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Subject: Re: A "New" Lady in the Villa

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Date Posted: 07:05:38 06/03/01 Sun
In reply to: Nessa 's message, "A "New" Lady in the Villa" on 14:32:31 06/01/01 Fri

She had stood and watched the ill Nessa depart from the market with Lena, and was still standing there minutes later after they had gone. She felt ill herself at having been the cause of this pregnant womans spell..though she knew the problem was what this child was. She had already made her decision to leave..there was no changing it.
She turned, and to the old Dockside she went, where a missive was penned for Burgoo. It was woefully inadequate, but it was all she could do. She only hoped he got to her in time. Shard was called, and the missive delivered..and she, went back to the cabin.
It was a long walk back that day, and she had much time to think. Her heart ached for Ciro, worried constantly that he was dead..but she was oh so weary of grieving..she would push it to the back of her mind each time his face was remembered. Spending another night in those walls, built by his hand, alone, was just too much for her to endure, and so, with the moon shining down, she called for Shard to return her, after the horses were fed.
The Dockside tavern was her refuge the next day, and at its crumbling bar she sat, watching light play off the broken glass, a silver flask in her hand, and drifting in and out of brooding thought. She did not expect Nessa to walk in..but there she was. Relief came to see that at least, she was healthy. Burgoo had gotten there in time.
She was not angry at this woman..only deeply scarred and unwilling to do battle again. She was tired. No angry words were exchanged that day, no blood shed..and Nessa had offered her something that was impossible for Cricket to refuse. A family..a real family. The one thing Cricket had strived for her entire life..was now, once more, tenuously within her reach. She agreed to try.
She was a survivor after all.
She accompanied Nessa back to the chateau, and over one of those awesome meals, got to know each other a little better. Burgoo would interrupt their talk though, and oh, was he suprised to find Cricket now a resident. He had been trying to get her to move in for years. She left the two shortly after that, to return to the cabin once more..but again, she could not stay in that empty place alone, with Ciros ghost whispering in her sleep.
Shard, was called again.
To the chateau, the ride on the griffon was horrendous as usual..but once there, he left her swiftly, and she turned to find only a single candle burned in the front window.
Inside she crept,cautious, to find noone about, the single candles light casting a glow over a deep burgundy dress, with the finest of rubied jewels near. She thought at first it was a test..to see if she would steal from her new house..and so about to leave it untouched, she turned only to find Nessa and Burgoo smiling, and welcoming her with both gift and heart.
That night, she spent with Nessa..Burgoo prudently slipping away. Sweet Nessa...things would work out between them.
Over the next few days, she moved in more completely, met the staff, and some of the children..and although she at times, still felt like she was intruding..she warmed to this house quickly, and already, she would have protected it and those within it, with her life.

~Cricket of the Rogues~
"So prospers still, the diplomatic art, and Satan bows, with hand upon his heart"

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