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Date Posted: 11:40:12 07/24/02 Wed
Author: Alyse
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Shyann ran as hard as she could she ran and she ran aand she ran, until she thought it was safe enough. She turned around and glared at the past land she had came from with fury in her eyes. Still not 100% sure that was safe she went into an all out sprint. As she flead thru the woods until she fell into a huge hole. When she hit the bottom she lie there in a rage. "Why cant those humans just leave us alone as if stallions aren't bad enough we Mares also have to deal with Stallions." she said arising to her feet.
Blood streamed down she face as if it were as mad as she was. The blood covered both of her eyes until she could no longer see she slowly slowed down. she wiped her face in the moist grass, Until she was able to see. She lied down and slept for the rest of the night. The next morning she awoke to the birds singing and fillys and colts laughing she could not see for the blood was partly on her eyes. So she made her way to a near by creek she stuck her face in the water. "Oh this feels so good" she said to herself. Finaly she could see and she saw that her whole body was caked with blood. She slowly walked into the cool chrisp water. She shivered from the coolness. She looked up and saw every one haveing fun even the Stallions were being nice to the mares and fillys. She though maybe I should stay here for a while.

Name: Shyann
Age: 3
Color: Bay
Markings: Black main and tail and 2 black stockings
Gender: Some conciter her Mare others Filly
Breed: Mustang
Per: Very mello (sweet) Obeys all stallions and fears and respects them loves Fillys and Colts

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