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Date Posted: 02:57:06 06/06/17 Tue
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Testamonials about cystoscopies or bladder inspections done on children and teens


These historis ar a result from a poll about Experiences with Cystoscopies or Bladder Inspections

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Assambled and edited by
Knut Holt

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By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument, and sometimes the examination is extended all the way up into the kidneys. Sometimes the exam is a part of a more comprehensive inspection that also includes examination of the digestive system and genitals. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies.

In some communities a cystoscopy, usually in combination with a other endoscopic inspections, seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening.

Here you find testamonials from a poll that has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.


Cystoscopy and colonoscopy at school, boy, 13yo, USA, Boston

I am male. The exam took place in mid North America, Boston, when I was 13 years old, Year 2011.

Had cystoscopy in the doctor's or nurse's office at school. Parents said something like: The doctor shall look at you down in your stomach.

Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Got pain-killing gas through a mask that made me calm and sleepy.

The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys. They also inspected the whole colon - full colonoscopy.

Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam. Had to have catheter in the bladder during night.

All prepuberty boys in my area has a mandatory cystoscopy. It was painful.

This boy underwent a full endoscopic inspection of his urinary system up into his kidneys and a full endoscopic inspection of his anal area, rectum and colon. It was not asked about it in the poll, but probably he also underwent a full exam of his genitals and pelcic area and stomach with ultrasound equipment and taking of specimens of microbes and secretions.

These full pelvic exams with often similar inspections of other body areas seems to follow a standard procedure. In certain districts in some areas round the world these seem to be mandatory for children and teens at certain ages, of which the age level 12-13-14 seem to be the commonest. Some of these districts only do it for boys, while others for both boys and girls. Those doing it only for boys seem mainly to be in USA and Canada. The district in Boston where this boy went to school seem to be one of these.

The purpose of these mandatory exams seem mainly to get a view of the development status of the kid, detecting development abnormalities, investigating signs of sexual activities or sexual abuse, education of new doctors in doing endoscopic exams, and for scientific research.


MALE, 19YO and later 60-69YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEARS 1960-1969 AND 2006

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America. Massachusetts. I had on exam when I was 19 years old and another when I was 60 - 69 years old. Years 1960-1969 and Year 2006. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital and also in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason.

For the 1st exam -- driven to exam (rigid scope) at hospital by parent For the 2nd exam -- drove myself to clinic (flexible scope) by myself.

Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

Probably about 1. exam - Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Got a a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Was put totallly to sleep. Fell totally in sleep after the medication.

Probably about 2. exam - Had to walk by myself to the exam.God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Got a shot to calm down and make sleepy.

Exam prosedure:
Was totally naked during exam.

Probably 1. exam- Lay on back with legs in stirrups. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside.

Probably about 2. exam -I lay on my back with streight legs. They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

Diagnosis and treatment:
No special more arrangements. Got mediaction for infection.

Reasons for the exam:
1) possible cancer - not found 2) blood in urine - no problem found

Judgement: Probably about 2. exam: It was useful.

Probably about 1. exam: It was unneccessary. It was painful. It was humiliating or awful.

These experiences tell that young people are often put totally to sleep for these exams, actually first and foremost to hide details for them. Yet the ordeal feels awful, probably because the side effect of the anesthesia gives greater discomfort than the procedure itself would have given with only local anesthesia, and probably because the general anesthesia is in itself as humiliating as any intimate procedure.

The second experience tell that the cystoscopy procedure without general anesthesia feels les humiliating or discomforting that the procedure done under general anesthesia.

BOY, 20YO, India, YEAR 2010 - cystoscopy for urination problems

I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in Asia, India, 20 years old, Year 2010. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.

Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. By nurse with towel. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups.

Exam procedure:
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

I am not sure, but had pain on the sides of my back as if they inserted the scope even further up towards the kindeys. They inspected anus with a scope. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam.

Folloe up:
Got mediaction for infection.

Reason for the procedureand judgement:
The reason was problems with urination. It was unneccessary. It was painful.

This was probably a full pelvic examination through both the pelvic openings and also an inspection all the ways up to the kidneys.



GIRL, 3 and 10 YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEARS 2000-2004

I had cystoscopy - I am female. The exam took place in North America, 3 and 10 years old., Years 2000-2004, Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.

Preparations anesthesia:
Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy.

Than gave gas and oxygen and was held fully sleeping. I am not sure, but had sore throut afterwards. Therefore I believe that they put a tube down through the throut.

Exam procedure:
They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

They also inspected with a scope some way up into the colon - sigmoidoscopy.

Arrangements after the exam:
Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam.

Had corrective surgery as a follow up..

Reasons and judgement:
All girls in the area has a mandatory cystoscopy before beginning school. It was unneccessary, but it was not any big deal.

This is one of many testamonials that certain societies subject all children to a comprehensive endoscopic pelvic examination at certain age levels, and very often under anesthesia. It is a curious fact that some of these soicieties seem to have the procedures mandatory only for girls, others only for boys and still others for all children. In this case the procedure might have been useful because it discovered something that needed corrective surgery, most probably a reflux problem.




Girl, 4yo -12yo, San Jose, CA, Cystoscopies connected with dvelopment research and sexual abuse

I am female. I had problems down there. The exam took place in North America, San Jose, CA, every year from I was 4 yo to 12yo, years 2004-2016.

A doctor and nurse team performed the cystoscopy in a home visit, my father would be present during the exams.


Got some plain lie. My dad said it was necessary. It was a different doctor and nurse every time. The exams would happen several times a week. It was at home. my dad would have me strip naked before the doctor and nurse got there. Given enema during preparations.

First the nurse and then the doctor would touch me all over. It seemed to concentrate on my breasts and pelvis.

God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Got a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Got very sleepy but was conscious.


They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. They also used an ultrasound probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area.

They inserted an ultrasound probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and pelvic area. They inserted an ultrasound probe in through the anus to inspect the bladder and pelvic area.

As soon as a scope would start to not hurt they would start using a thicker one.


They inspected anus with a scope, and performed vaginal exams with a scope.


they always hurt. when i was 10 my vagina would get wet even though it hurt.


Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam.

For hours after i also had a vibrating object in my vagina.


Got hormonal therapy or other medication for development disturbances. Had to have a cathetherization routine.

The hormones made me develop sexually very early. by age 9 I was wearing a special bra size 26C.


Had cystoscopy because of social or psychological problems or behaviour interpreted as symptoms of such problems. The cystoscopy was a part of a research project. I also heard them say that it was experiment in early sexual development and sexual response.


It was humiliating or awful. Since i was developing early my dad would have sex with me starting at age 7.


The girl is still only 13 years old. It is possible that some adult that know about these ordeal helped her answar or answared for her.

It is possible that the girl had a development problem they treated her for in the first place, possibly involving a too narrow urethra and narrowness in other parts of her urogenital organs, and possibly problems with pelvic functions and behavior interpreted as abnomal.

Possibly this community have a regular team that visit children in home do treat development problems and cooperate with the parents.

But in this case the ordeal seemed to have developed into something much more that was not for the good of the girl.

It seems like they used the girl in a research project regarding sexual and bodily development, and this experimentation must be regarded as child abuse. The father also used the ordeal as an opportunity to take sexual advantage of her doughter for his own gartification. The father probably got money for letting this project use her.

Some of the medical handlings described like feeling all over her body and the use of steadily thicker instruments in her urethra are not necessary wrong if it had been treat a development problem, but here it seems like much of the purpose got to be for experimentation.

Knut Holt



GIrl, 12 yo - Poland - cystoscopy to explore urination problems

My doughter had cystoscopy. The exam took place in Eastern Europe, Poland at 12 years old, year 2011. The cystoscopy occured in a hospital. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. She was brought there by me, the mother. The reason was problems with urination.

Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema during preparations. Vitals taken like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

Anesthesia and arrangements:
Got a shot to calm down and make sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on back with legs in stirrups.

How the exam occured:
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.","They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys.

They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the anus to inspect the bladder and genital area. Other additional exams.

Arrangements before the exam:
Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam.

Diagnosis and follow-up:
Diagnosis - valves or constrictions in the urethra. Had corrective surgery. Had to have a cathetherization routine.

It was unneccessary. It was painful.

It is uncertain how much of the information given here that is from what the doughter experiemced, from the mother present and seing all, or from information given.

The procedure described is a fairly standard examination for children with problems during urination. But it was added that other exams were done, but not what. The ultrasound inside her anal region probably had the purpose of getting a broad pelvic overview. In boys and younger girls the anus is typically used for that exam. In girls in full puberty and adult women the ultrasound is more often performed through the vagina.

Children that have such procedures will always be totally naked during preparations, and mounting, but then other body areas than just pelvic zones is usually covered. In the recovery period, the kid will again often be totally naked under a blanket.

If she was totally naked all the time, they probably did some additionl tests further up in her body with external instruments too, most probably ultrasound exams or x-ray pictures taken. The purpose was probably a full assessment of her development and pubertal status.

I guess that the mother left the room just after her doughter had been mounted so that she did ot see the whole procedure. I think that her doughter then was intubated, given full general anesthesia with artificial breething during the procedure, but not given information about this. The long recovery time seems to indicate that.

The mother indicates that she deems the procedure unneccessary. If she had a narrow urethra or some blockings there, it could have caused bigger problems in the future. But from the account it looks like they corrected it with a more major surgery, while it could be corrected with a fairly easy procedure.


Girl, Bolivia, 13yo, cystoscopy in a health center followed by her mother

My doughter had cystoscopy. I brought my daughter in for an exam when she complained of some pain downstairs. The exam took place in South or mid America, Bolivia, when she was 13 years old, Year 2007. She had cystoscopy in a health centre.


We got no explanation in the first place . The exam was a total surprize. The doctor didn't talk much. I brought my daughter to the health center. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed.

Then taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

I undressed my daughter completely. In my country exams are always done in the naked. I signed a form saying the medical staff could do as they liked.


She got pain-killing gas through a mask that made calm and sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on her back with straight legs, then lay on back with legs in stirrups. The doctor put my naked daughter in a lot of positions, including "Frog leg" position, during the examination. She just got a little gas to calm down, but was awake.


They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area. They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and genital area. They were very quick probes, the doctor said everything was fine.

While we were there, he gave her a full head to toe physical examination, saying it was good to have these done as often as possible, and that I should do them for her at home as well.


Diagnosis - urinary infection. He said she had a mild UTI and some cranberry juice would clear it up. If it didn't, I should come back for another exam and get antibiotics. The reason was urinary infection.


It was useful. I would bring my daughter to this doctor several more times, he was good and thorough.


The procedure was done as it should be done, with just that anesthesia needed to make the girl comfortable, but not the exaggerated anesthesia often use in North America and Western Europe, which adds discomfort before and after the exam and adds risks.

A consent where the parents allow the doctor to do anything, is however not a good thing. A concent form should explain exactly what procedures they intended and only ask concent for that.

Edited by Knut Holt

Girl, 15 yo, Nevada, Cystoscopy to investigate voiding difficuloties

I am female. The exam took place in North America. Nevada, in 2003 When I was 15 years old.

The cystoscopy occured in a hospital. I got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. My dad took me. It was a follow-up after visiting my primary doctor when I had minor pains and some difficulty peeing.


Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema at home before going. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained.

I lay on back with legs in stirrups. I got np anesthesia. I wasn't really worried or anxious or scared so i didnt need anything to calm my nerves. I got lubrication of my peehole but i dont think it had any pain killing effects. It felt weird but didn't really hurt.


They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area.


It was inconclusive. They didnt find anything wrong with me. suggested I drink plenty of water, cranberry juice. and green tea, and a followup with my primary doctor 2 weeks later unless it got worse.

The reason was problems with urination. The followup appointment was fine. My symptoms were gone. Doctor said it might be due to stress or something. It might have been where I worried it into existence. Had some trouble peeing, and some minor pains down there that led to speculation with me and my mom about what it was, which caused more worry...it turned out to be nothing.


It was useful. It was not any big deal. The exam felt really weird like it should hurt somehow but it wasn't painful at all. I think getting that exam put my mind at ease and whatever it was just went away.


With modern equipment and with a gentel approach a cystoscopy is a very easy procedure that can be made painfree without deep sedation or general anesthesia. In reality can the anesthesia give more disconfort, trouble and risk than the procedure done without. Doing the procedure as in this case is mostly the best way.

Yet many health institutions always subject children and teens to deep sedation or general anestesia for this procedure and other simple procedures. This shows that there is a great amount of dishonesty in the health institutions and that they often do additional things they do not tell to the kid and not to the parents either.

But this girl was taken care of by a staff working in an honest way.

Knut Holt




A female friend had cystoscopy. The exam took place in North America, USA, 17 years old, Year 2010. The cystoscopy occured in a hospital.

She got now explanation. The exam was a total surprize. Her mom and I went with her.

She had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Shen got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. While in bed given medicine to get very sleepy but was awake. The whole bed was rolled with her upon when the time for the exam had come.

Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed. She got a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Got very sleepy but was conscious.

Exam procedure:
Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups. I do not know how the exam was done.

After the exam:
Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam.

Diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis - reflux of urine up towards the kidneys - Vescicourethetral reflux. She had corrective surgery.

The primary reason for the exam:
The reason was problems with urination.

It was useful.

It seems to be common that young people are brought in for intimate exams without getting to know what shall be done. It is also typical that the staff tend to use general anesthesia to avoid rememberance of the experience on young persons. But ironically, and tragically the anesthesia causes more risks and more discomfort afterwards than the procedure itself would have done with only local numbingh ans cautious handling.


A female friend had cystoscopy. The exam took place in Western Europe, Germany, 30 - 38 years old, Year 2006. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.

Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. Friend was with her. She had to walk by herself to the exam. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. She got lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. She lay on back with legs in stirrups.

The exam procedure:
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra.

No special arrangements. She got mediaction for infection. The reason was problems with urination. It was useful.




Answer 11 I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, Canada, 30 - 38 years old, Year 2007." Had cystoscopy in a health centre.

Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. Drove in my car. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy.

God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups.

Exam procedure:
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. hey pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

Other exams:
The doctor perfoomed a aDRE to check the prostate. Nospecial arrangements.

Other follow-ups, please comment. A kidney ultrasound. The reason was problems with urination. It was not any big deal.


MALE, 30-38YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEAR 2000-2004

My brother had one done. The exam took place in North America, United States, Erie, Buffalo, 30 - 38 years old, Years 2000-2004. Had cystoscopy in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. He was brought the exam by his girl friend.

Preparations for the exam:
Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. He walked by himslef to the exam. A consent formula was presented and signed.

Exam procedure:
I do not know all of the specifics for this examination, so I have only chosen those items that I am certain occurred. The others may have, but I do not have knowledge of these. He god lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Was totally naked during exam. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra.

Diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis - urinary infection. Got mediaction for infection.

The original reason for the exam: The reason was urinary infection and problems with urination.

It was useful. It was humiliating or awful.


I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, Canada",30 - 38 years old, Year 2009.I Had cystoscopy in the doctor's or nurse's office at school.

Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. my wife Wnet with me. While in got medicine to get very sleepy but was awake.

I got lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. I lay on back with legs in stirrups. They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside. I also had a dre to check the prostate.

Original reason:
The reason was problems with urination.

It was not any big deal.

This is the third adult respondent that tell they got cystocopy at school. They possibly work at the same school that has a large medical service for the kids and the employees.


I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America.,usawife dro, 30 - 38 years old, Years 1970-1979. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.

I got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. wife went with me to hospital. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Given enema during preparations.

Got a a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Was put totallly to sleep. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

Othet exams:
They also inspected anus with a scope. No special arrangements.

Diagnosis and treatment:
Got mediaction for infection.

The original reason:
The reason was problems with urination.

It was not any big deal.

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