeth, then realized what she was doing and stopped, apoligizing with body language profusely. Again, I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, I've just been trying really hard lately to make some friends in the herd but no one seems to realize that. I've also been having some problems in my family lately and I might have unintentionally brought it into ASOT. Please try to understand where I'm coming from or tell me what I've done wrong or what I can do to reverse what I've done.
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-Understanding- -- Siran's playa, 21:04:32 12/19/01 Wed (
I find nothing you do offending, and neither should anyone else.After all it is just a game, and in real life mares would act this way.I truly hope we can all forget this little misunderstanding and give Almost Gone a chance...she is after all part of the harem.
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Appreciative -- Almost Gone's player, 19:55:07 12/20/01 Thu (
Thanks, I was kinda upset when I wrote that anyways. I'm glad you understand, it really does help. :-)
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Chosens -- Fire in the Night, 16:10:24 12/19/01 Wed (
steed bellows out to his first chosen..he had claimed another..yet it was time for them to move on...
(meet ya in the traveling board)
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Explanation -- Player of Almost Gone, 13:49:53 12/19/01 Wed (
Okay, I'm sorry if this comes across as rude, but Almost Gone is not a mean mare. Sure, she is a little agressive at times and she was agitated one particular day, but that was basically a reflection of my mood, considering I had just about had the worst day of my life. Also, she was created to have a slightly aggressive nature, but not in a harmful way. Mares in general are moody, especially when they are in heat or are pregnant, which she was. Also, Siran was gone, so I thought I would make things a little interesting since they seem to be boring when the stallion is gone, and most mares would have been a little unsure of themselves when the stallion is away. I attempted several times to apologize within character to everyone who was upset by this and I tried to make up for it to no avail. I'm very sorry if you are offended in any way by this, it's just my feelings. I didn't harm any other characters and I didn't do anything malicious towards them. All that ever happened was that my character was agitated and bared her teeth, then realized what she was doing and stopped, apoligizing with body language profusely. Again, I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, I've just been trying really hard lately to make some friends in the herd but no one seems to realize that. I've also been having some problems in my family lately and I might have unintentionally brought it into ASOT. Please try to understand where I'm coming from or tell me what I've done wrong or what I can do to reverse what I've done.
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*Entrance* -- Almost Gone and No Return, 21:29:02 12/14/01 Fri (
*Bruja enters, plume snapping in air, peds beating double beat into terra. Dial thrown, shrill whistle is emitted, steel limbs snapping as they carry femme towards herd, nudging offspring, pinning auds protectively.*
*Ebon colt canters next to dam, snorting, nares dialated. Whinny is also emitted as dial is tossed, movements remarkably fluid for one of his age*
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~Flustered~ -- Siran, 10:01:47 12/15/01 Sat (
Steed snaps at intruding equis, daring him to come closer to any femmora in his harem...Snorts in flusteration as newly claimed femme was lead away, she would return.Plume snaps and steed embarks pursue pon' femme and her new colt, nickering in interest...twas' his second stud, he was proud of it.Auids pry femme, cupping warning language tword him at any rate.Orbs drift to look upon his progency, glow of delight in his strength and sophisticated movements...
Alpha: Dance Away
Beta: Dare to Dream
Gamma: A la Belle E'toile
Delta:Dances In Twilight
Sigma: Almost Gone
Omega: open
Epsilon: open
Siran x Dance Away: Dance By Night (filly)
Siran x Dare to Dream: Iced Dreamer (filly)
Siran x Dances in twilight: Essence of Darkness (colt)
Siran x Almost Gone: No Return (colt)
Siran x A la Belle E'toile: Dame D'etoile (Filly)
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whicker -- DTD, 16:39:23 12/15/01 Sat (
nickers to siran, for she hadn't seen him in a while. nudges Iced Dreamer forward. proud of her filly
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*Watchful -- Almost Gone & No Return, 13:34:29 12/16/01 Sun (
*Femme relaxes, though still watchful, silent invitation to the steed to approach. Auds swiveling 'pon cranium, plume swishing gently 'gainst hocks. Low whicker of affection is emitted towards colt and stallion.*
*Inquisitive foal ventures foward, nares dialated, liquid oculars wide in wonder. Lifts dial, auds pricked, staring at the stallion, a minuature of his sire. He snorts, shaking tiny cranium in amazement. Suddenly he squeals and whirls around, taking shelter behind his dam's large form. Peeking out he emits a shrill whinny, then nurses, sucking loudly and flapping his plume to and fro comically*
(OOC: His pic is on the foaling page if you want to see it)
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X-Interest-X -- $iran, 21:07:07 12/16/01 Sun (
(I looked, he's really cute!lol)
^Ebon nuzzles his lil' Icy dreamer before moving on to come closer to his new progency.Grunt o' affection is returned slightly, lobes cupping sounds o' invitation.Delight appears obvious pon' facial and steed lips silkies of femme as he observes miniature brute.^
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*Pleased* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 16:04:05 12/17/01 Mon (
(lol! I know! *grins*)
*Coal bruja whuffs softly, touching plush to that of steed's, lowering dial, watching mascu' and progeny*
*Youth, delighted with attention, emits shrill whinny, shaking dial in surprise. Mischeviously, ebon colt playfully nips hindquarter of sire. He squeals and spins, racing off, gleeful whinny of triumph emitted*
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~Nickers~ -- $iran, 18:48:04 12/17/01 Mon (
>Mascu' gently rubs muzzle with that of femme before jerking dial upward at the tiny ivories pon' his hindquarters.Turns to inquisitively stare after his lil' steed, a kind of prideful look on his face.Dial elevates more and steed takes off after him, bellowing in playful manner.<
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*Amusement* -- Almost Gone & No Return, 14:54:54 12/18/01 Tue (
*Femme lifts dial sharply as does steed. Craning her head around, she sights colt and snorts softly, eyes dancing in amusement*
*Coal youth tosses dial, seemingly triumphant until sire pursues him. Squealing, he breaks into a gallop, returning to dam to hide from stallion*
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watches -- DTD, 17:51:43 12/18/01 Tue (
looks at her filly beside the steed happily, then notices other mare. wonders who it is, steps forward to make friends, but instantly recognizes her. ears lay flat back. she remembered this mare, she was the mare who had charged her and Iced Dreamer. call of panic is emitted to Iced Dreamer, who instantly runs back to mom, confused.
mare herds her filly away and begins to graze watching the mare out of the corner of her eye, just in case she tried anything
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*Approach* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 12:09:47 12/18/01 Tue (
*femme of pure darkness steps forth from the shadows, the umbra reluctantly leaving her, the last tendrils of shadows caress her flanks as she steps out into the light, a growing colt beside her, a tall beast, nothing like his slender and lithe dam, he will be a tall stallion and strong, the dark gaze of the young steed moves towards his sire, moving off to greet him, the raven mare does not stop him as she once might have, for he had grown a great deal and was almost fully weaned, she moves forward to greet Siran as well, stopping to crop tender grasses along the way*
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chosens -- Fire in the Night, 19:32:52 12/17/01 Mon (
steed bellows out to his chosen...he had claimed another...he nuzzles his 1st chosen when she approaches..and awaits his second.
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chosens -- Fire in the Night, 14:16:25 12/17/01 Mon (
steed calls to his chosen...he nuzzles her when she approaches...he a'waits his new chosen...Freedoms Ring..he now had two femmoras and he would soon have more.
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Stud calls to siran -- She'tan, 16:30:58 12/14/01 Fri (
He came to claim the femmora Desert Shadow, for a challenge had been made and won. He nuzzles her, moving her towards RBC.
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*steps forth from the shadows* -- Desert Shadow, 11:36:46 12/15/01 Sat (
*lobes swival upon crown, nares flared she takes in his scent* *black coat gleams in the sun steps toward him and follows him to his tt* *looks behind her a whicker of goodbye to Siran*
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~Whicker~ -- Siran, 15:03:19 12/10/01 Mon (
(I like Dame D'etoile best)
*Whickers softly and depthens plush to meet foredial o' lil' filly.Warm air softly blows from nares, whuffling tiny hairs pon' her head.He then picks himself up again and saunters o'er to his lead femme, lobes pricked tword her for any sign o' defiance against his 'pproach.Lips her mane as he passes, soft lens intense on progency.He also expresses thought pon' other mares. Dare to Dream and Iced Dreamer, and DIT and her son...
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*Greets* -- Almost Gone, 15:29:06 12/11/01 Tue (
*Emits joyous nicker as steed is sighted, limbs propelling femme towards him. Speed and dial are lowered as she nears, barrel slightly rounded. Bruja whuffs gently, extending boa as tangled plume skims 'cross hocks, expressing affection rarely shown*
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~Return~ -- Siran, 16:25:30 12/12/01 Wed (
Steed also depthens cranium, meeting with femme's as she draws near.He nickers softly, a sign of affection also, though he showed it as often as possible.Elevate probis' once more and continues on, glancing back at expectant femmina...a glow in his orbs.He whickers to all of his harem members as he passes them and perches quietly upon a hill....
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*Grazes* -- Almost Gone, 15:27:53 12/14/01 Fri (
*Lowers dial, ivories ripping at tender emerald blades. Lifts cranium once more, gazing about as she chews, auds swiveling 'pon poll, hind resting lightly upon terra, soft whicker emitted*
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*Joy* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 20:44:17 12/12/01 Wed (
*platinum femme whickers a resounding voice of joy, happy her stallion had once again returned to her side, femme watches his approach with kind, dark optics, no defience shown towards mascu', femme reaches around in an equine embrace to lip at his own mane, playing with the raven tresses, the bay at her side looks up at her sire, giving an equally joyful cry, high pitched in her youthful voice, trotting forth to nuzzle his shoulder fondly*
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*Enters* -- Dance Away, 12:07:31 12/06/01 Thu (
*Platinum she enters, a trimphant note of pride uttered on her velvety muzzle, beside her a bay filly prances, curious as to all the new sights before her, tossing her head, proud dam searches for her stallion and friend, wishing for them to be the first to see her progeny, any others she merely pins her ears at, very protective of her first and only foal*
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approaches -- Dare to Dream, 14:03:01 12/06/01 Thu (
whinnys to her friend, she halts waiting to see if Dance away would allow her and Iced Dreamer to come closer.
Iced Dreamer, steps bravely foreward a few steps, curious of the other filly, yet happy there was another her size, suddenly see's the mare, much bigger than her, she turns and canters back to her mommy
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*Welcome* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 18:39:14 12/09/01 Sun (
*platinum femme whickers throatily, eagerly wishing the femme to come closer and to see her new foal, proud dam arches her neck, looking 'pon her small new filly, deciding a name for her, Dance by Night, fitting of her dark coloration, but not quite as black as her sire, she looks to Iced Dreamer, nickering softly in an almost maternal way, not wishing to scare the youth*
*Dark filly looks towards the other, giving a small squeal and rearing 'pon slender legs, she moves forward, wishing to meet the other of her size*
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whicker -- Dare to Dream, 19:02:18 12/09/01 Sun (
femme eagerly moves forward towards her friend Dance away and Dance by night. nicker is emitted and femme studys the filly. whickers, happy for her friend. looks back at iced Dreamer standing away confused. whicker of encouragment is emitted to her filly.
Iced Dreamer moves forward to her mom, then see's the filly! excited she trots forward. squels, then she wobbles on her unsteady legs. regaining her balance she nudges the other filly, wanting to play
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*Play* -- Dance Away & Dance by Night, 20:24:29 12/09/01 Sun (
*young bay femme moves forward on her own wobbly legs, ebon bottlebrush tail flicking back and forth furiously as she tries to make her legs obey her commands, finally with a squeal she bounds forth to the other, nudging her softly, wishing to play as well, meanwhile her grey dam watches on*
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happy -- DTD and Iced Dreamer, 17:36:07 12/10/01 Mon (
filly jumps up excited and trys to shove the other playfully, only managing to unbalance herself, she falls down. she quickly gets up, and manages to keep her legs under her. determined she races forward and lips the other before running off, waiting for her to chase after.
mare watches, happy that both of them get along
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*Chase* -- Dance by Night, 20:41:13 12/12/01 Wed (
*young bay gives a loud excited whinny towards the other, prancing on stilt like legs, tall and slender, a snort that could be taken for mirth emmitted from the flicka at the other, and she too falls down in a heap of legs, bottlebrush flicks as she gets those gangly poles back under her, snorting she darted off after the other*
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entrada -- Fire in the Night, 15:06:32 12/10/01 Mon (
limbs dance upon land in a 3 beated rythum...they had reached their destination...they would stay here for some time then once again move on...steed stands orbs looking for his chosen vixen..
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#¦Superficial¦# -- .ßoticario Ðe £a Parra., 17:13:02 12/12/01 Wed (
In Essence¦#
::..Was it the pull of the moon now baby..::
::..that lead you to my door..::
::..Nobody runs from the law now baby..::
::..of love and gravity..::
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Re: #¦Superficial¦# -- ßУP, 17:14:57 12/12/01 Wed (
Urgh closing font!
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Re: #¦Superficial¦# -- Fire in the Night, 18:48:03 12/12/01 Wed (
steed stands beside bruja...nares flare taking in sent of new terrain...nuzzes is placed upon neck of vixen showing compasion for her...
(ooc:sry i haven't been that active..i have this huge report due on after that i will be.and i will challenge for mares and stuff so this herd isn't so
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~Whicker~ -- A la Belle e'toile & Unnamed filly, 21:10:03 12/09/01 Sun (
*Tosses dial and gives whicker to returning mascu' o' char. Snorts and strides forth to meet him. Nudging mahongany filly t'words sire 'pon reaching steed. Bella had given thought to names, though her mind was not made.*
Sous la Lune-Under the Moon
Reine de Lune-Moon Queen
Madame D'etoile-Lady Star (we could shorten it by having it Dame D'etoile)
Pounder 'pon these sire of progeny o' mine.
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~Return~ -- Siran, 18:54:56 12/09/01 Sun (
Steed o' char return pon' land of claim, nickering in excitement to all of his femme's and progency.Plume whips 'gainst haunches as he approaches Dance Away and her new foal, he hath been quite excited bout' this one and was eager to make an aquaintance.Nuzzles his alpha and turns to A La Belle E'toile....
Sous La lune- Under the Moon
Madame D'etoile- Lady Star
Reine de Lune- Moon Queen
Etoile D'ange- Angel Star
There is some names for ye....
(I think we'll move to another tt soon, but I haven't made my decision yet, I was hoping to get votes from you guys on whether to stay or go.)
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~Ashen she & Progeny~ -- A la Bella e'toile & Unamed Filly, 10:05:43 12/08/01 Sat (
*Ashen femora enters, bay progeny along side of she. Femme gives whicker to others of Siran's harem, 'twas this was her first foal. Nosing it she pushes filly forward, but wary of others. She emitts throaty whicker to youth, nudging her away from others, and encouraging filly to drink.*
((Anyone have any names?? I can't think of any right now!!!))
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whinny -- Dare to Dream, 20:05:51 12/08/01 Sat (
femme starts towards the other mare, glad to have some company. beta whickers in greeting. she halts, waiting permssion for herself, and her new filly Iced Dreamer to approach.
Iced Dreamer trots ahead towards the other filly escited, not noticing the other mare, she noses the filly, squels, and races back to her mom
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Hurricane? -- Nightmare, 09:36:34 12/08/01 Sat (
Alpha mare enters, seeking her stud. Turning her sculpted dial, she scents the wind for him. Pawing the ground irritably, for she was in heat, she whickers for him.
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*Calm* -- Almost Gone, 15:02:12 12/06/01 Thu (
*Snorts, audatives pricked, oculars soft as calmness overcomes. Plume swishes gently across hocks as dark femme emits whinny of sorrow and apology. Dial lowers in shame and slowly turns away, obviously unwanted, lipping at tender blades absently*
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stares -- Dare to Dream, 22:14:05 12/06/01 Thu (
stares at the new mare, wanting to befriend her, but after the way she acted towards her earilier, she was afraid for Dreamer. decides to accept her apology, nickers. but turns and leads Iced Dreamer, away from the mare. nuzzles the filly happily
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*Disappointment* -- Almost Gone, 15:36:12 12/07/01 Fri (
*Whuffs softly in disappointment, though mainly with herself. She understood the other mare's concern for her foal, although she knows she would never hurt a young one. Sighing, femme returns to grazing, hoping she would regain the trust she had lost*
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*Anxiety* -- Almost Gone, 15:05:06 12/05/01 Wed (
*Dark-hued femme snorts, tossing dial, eyes rolling wildly. Ebon ped paws ground as plume is snapped 'gainst quarters. A sense of uneasiness comes over bruja and auds are pinned to crown, whistle of anxiety emitted as brackish incisors are exposed*
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stares -- Dare to Dream, 15:20:01 12/05/01 Wed (
wonders what is wrong, femme whinnys a shrill call to Dance away, the alpha. hoping the mare would be okay, she nears her, but maintains enough distance to be sure Iced Dreamer will be safe, from the mare
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*Uncertainty* -- Almost Gone, 16:29:29 12/05/01 Wed (
*Dial snaps upward, boa snaking around, incisors bared ready to attack. As auds pick up the call to the alpha, femme halts, trembling, dial lowered. Although confused by her previous actions, apologetic nicker is emitted to the Dare to Dream, plume swishing nervously*
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glares -- Dare to Dream, 20:41:37 12/05/01 Wed (
at this new mare *rears up confused* she nickers, accepting her apology, but also sends a warning, she had decided this mare was not to be trusted, herds Iced Dreamer away from the mare, ears cocked back to listen to the mares movements, just in case
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~Gone~ -- Siran, 18:07:20 12/03/01 Mon (
*Steed o' ebon gives whicker to harem, he must leave them for 7 moons.*
OOC: Be back the 8th or 9th!!
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whickers -- Dare to Dream, 17:40:07 12/04/01 Tue (
trots over and nuzles her goodbye. she was sorry to see him go.
Iced Dreamer races after her, scared of being alone for even one second.
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*Good Bye* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 20:30:24 12/04/01 Tue (
*Femme steps forth from the shadows, a soft note of goodbye is emmited, watching as steed retreats, the darkness shimmers as the dark bay colt appears at her side, watching as his sire leaves, young mascu' nickers softly to his father as well, dark orbs watching him leave, and after his form retreats both femme and progeny slip back into the darkness*
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~(Evil Computer!!!!!!!!I posted a message and it dissapeared)~ -- Siran, 19:22:41 12/01/01 Sat (
Ebon steed nickers to DTD and Iced Dreamer,excitement obvious pon' facial.He comes closer, lobes pricked for any sign of warning from femme...Steed then looks pon' Almost gone, she had come.He steps upto her, nares flaring to new scent.He then nudges her and turns to his lead mare Dance Away, plush softly trailing o'er her pauch.Nickers to DIT and Essesnce of Darkness, his little mare and strong colt.Lobes swivel for any sign of A La Belle E'toile...femme had dissapeared.
Alpha:Dance Away
Beta:Dare to Dream
Gamma:A la Belle E'toile
Delta:Dances in twilight
Sigma:Bell of The Ball
Omega:Almost Gone
Essence of Darkness (Siran & DIT)
Iced Dreamer (Siran & DTD)
(Bell of the Ball and Almost Gone:I have posted, though it may be a long ways down there, at the breeding board.You may post under me if you wish to have my progeny)
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nicker -- Dare to Dream, Iced Dreamer, 19:58:00 12/01/01 Sat (
glad to see her steed. nudges the filly towards her father.
Iced Dreamer squels frightened and hides behind her. curious she pokes her nose around her mother. stares at all the new faces, unsure of what to think of them. feeling brave she takes a step towards Siran and sniffs the air pondering if she should go closer
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*Whickers* -- Almost Gone, 15:10:14 12/02/01 Sun (
*Audatives flicker to and fro as low whicker is emitted in greeting twixt worn lips. Femme tosses dial, giving a short squeal, then is motionless save the swishing of plume across hocks*
(Could someone give me the link to the breeding board? My computer is screwed and it won't let me go)
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glance -- Dare to Dream, 17:11:07 12/02/01 Sun (
glances to the new mare. nicker is emitted in friendship hoping that this would be a friendly mare. turns to nuzzle Iced Dreamer, watching the new mare out of the corner of her eye.
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*Enters* -- Almost Gone, 16:19:13 12/01/01 Sat (
*Femme enters, liquid oculars probing the land for the stallion dubbed Siran. Shrill whinny is emitted from worn lips as mare sights the herd and strides fluidly towards them, tresses spilling across hide. Plume is flagged as she nears mascu', essence of heat thick upon the air.*
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~return~ -- Dare to Dream, and Iced Dreamer, 17:08:39 11/29/01 Thu (
the mare eagerly reutrns with her fist foal. the frail filly stays by her side. nudges her confortingly. Tired, Iced Dreamer lays down* mare nuzzles her and stands gaurd, ears pricked forward happily
Name: Iced Dreamer
Color: Chestnut
Strength: Below average
Strength to be: Average
Height: average
Height to be: 14.3hh
isn't she cute!! see her pick on the foaling board!!
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*Joy* -- Dance Away, 21:02:55 11/29/01 Thu (
*silvern femme bounds forward to her friend's side, her rounded belly slowing none of her ususal fire and spirit, she lifts her muzzle, a joyous cry issuing forth, she nudges her friend, a beautiful filly, a soft nicker asks permission to see the youth, for she would step no closer until the dam gave permission*
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ears flick back and forth -- Dare to Dream, and Iced Dreamer, 19:19:16 11/30/01 Fri (
femme's natural instinct says to warn Dance away, but she ignores her instinct knowing she can trust her best freind. nickers to tell her she can come closer.
Iced Dreamer jumps up at the sound of another mare approaching. scared she hides behind her mom, curious she inches foreward and stands underneath her moms neck, ears pricked forewards, she wobbles on her frail legs before regiaining her balance
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Whinnies for Siran -- Bell of the Ball, 13:21:24 11/30/01 Fri (
She whinnies loudly to Siran, prancing around in heat.
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~Ingression~ -- Siran, 21:18:33 11/26/01 Mon (
Squeals at sight of femmina and progeny, coal locks cracking crossed haunches as dark mascu approaches.He draws nearer, lobes pricked in any sign of protection from femme.Nares flare in wonder, this little tyke was his first colt...One to greatly carry on his legacy he agreed with Dances.Turns to Dance Away, still joyous to have her return.He had posted at the breeding board for her consent, she was free to go under him.He lips calmly at platinum locks and moves on to Dare to Dream,nicker of encouragement issued to her.He could not follow, for the foal stats were not up to him or she.Steed then quickly trots o'er to little silvery femme dubbed A la Belle E'toile, nibbling cross crest.Dial tosses in joy, these were prosperous times of his...
(OOC: sry for not being on, but my comp has something wrong with it.My Grandparents have a virus on their comp and I think we may have gotten it.Don't be surprized and please don't leave if I'm not on.)
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*Pleased* -- Dance Away, 20:23:14 11/27/01 Tue (
*platinum femora nicker softly, glad to see the approach of steed, forward she moves on strong pistions to greet him, dial tossed proudly, prancing to his side, glittering white mane and tail lifted by the breeze, softly she nudges him, lowering her head to rub it on his shoulder affectionatly, finally she moves off to the breeding board, soon to return*
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*Nuzzle* -- Siran, 19:23:01 11/28/01 Wed (
Obsidian mascu' returns the affection o' femme, nuzzle placed pon' soft silver crest.He nickers encouragingly to his lead femme, together both would create a prized filly, or a bold colt...the best to make a legacy.He then turns awaiting Dare to Dream and her little progency,which with their bloodlines would also legacize the sire and dams dubbs.Steed still watches in wonder of his first colt, mighty like the darkness he looked of.His dam a beauty of the twilight, she had pleased him well.Dial is thrown, he awaited a trio of mares more.A la Belle E'toile...she too carried his get, and the duo of Bell Of the Ball and Almost Gone for his newly claimed femmes.
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*Pleased* -- Dance Away, 20:59:17 11/29/01 Thu (
*the platinum mares nicker softly, very pleased, her belly starting to expand for room of the growing foal, she arches her neck, bobing her head slightly, the unborn would hopefully be a strong foal, both it's sire and dam of the strongest in the desert by her estimation, but only time would tell...*
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~Excitement and understanding~ -- Siran, 19:10:47 11/29/01 Thu (
Ebon masculine approaches femme dubbed Dare to Dream and his new filly.His orbs light with excited flame and he flicks coal plume gainst' haunches.Nuzzle is given to mare and nares flare to consume scent of his get.Happiness holding together all of his eager longings to wildly act.He then quietly approaches femme dubbed Bell of the Ball, he lips her calmly and tosses his dial.He understood perfectly well, no matter to him whatsoever, still he was glad she came to him.Silky strands flow o'er arc'd crest, steed standing proudly mongst his mares and progeny.He loved each of them, gracious to have them near.He was excited of his two children Essence of Darkness and Iced Dream, and more to come after....
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Looks for Siran -- Bell of the Ball, 13:47:44 11/29/01 Thu (
The femme looks for her new lead, Siran. She was in foal to an unknown stallion from the lands she ame, and hoped he would understand. She would foal soon...
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*Entrance of a Legacy* -- Dances in Twilight & Essence of Darkness, 19:43:37 11/26/01 Mon (
*lithe young mare enters, the color of darkness, shadows parting before her and her new progeny, the colt stands at a huge height for one of his age, already he carries an aura of power although but a day old, he strides forward confidently, coal optics searching all, he is the color of the deepest mahogany, almost ebon in hue, this was sure to be a strong and healthy colt, one to carry on Siran's legacy well*
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nicker -- Dare to Dream, 17:51:46 11/25/01 Sun (
pain surges throughout her belly. she nickers, telling the herd she must go have her foal, she would be back shortly. nudges Siran, asking him to follow, as she had never had a foal before and was unsure of all this
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*Nudge* -- Dance Away, 19:39:02 11/26/01 Mon (
*mare reconizes as the pained look comes over her friends face what is to come, she nudges the mare softly, then again on her belly, wishing her a safe birth, she shall wait here until her return, mare whinnies for Siran, she was still in heat as well and was waiting for him to make his appearance*
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