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Subject: Thinking

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Date Posted: 20:24:12 06/14/01 Thu

Lanthe had only just recently met any of the Du'Mont household. The first being Cricket, a long time friend of course, but only recently had the friendship been rekindled. It was an interesting friendship. It seemed Lanthe was constantly making friends out of her lover's mistresses. It was a difficult and long history that her thoughts often wandered to. When she wasn't concerned over the war back home, her daughter Shai running with the wolf pack, or her son Kett and his dark moods. At least Shai had not a single trace of the Taint that Lanthe carried so strongly. And so now she was pacing the floor of her cavern home, one that Ciro had visited many times. She'd recently come from the Du'Mont home. So Ciro was back again. Lanthe had failed in her efforts to find him, but he was alive none the less.
And their first encounter had been infuriating. He was so...frustrating! Of course, Cricket had rather thrust them into this little discussion in a locked bathroom, so there was little to nothing Lanthe had been able to do, but talk to him. As it was...It didn't go as bad as it could have. It went a bit better if for no other reason than Lanthe had just felt the death of her niece's son.
No matter what Lanthe wished, she was still in love with Ciro. It was strange, at times, because so was Cricket. And yet the two of them were good friends, even joking about Ciro now and then. It didn't hurt so much now as it used to.
Her mind wandered again as she paced, to the little side job she was doing for Burgoo, searching out suitable girls for the Du'Mont house. He was paying her very well, and she was going to use the gems and such for her twins. Her twins, not her's and Ciro's because he had denied them his fathering a long time ago. Even though he did give Kett a colt before disappearing. Ah! There went her mind again, side tracked. She scowled at all of that side tracking and scuffed her boot on the rug. Well. She might as well go to sleep, or she'd be up all night wearing a hole in the rug.
Readying for bed, she crawled into the feather and silk and furs, snuggling down and trying to relax. There was simply too much in her head, and it seemed like as she lay there, it spun faster. There was a war happening with Shai and that wolf pack. Kett was learning the arcane arts, and had talked of trying to bring back Ambyr or Krendal, or both. Why couldn't people just let people die! Her hand went to her throat and she caressed the scars there. Why couldn't she have just let herself die was a better question. Ciro had nearly succeeded in removing her head, leaving enough for Ianthe to work her magic, on purpose. Then there was that fool...oh Lanthe couldn't even remember his name. Only that he too had tried to take her head, but failed. She'd done the minor healing herself that time. Took her much longer than it took Ianthe, but she was not going to be indebted to the Shadow Dragon any more than she already was. And with the thoughts raging through her head and fuming in her heart, she fell into a fitfull sleep.

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