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Date Posted: 02:08:13 09/15/01 Sat
Author: Amanda (Better Known As: The Chula)
Subject: A Serious Message From A Former FWF Wrestler

I realize that its been a few days since this tragedy has occured, but the hurt and mourning of our nation has not ceased. I apologize for not posting something sooner, but my life, as I'm sure everyone else's lives, has been turned upside down since the horrid acts this past Tuesday morning.

It was quite ironic, I must say, the way I found out. It was early Tuesday morning, and I was getting ready for school. I finished early, for about the first time in my life, and I decided to check the news on AOL. I clicked on something and it said that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. My first reaction was "Oh My God!". The thought of terrorism never crossed my mind. I, as an American, am not faced with terrorism on a day-to-day basis, as many unfortunate people are. I thought it was just an accident.

So, I continued on with my daily schedule. I got on the bus and headed for my university. I got off the bus to see a mob of people. I walked towards the entrance and saw about 3 cops standing there, blocking the entrance. A woman was holding a sign up that said "Classes Cancelled: Septemeber 11, 2001". A date I'll never forget.

I was like "What's going on?", not thinking about the plane "accident". So I turned around to go back to the bus stop. Just then, I heard a loud noise, I look up to see 2 F-16's circling my school and the surrounding area. (I live about 5 minutes away from Manhattan, it is right across the Hudson River). I overheard a conversation between 2 guys and a girl about school closing due to a terrorist attack. I got scared shitless. I mean, most people would think a girl would be scared in this situation, but I am not a timid, shaky type of person. But this REALLY scared me! I ran over to the bus stop as quickly as I could and got on the bus.

On the bus, there was non-stop commotion about what had happened. I heard that another plane had crashed into the other tower and another hi-jacked plane was in the air as we spoke. I got so scared, I began to cry. A woman on the bus tried to console me as I wept. I began to pray like I had never prayed before. It was one of the scariest times in my life. I got off at my stop and literally ran to my front door. I hurried online to see if my best friend Sean (Sean Cole) was on. He was so I IM'ed him quickly and told him about what happened. I told him to call me because I couldn't even type due to my shaking fingers. The phone rang and I tried to tell him about the tragedy in between weeps and whimpers. He was in horror and shock. We both turned on the news and watched in horror as we learned that the Pentagon had been struck as well. We watched in fear as both Twin Towers collaped, killing thousands of Americans. And there we sat, watching the news until this very day.

Those days were the hardest for me. Even though I lived through Desert Storm, I was only about 7 or 8 then. I remember having nightmares and having to sleep in my mother's bed. I was scared that Sadam Hussein was going to come and get me. I didn't understand the basis of the war, and I didn't understand why my mother was afraid for her teenage sons to go to war. I just remember being horrified while watching my mother cry and while watching thousands of body bags on the news. But now I am old enough to realize what's going on. I am old enough to see for myself and experience the crying and the fear. I must thank Jeff (Bill Benway) and Sean for their continued support and help. I can't sleep at night. I can't even walk out of my house without being scared. The late nights that Jeff and Sean spent on AOL and on the phone with me have helped me to realize that I'm not alone in this. The whole nation is mourning with me.

I am sorry to get so personal on everyone, but I thought I'd share my experience with everyone. Maybe some of you can relate. I would like to say that this has touched me in a special way, being that I live so close to the Twin Towers. Everyday I look at the towers, on my way to school, on my way to the store, everytime I leave my house. The view of them is gorgeous. But, I'd like to say that this has affected everyone's lives. Not only those who live in NY or NJ or close to Manhattan. This has affected everyone in the USA and around the world. I think it is a beautiful thing to see the United States of America be just that, united. It is a shame that it took this travesty to unite us, but the saying that we keep repeating is true. This WILL make the US stronger. It may not seem like it now, but its true. Look at all of the support we are getting. I can't tell you how proud I feel everytime I walk out of my house and see an American flag flying on someone's porch, or on their car. It is a wonderful thing to see people come together like this. These terrorists may have knocked down our Twin Towers and smashed into our Pentagon, but they can never knock down our American pride!

I would personally like to send out my prayers to everyone who has lost a family member, a friend, a co-worker, or even a pet in this horrible disaster. I can't tell you how many times I've cried watching the people on the news looking for a loved one. I saw one man looking for his wife who was 5 months pregnant. I saw another person looking for her mother, crying, but staying strong at the same time. I, personally, know what its like to lose a mother. I know everyone is saying to get back to normalcy and continue on with our daily routines. But doesn't that just seem impossible? I know when my mother died, I thought my world had ended. I thought the earth would just come to a halt. But, it doesn't work that way. We have to, somehow, try to return to some sort of schedule. But, hopefully, sometime soon, KICKING SOME ARAB ASS will be in our schedule!

Now, I am not 100% racist. I tend to think that every race has its good and its bad. But what these pieces of shit did was horrendous. To come into our country, train in our schools, and then go and do this like it was nothing? How dare they? I am sitting here, scared in my own room! Scared to walk out of my own house! It really pisses me off that they can do this, and then run around their little clay huts in Palestine and Afghanistan and celebrate! Who do they think they are? Well, they'd better figure it out soon, because we're gonna need to put something on their tombstones!

I, personally, am not a violent person. I feel that fighting fire with fire never solves anything. What will happen if we bomb Afghanistan? Nothing. Do you actually think Bin Laden will weep? Do you actually think he'll care that his people are dying? No. What we need to do is go to the source itself. Capture that motherfucker, torture him until he begs for our forgiveness, then put him in a guillotine on live television. He and his "men" have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, as well as people from other countries. I don't think there is punishment that can even come close to equaling that. He is a heartless bastard and he should suffer.

I have read Bin Laden's war proclamation. One part says something to the effect of how it is the duty of all Muslims to kill Americans wherever and whenever possible. This really scared me and pissed me off. It scared me for obvious reasons but it pissed me off because he thinks he can go around doing whatever he wants. And these acts on Tuesday show that he has the power to come into OUR country and rile things up. America, in my opinion, is too trusting with who it lets into our country. I know that security is heightened now, but I, as an American citizen, am scared. Can this sort of thing happen again? And if so, will I be a statistic of it? Or how about my father, sister, brothers, niece, fiance, or best friends? This is why something must be done! And something will be done!

Most people looked at President Bush as a studdering idiot. But now, this is his test. This is his chance to prove to all Americans and all around the world that he is a great president. He will go down in history for leading the Anti-Terrorism Acts and bringing the US from one of its lowest points to one of its highest. Think of it as a WWF wrestler...just because he doesn't have mic skills, doesn't mean he can't get in the ring and kick some serious ass. Which is just what President Bush and his administration are gonna do! KICK SOME ASS!!

I wish I could say something to all of you to take the fear and anger out of your hearts. But I know no one can do that. I know that even when these cowards are brought to "justice" the anger and the fear still won't be gone. It will take time, because time heals all. That may sounds corny, especially coming from a psych major, but its true. America will not stand for this shit! We will fight back and be as united as ever. I, for one, am proud to be an American citizen. It is the land of the free and the home of the brave. That's why all of us must be brave in this time of sorrow. Be strong and help one another.

I would like to commend everyone who wrote something on the boards. Benway, KI, BPC, Pantera, Total, Kopy Kat...you all wrote from the heart and it felt nice to see that all of you care. BPC, I was really touched reading that a tear came to your eye. I appreciate you for being so honest and it feels good to know that I was not the only one crying. It feels good to know that wherever you go, there is a fellow American mourning with you and feeling your pain.

In conclusion, I'd just like to say that everyone is in my prayers. Not only the people who have lost loved ones, but everyone in The United States who is sitting at home in fear. I pray that our nation will bring terrorism to an end so that we do not have to feel this way ever again. Yes, September 11, 2001 is a date that will go down in history. But hopefully soon, we will have another date to put in our textbooks. The date that the United States raises its head high in victory over this atrocity. I thank everyone for taking the time out to read what I had to say. And if you have comments or just would like to talk, you can email me at LilPryncess29@aol.com.


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